PhD Student Biology, Chemistry (m/f/d)

PhD Student Biology, Chemistry (m/f/d) in Jena

PhD Student Biology, Chemistry (m/f/d) in Jena, Deutschland

Stellenangebot als Chemiker/in in Jena , THUERINGEN, Deutschland

Stellenbeschreibung | Jobbörse Arbeitsagentur

Job Advertisement

The Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology ( Leibniz-HKI ) investigates the pathobiology of human-pathogenic fungi and develops novel natural product-based antiinfectives. As part of the Thuringian Research Group Program, we are currently setting up the junior research group Secondary Metabolism of Microbial Interactions and invite talented and highly motivated candidates to apply for a position as a

Doctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in Natural Product Discovery

for three years initially.
 Natural products, especially of bacterial or fungal origin, are an important source of new antibiotics. These metabolites further play important roles in microbial interactions and communication. For the discovery of novel (antimicrobial) natural products, we are investigating interactions in the moss microbiome - a promising, but so far understudied habitat. The candidate will use a combination of bioinformatics and metabolomics methods to determine the biosynthetic potential of moss-associated bacteria, select promising strains for (co)cultivation, isolate and characterize novel natural products, and determine their bioactivities. To complement the young and committed team, we are seeking two excellent and enthusiastic PhD candidates to start in January 2025.

The project is supported by the Free State of Thuringia and the European Social Fund Plus.
	Master’s degree (or equivalent) in life sciences or chemistry (e.g. [chemical] biology, biochemistry, microbiology, bioinformatics, or a related discipline)
	Strong interest in the interdisciplinary research of natural products, biosynthetic pathways / enzymes, and microbial interactions
	Experience in working with microorganisms, if possible also with plants
	Experience in chemistry (natural product isolation and purification) or analytical chemistry (LC-MS, NMR) is an advantage
	Data analysis and (Python) programming skills are a plus
	Very good communication skills in English, both written and spoken
 The successful candidate will be hosted in the junior research group Secondary Metabolism of Microbial Interactions, led by Dr. Jethro Hemmann.

The Leibniz-HKI is embedded in the outstanding scientific environment of the Beutenberg Campus providing state-of-the-art research facilities and a highly integrative network of life science groups. We offer a multifaceted scientific project with excellent technical facilities, a place in a committed team, as well as strong scientific collaborations.

The PhD candidate will participate in the structured program of the International Leibniz Research School and can become an associated member of the Jena School of Microbial Communication.

Salary is paid according to German TV-L (salary agreement for public service employees).
Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Bundesagentur für Arbeit




Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e. V. – Hans-Knöll-Ins...

Beutenbergstraße 11A


Beutenbergstraße, 07745, Jena, Thueringen, Deutschland"

Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e. V. – Hans-Knöll-Ins...
UID | BB-6708eb4ad2284-6708eb4ad2285
Bundesagentur für Arbeit


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Chemiker (m/w/d) (Chemiker/in)


Friedrich Schiller University is a traditional University with a strong research profile based in the heart of Germany. As a University covering all disciplines, we offer a wide range of subjects. Our research is focused on the areas Light-Life-Liberty. We are closely networked with non-research institutions, research companies and renowned cultural institutions. With around 17.000 students and more than 10.000 employees, our University plays a major role in shaping Jena’s character as a cosmopolitan and future-oriented city.

The Institute of Physical Chemistry, the group of Applied Physical Chemistry & Molecular Nanotechnology seeks to fill as soon as possible a position of

Research Associate / Postdoc
on the topic of 2D materials

We offer a full-time position (100%, 40 hours per week, salary group E 13 TV-L) based on a fixed-term contract initially limited until 30.11.2026.

The successful candidate will join a highly motivated and interdisciplinary experimental research group led by Professor Andrey Turchanin ( The group focuses on physical, chemical, and materials science aspects related to the nanoscience and nanotechnology of inorganic and organic two-dimensional (2D) materials. Key research areas of the group include tailored growth of innovative 2D materials, nanoscale characterization of their physical and chemical properties using state-of-the-art spectroscopy and microscopy techniques, and characterization of their functional properties in electronic, photonic, and optoelectronic devices including field-effect transistors, memristors, photodetectors, chemical and biochemical sensors. The postdoctoral project will focus on the study of inorganic or organic transition 2D materials, their lateral and van der Waals heterostructures. Depending on your academic background, the project focus can be placed to one or more of the following research areas:

Tailored growth of 2D materials with novel physical and chemical properties using the methods of chemical vapor deposition and/or electron irradiation induced chemical reactions.
Nanoscale studying of 2D materials using advanced spectroscopy and microscopy techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), Raman spectroscopy and microscopy, and photoluminescence measurements.
Development, clean room microfabrication and characterization of novel electronic and optoelectronics devices based on 2D materials for nanoelectronics, photonics or biomedical sensing.

