Founded in 1607, Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) is a research university steeped in tradition. Inspired by curiosity for the unknown, we enable around 26,500 students and 5,700 employees to advance science for society. Join us in breaking new ground and writing success stories - your own and those of the university. Support us from the earliest possible date on a part-time basis (65%) as a Research Associate (m/f/d) with a research focus on reproductive biology/immunology. The position is to be filled in the third-party funded project: "The role of regulatory T-cells and type-17 T-cells in testicular tumors and testicular inflammation" on a fixed-term basis in accordance with § 2 WissZeitVG and § 72 HessHG with the opportunity for own scientific qualification at the Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Histology and Embryology at the Department of Veterinary Medicine. If the requirements of the collective agreement are met, remuneration will be in accordance with pay group 13 TV-H. You will be employed for a period of 4 years, provided that the maximum permitted period of temporary employment is not exceeded. In this doctoral project, state-of-the-art methods (including RNA sequencing, CODEX, flow cytometry) will be used in close collaboration between the Departments of Veterinary Medicine and Medicine at Justus Liebig University and the Institute of Systems Immunology at Philipps University Marburg to analyze the involvement of the immune system in the development of testicular tumors and spermatogenesis disorders. The analysis of the immune cells involved, with a particular focus on T cells, is carried out both ex vivo on tissue samples obtained both in cases of suspected tumors and routinely in cases of male infertility, and supplemented by in vitro models. You will classify the tissue samples morphologically, immunohistochemically and molecular biologically according to standard examination methods and describe the immune cell populations present in normal and impaired spermatogenesis as well as in precursors to malignant germ cell tumors and manifest testicular cancer. In cell culture experiments with downstream analysis of gene expression and cytokine release, you will identify functional relationships and decipher communication pathways between tumor cells, somatic cells, and immune cells in the human testis. The provision of scientific services (including the processing of a research project financed by third-party funds for a limited period of time) also serves as a scientific qualification. Your qualifications and skills -Completed scientific university degree in biology, biochemistry, immunology, medicine or comparable disciplines - High interest in reproductive immunology and tumor immunology, as well as fundamental enjoyment of analytical-conceptual scientific and laboratory work - Ability to work independently, motivation, initiative and willingness to learn and apply immunological and molecular biological techniques - Previous knowledge in the field of reproductive immunology, molecular biology and cell culture is an advantage - Very good written and spoken English skills are required as well as basic scientific working techniques - Personally, you are characterized by an above-average level of motivation, commitment and the ability to work in a team. Our offer to you - In a dynamic international working environment, we offer you state-of-the-art technologies to carry out varied and responsible research tasks - You can present your research results at national and international scientific conferences - You will be part of a structured qualification program for doctoral students at the International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>) - A varied job with flexible working hours - Free use of local public transport (LandesTicket Hessen) -More than 100 seminars, workshops and e-learning opportunities per year for personal development as well as a w...
Leihgesterner Weg 52
Apply Through
Stellenausschreibung Nr. 024/2025
Beim Landkreis Gießen ist im Fachdienst 62 – Veterinärwesen und
Verbraucherschutz zum 01. Februar 2025 eine Teilzeitstelle im Umfang von
wöchentlich 24,5 Stunden als
Amtliche Tierärztin / Amtlicher Tierarzt (w/m/d)
befristet bis zum 31.12.2025 für die Dauer von Teilzeitbeschäftigungen zu
Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst im Wesentlichen:
- alle Bereiche des amtstierärztlichen Dienstes mit dem Schwerpunkt
Lebensmittel- und Fleischhygieneüberwachung inklusive der amtlichen
Voraussetzungen für diese Stelle:
- tierärztliche Approbation
- Berufserfahrung im Bereich Lebensmittel – und/oder Fleischhygiene sowie in
der öffentlichen Veterinärverwaltung sind von Vorteil
- Fahrerlaubnis der Klasse B sowie die Bereitschaft zur Nutzung des
Privat-Pkw für dienstliche Zwecke gegen Erstattung der Reisekosten
- Gute EDV-Kenntnisse (MS-Office) und die Bereitschaft sich in die
veterinärspezifischen Programme Balvi IP, HIT und Traces NT einzuarbeiten
- Kommunikationsfähigkeit
- Entscheidungsfähigkeit
- Durchsetzungsvermögen
- Teamfähigkeit
- interkulturelle Kompetenz
Wir bieten Ihnen:
- ein vielseitiges und zukunftsorientiertes Aufgabenfeld
- umfangreiche Fort- und Weiterbildungsangebote
- Leistungen nach Tarifvertrag für den Öffentlichen Dienst (z.B.