You hold a PhD degree in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related discipline.
You have strong communication skills in English, both written and spoken.
You are eager to work in an interdisciplinary, dynamic, and international team.
You have a strong background in at least one of the listed under the responsibilities section

an excellent research environment within national and international networks
excellently equipped labs
excellently equipped office area
qualification, consultation, and additional support services from the Jena Graduate Academy
a family friendly work environment
Remuneration based on the provisions of the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Federal States (TV-L) at salary scale 13 - depending on the candidate’s personal qualification, including a special annual payment in accordance with the collective agreement
30 days of vacation per calendar year plus two days off on December 24 and 31

The advertised position is initially limited until 30.11.2026, an extension is possible depending on the further career plans, e.g., habitation or establishing an independent junior research group as well as available funding. The position is a full-time appointment rated at 100%, i.e. 40 hours per week.

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


Chemiker (m/w/d) (Chemiker/in)


Am Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie ( Leibniz-HKI ) erforschen wir die Pathobiologie von Mikroorganismen und untersuchen Targets für die Entwicklung neuer Naturstoff-basierter Wirkstoffe. Wir suchen zur Verstärkung für unser Biotechnikum einen begeisterungsfähigen

Postdoc (m/w/div) für Analytische Chemie / Chemische Verfahrenstechnik

Die Position ist zunächst auf drei Jahre befristet.

Das Biotechnikum am Leibniz-HKI untersucht, entwickelt und unterstützt die Bildung neuer Wirkstoffe und mikrobiologischer Produkte für vielfältige Anwendungen. Das Leibniz-HKI ist in der „Wissenschaftsstadt“ Jena am Beutenberg Campus beheimatet.

Ein Fokus des Biotechnikums liegt dabei auf der Erforschung und Entwicklung innovativer Bioprozesse und vollständiger Bioprozessketten. Dafür werden alle biologischen und verfahrenstechnischen Möglichkeiten angewendet, die uns die Natur und die herausragende Infrastruktur des Technikums bieten. Um unbekannte Organismen und deren metabolische Reaktionen zu verstehen und in einen Bioprozess zu überführen, ist eine begleitende effiziente Prozessanalytik essenziell. Hier kommen vor allem chromatografische und spektroskopische Methoden zum Einsatz. Essenzieller Bestandteil jedes Bioprozesses ist eine maßgeschneiderte Aufreinigung des Zielproduktes durch geeignete Trenn- und Reinigungsverfahren.

Wir suchen einen neuen Mitarbeiterin, derdie Expertise in prozessbegleitender Analytik und der Konzeption von Produktaufarbeitungsverfahren mitbringt und die Umsetzung wissenschaftlich leitet und betreut. Die Durchführung der entsprechenden Arbeiten erfolgt dabei stets in Zusammenarbeit mit erfahrenem technischen Personal. Unsere Forschung erfolgt in enger Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Abteilungen des Leibniz-HKI im Rahmen zahlreicher lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Großprojekte.

Sie entwickeln Protokolle und Methoden für die Lösung analytischer Fragestellungen mit modernstem chromatografischen Equipment (UHPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS, diversen Detektoren) und setzen diese gemeinsam mit dem Team um.
Sie entwickeln Konzepte für die Produktaufarbeitung aus vielfältigen Bioprozessen und von diversen mikrobiellen Systemen und setzen diese gemeinsam mit dem Team um.
Sie entwickeln unser technisches Portfolio für die Prozessanalytik und Produktaufarbeitung weiter und machen Vorschläge zur weiteren Verbesserung der Anlagen.
Sie verarbeiten, analysieren und interpretieren die Daten Ihrer Experimente, erstellen Berichte an andere Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler sowie für wissenschaftliche Publikationen.
Sie nehmen an wissenschaftlichen Diskussionen sowie an nationalen und internationalen Tagungen teil und präsentieren Ihre Arbeit.
Sie leiten technisches Personal in der täglichen Arbeit an.
Sie beteiligen sich an der studentischen Ausbildung und leiten Praktika an.

Sie haben einen Abschluss in Chemie, Chemischer Verfahrenstechnik oder Biochemie.
Sie haben ausgeprägte und nachgewiesene Erfahrung in Analytischer Chemie und/oder Chemischer Verfahrenstechnik und haben in diesen Bereichen publiziert.
Sie haben eigenständiges wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Rahmen einer Promotion bewiesen.
Sie verfügen über Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen in der Naturstoffchemie oder Aufreinigung von Naturstoffen.
Sie verfügen über grundlegende Kenntnisse über mikrobielle Bioprozesse.
Freude an der Arbeit in einem internationalen und interdisziplinären Forschungsteam sowie teamorientiertes, kreatives und selbstständiges Arbeiten zeichnen Ihr Profil aus.
Sie haben Erfahrung in der Anleitung von Mitarbeitenden sowie Studentinnen und Studenten.
Sie verfügen über eine sehr gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit in Deutsch und Englisch.

Eine dynamische, innovative, interdisziplinäre, vielfältige und hoch motivierte Arbeitsgruppe
Ein herausragendes wissenschaftliches Umfeld am Beutenberg Campus mit hochmodernen Forschungseinrichtungen und einem integrativen Netzwerk lebenswissenschaftlicher und tech...

Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e. V. – Hans-Knöll-Ins...

Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e. V. – Hans-Knöll-Ins...


Doktorand Physik, Chemie - Quantenchemie (m/w/d) (Chemiker/in)


Die Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena ist eine traditionsreiche und forschungsstarke Universität im Zentrum Deutschlands. Als Volluniversität verfügt sie über ein breites Fächerspektrum. Ihre Spitzen-forschung bündelt sie in den Profillinien Light - Life - Liberty. Sie ist eng vernetzt mit außeruniversi-tären Forschungseinrichtungen, forschenden Unternehmen und namhaften Kultureinrichtungen. Mit über 17.000 Studierenden und mehr als 10.000 Beschäftigten prägt die Universität maßgeblich den Charakter Jenas als weltoffene und zukunftsorientierte Stadt.

An der Professur für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Institut für Physikalische Chemie ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine Stelle als

Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in

in Teilzeit (65% / 26 Wochenstunden) befristet bis zum 29.02.2028 zu besetzen.

Im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Projekts mit Projektpartnern der Universität Tübingen soll mithilfe quantenchemischer und elektrodynamischer Simulationen die Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkung in spitzenverstärkter Raman-Spektroskopie untersucht werden. Dabei können experimentell Sub-Nanometer-Spalte zwischen Metallspitze und Probenoberfläche auftreten, die sowohl die chemische Umgebung der Probe beeinflussen als auch zu starker Feldüberhöhung durch Bildung von Nano- und Pikokavitäten führt. Beide Aspekte müssen in die theoretische Betrachtung einbezogen werden, um die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen, gemeinsam mit dem Experiment aufklären zu können.
Durchführung quantenchemischer und elektromagnetischer Simulationen im Projekt
Arbeit an einem eigenen wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierungsprojekt, der Promotion

Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Masterstudium Physik oder Chemie
Idealerweise Kenntnisse in den Bereichen elektromagnetische Modellierung (FEM, FDTD…) und/oder Quantenchemie (DFT o.ä.)
Sie können sicher in englischer Sprache kommunizieren, sowohl mündlich als auch schriftlich
Sie arbeiten gerne in einem internationalen und interdisziplinären Team

Sie zögern, da Sie ein(ig)e unserer Anforderungen nicht erfüllen? Bewerben Sie sich trotzdem und geben Sie uns die Chance für ein Kennenlernen.
Vergütung nach den Bestimmungen des Tarifvertrages für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L) entsprechend den persönlichen Voraussetzungen nach Entgeltgruppe E13
Interdisziplinäre Forschung an der Schnittstelle zwischen Chemie und Physik
Teilnahme an internationalen Konferenzen
Flexible Arbeitszeiten (nach Rücksprache/Gleitzeit und ggf. Telearbeit)
Ein umfassendes Fort- und Weiterbildungsprogramm
Graduierten-Akademie für Promovierende und Postdocs
30 Tage Erholungsurlaub im Kalenderjahr zuzüglich zwei arbeitsfreie Tage am 24. und 31.12

Ihre Einstellung erfolgt für die Dauer von 3 Jahren.
Es handelt sich um eine Teilzeitstelle im Umfang von 65 % (26 Stunden/Woche).

Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Qualifikation bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann bewerben Sie sich bis zum 31.12.2024 über unser Onlineformular.

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


PostDoc Chemistry, Biology - Metabolomics (m/f/d)


The Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) in Jena is a federal and state government-funded research institute and member of the Leibniz Association (Leibniz-Gemeinschaft). FLI’s internationally visible and highly competitive research is focused on understanding the mechanisms of aging and associated age-related diseases. Scientists from over 40 countries are currently investigating the molecular mechanisms of aging and the occurrence of age-related diseases. Our aim is to create the basis for new approaches in medicine as a way to improve the health of the elderly (

The research group “Host-Microbiome Metabolism” led by Dr. Clara Correia-Melo is looking for an enthusiastic postdoctoral scientist for a start as soon as possible:

Postdoc (m/f/x) in Metabolomics as Part of an HFSP Research Grant

Job-ID: 24/10
The postdoctoral research project is integrated in a Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) collaborative grant aiming to systematically evaluate the chemical nature and source of bioactive modified nucleotides (modN), their cross-species effects, as well as a comprehensive understanding of respective modifying-detoxifying enzymes. This research project will be performed in close collaboration with the other involved groups at ETH Zurich (Beltrao Lab) and UCL in London (Fugger Lab), which will perform work enabling the prediction and evolutionary characterization of nucleotide modifying enzymes as well as characterize the physiological impact of bioactive modN respectively. Integrated in the HFSP Reserach Grant Program, the postdoc will also have the opportunity to be part of the HFSP-wide network of innovative science.
Scientific work in the Human Frontier Science Program in close collaboration with the partners
Characterizing the chemical identity, abundance, and biological origin of modN across species, particularly in human and gut bacteria samples
Using various experimental techniques, such as robotics-based tools for high-throughput (HTP) mammalian and microbiome culture and chemical analysis by mass spectrometry (MS)
Automating and parallelizing the modN profiling experiments
Planning and managing experiments
Supervising students at a different level of training
Being responsible for the project communication

PhD in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, or a related field
Technical expertise in Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)
Published or submitted research articles or patents
Strong commitment and work ethics and ability to work as part of a collaborative team
Good written and verbal communication skills in English

Will be a plus:

Technical expertise in performing microbial and/or mammalian cell culture
Programming skills in R or other programming languages
Enthusiasm to handle large datasets

An opportunity to join a research project under an HFSP Research Grant including work in close collaboration with world-leading scientific institutes and integration into the HFSP-wide community
An opportunity to join a very well-equipped lab with state-of-the-art high-throughput robotics and mass spectrometry instrumentation, located in a dynamic, stimulating, multidisciplinary work environment
Ability to lead cutting-edge research projects using a range of complementary methods and techniques to address focused questions
Access to multiple state-of-the-art facilities; our work is embedded in the Beutenberg Campus, an interdisciplinary base for innovative research
A position integrated in the FLI PostDoc Network; the network promotes interdisciplinary collaborations involving clinician scientists, basic scientists, and bioinformaticians and supports career development and postdoctoral training courses
The contract conditions and the salary will be according to the collective labour agreement for public service employees of the federal states of Germany (E 13 TV-L) for the duration of the project (three years planned)
Wide range of...

Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI)

Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI)


PhD Student Biology, Chemistry (m/f/d)


Job Advertisement

The Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology ( Leibniz-HKI ) investigates the pathobiology of human-pathogenic fungi and develops novel natural product-based antiinfectives. As part of the Thuringian Research Group Program, we are currently setting up the junior research group Secondary Metabolism of Microbial Interactions and invite talented and highly motivated candidates to apply for a position as a

Doctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in Natural Product Discovery

for three years initially.
Natural products, especially of bacterial or fungal origin, are an important source of new antibiotics. These metabolites further play important roles in microbial interactions and communication. For the discovery of novel (antimicrobial) natural products, we are investigating interactions in the moss microbiome - a promising, but so far understudied habitat. The candidate will use a combination of bioinformatics and metabolomics methods to determine the biosynthetic potential of moss-associated bacteria, select promising strains for (co)cultivation, isolate and characterize novel natural products, and determine their bioactivities. To complement the young and committed team, we are seeking two excellent and enthusiastic PhD candidates to start in January 2025.

The project is supported by the Free State of Thuringia and the European Social Fund Plus.