Jahressonderzahlung, Leistungsentgelt)
- flexible und familienfreundliche Arbeitszeitgestaltung sowie die
Möglichkeit zum mobilen Arbeiten
- betriebliche Altersversorgung
- kostenfreies Jobticket für das gesamte RMV-Gebiet zur Nutzung des
öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs, kann auch privat und am Wochenende genutzt
werden und beinhaltet eine großzügige Mitnahmeregelung
Die Bereitschaft zum Dienst außerhalb der üblichen Arbeitszeiten – auch an
Wochenenden – wird vorausgesetzt.
Die Stelle ist nach Entgeltgruppe EG 14 TVöD bewertet.
Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.
Interessierte können sich bei Fragen zu den Stelleninhalten an die
Fachdienstleitung, Dr. Stefanie Graff, Tel. Nr. 0641/9390-6230, wenden.
Bei personalrechtlichen Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Helena Jacob, Tel.
0641/9390-1378, FD Personal.
Wir bitten Sie das Online-Bewerberportal www.interamt.dezu nutzen und sich
bis zum23.02.2025zu bewerben. Bei Fragen zum Online-Bewerberportal wenden Sie
sich [email protected] und Bewerbungen auf dem
Postweg können nicht berücksichtigt werden.
Ehrenamtliches Engagement wird im Landkreis Gießen gefördert. Soweit Sie
ehrenamtlich tätig sind, wird gebeten, dies in den Bewerbungsunterlagen
anzugeben. Im Ehrenamt erworbene Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten können
gegebenenfalls im Rahmen von Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung
positiv berücksichtigt werden, wenn sie für die vorgesehene Tätigkeit dienlich
Mit Einreichung der Bewerbungsunterlagen stimmen Sie der Verarbeitung Ihrer
personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen des Bewerbungsverfahrens zu. Eine Weitergabe
an Dritte erfolgt nicht. Nach Abschluss des Verfahrens werden die
Bewerbungsunterlagen vernichtet und die persönlichen Daten gelöscht.
Bitte bewerben Sie sich auf dieses Stellenangebot online über, Stellen-ID= 1257384. Der Link unten führt sie zu der Seite.
Founded in 1607, Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) is a research university steeped in tradition. Inspired by curiosity for the unknown, we enable around 26,500 students and 5,700 employees to advance science for society. Join us in breaking new ground and writing success stories - your own and those of the university.
Support us from the earliest possible date on a part-time basis (65%) as a
Research Associate (m/f/d)
with a research focus on reproductive biology/immunology.
The position is to be filled in the third-party funded project: "The role of regulatory T-cells and type-17 T-cells in testicular tumors and testicular inflammation" on a fixed-term basis in accordance with § 2 WissZeitVG and § 72 HessHG with the opportunity for own scientific qualification at the Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Histology and Embryology at the Department of Veterinary Medicine. If the requirements of the collective agreement are met, remuneration will be in accordance with pay group 13 TV-H.
You will be employed for a period of 4 years, provided that the maximum permitted period of temporary employment is not exceeded. In this doctoral project, state-of-the-art methods (including RNA sequencing, CODEX, flow cytometry) will be used in close collaboration between the Departments of Veterinary Medicine and Medicine at Justus Liebig University and the Institute of Systems Immunology at Philipps University Marburg to analyze the involvement of the immune system in the development of testicular tumors and spermatogenesis disorders. The analysis of the immune cells involved, with a particular focus on T cells, is carried out both ex vivo on tissue samples obtained both in cases of suspected tumors and routinely in cases of male infertility, and supplemented by in vitro models. You will classify the tissue samples morphologically, immunohistochemically and molecular biologically according to standard examination methods and describe the immune cell populations present in normal and impaired spermatogenesis as well as in precursors to malignant germ cell tumors and manifest testicular cancer. In cell culture experiments with downstream analysis of gene expression and cytokine release, you will identify functional relationships and decipher communication pathways between tumor cells, somatic cells, and immune cells in the human testis.
The provision of scientific services (including the processing of a research project financed by third-party funds for a limited period of time) also serves as a scientific qualification. Your qualifications and skills
-Completed scientific university degree in biology, biochemistry, immunology, medicine or comparable disciplines
- High interest in reproductive immunology and tumor immunology, as well as fundamental enjoyment of analytical-conceptual scientific and laboratory work
- Ability to work independently, motivation, initiative and willingness to learn and apply immunological and molecular biological techniques
- Previous knowledge in the field of reproductive immunology, molecular biology and cell culture is an advantage
- Very good written and spoken English skills are required as well as basic scientific working techniques
- Personally, you are characterized by an above-average level of motivation, commitment and the ability to work in a team. Our offer to you
- In a dynamic international working environment, we offer you state-of-the-art technologies to carry out varied and responsible research tasks
- You can present your research results at national and international scientific conferences
- You will be part of a structured qualification program for doctoral students at the International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL,
- A varied job with flexible working hours
- Free use of local public transport (LandesTicket Hessen)
-More than 100 seminars, workshops and e-learning opportunities per year for personal development as well as a w...