Master’s degree (or equivalent) in life sciences or chemistry (e.g. [chemical] biology, biochemistry, microbiology, bioinformatics, or a related discipline)
Strong interest in the interdisciplinary research of natural products, biosynthetic pathways / enzymes, and microbial interactions
Experience in working with microorganisms, if possible also with plants
Experience in chemistry (natural product isolation and purification) or analytical chemistry (LC-MS, NMR) is an advantage
Data analysis and (Python) programming skills are a plus
Very good communication skills in English, both written and spoken
The successful candidate will be hosted in the junior research group Secondary Metabolism of Microbial Interactions, led by Dr. Jethro Hemmann.

The Leibniz-HKI is embedded in the outstanding scientific environment of the Beutenberg Campus providing state-of-the-art research facilities and a highly integrative network of life science groups. We offer a multifaceted scientific project with excellent technical facilities, a place in a committed team, as well as strong scientific collaborations.

The PhD candidate will participate in the structured program of the International Leibniz Research School and can become an associated member of the Jena School of Microbial Communication.

Salary is paid according to German TV-L (salary agreement for public service employees).

Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e. V. – Hans-Knöll-Ins...

Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e. V. – Hans-Knöll-Ins...


PostDoc Chemistry, Biology - Metabolomics (m/f/d)


The Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) in Jena is a federal and state government-funded research institute and member of the Leibniz Association (Leibniz-Gemeinschaft). FLI’s internationally visible and highly competitive research is focused on understanding the mechanisms of aging and associated age-related diseases. Scientists from over 40 countries are currently investigating the molecular mechanisms of aging and the occurrence of age-related diseases. Our aim is to create the basis for new approaches in medicine as a way to improve the health of the elderly (

The research group “Host-Microbiome Metabolism” led by Dr. Clara Correia-Melo is looking for an enthusiastic postdoctoral scientist for a start as soon as possible:

Postdoc (m/f/x) in Metabolomics as Part of an HFSP Research Grant

Job-ID: 24/10
The postdoctoral research project is integrated in a Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) collaborative grant aiming to systematically evaluate the chemical nature and source of bioactive modified nucleotides (modN), their cross-species effects, as well as a comprehensive understanding of respective modifying-detoxifying enzymes. This research project will be performed in close collaboration with the other involved groups at ETH Zurich (Beltrao Lab) and UCL in London (Fugger Lab), which will perform work enabling the prediction and evolutionary characterization of nucleotide modifying enzymes as well as characterize the physiological impact of bioactive modN respectively. Integrated in the HFSP Reserach Grant Program, the postdoc will also have the opportunity to be part of the HFSP-wide network of innovative science.
Scientific work in the Human Frontier Science Program in close collaboration with the partners
Characterizing the chemical identity, abundance, and biological origin of modN across species, particularly in human and gut bacteria samples
Using various experimental techniques, such as robotics-based tools for high-throughput (HTP) mammalian and microbiome culture and chemical analysis by mass spectrometry (MS)
Automating and parallelizing the modN profiling experiments
Planning and managing experiments
Supervising students at a different level of training
Being responsible for the project communication

PhD in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, or a related field
Technical expertise in Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)
Published or submitted research articles or patents
Strong commitment and work ethics and ability to work as part of a collaborative team
Good written and verbal communication skills in English

Will be a plus:

Technical expertise in performing microbial and/or mammalian cell culture
Programming skills in R or other programming languages
Enthusiasm to handle large datasets

An opportunity to join a research project under an HFSP Research Grant including work in close collaboration with world-leading scientific institutes and integration into the HFSP-wide community
An opportunity to join a very well-equipped lab with state-of-the-art high-throughput robotics and mass spectrometry instrumentation, located in a dynamic, stimulating, multidisciplinary work environment
Ability to lead cutting-edge research projects using a range of complementary methods and techniques to address focused questions
Access to multiple state-of-the-art facilities; our work is embedded in the Beutenberg Campus, an interdisciplinary base for innovative research
A position integrated in the FLI PostDoc Network; the network promotes interdisciplinary collaborations involving clinician scientists, basic scientists, and bioinformaticians and supports career development and postdoctoral training courses
The contract conditions and the salary will be according to the collective labour agreement for public service employees of the federal states of Germany (E 13 TV-L) for the duration of the project (three years planned)
Wide range of...

Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI)

Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI)


PostDoc Chemistry, Biology - Metabolomics (m/f/d)


The Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) in Jena is a federal and state government-funded research institute and member of the Leibniz Association (Leibniz-Gemeinschaft). FLI’s internationally visible and highly competitive research is focused on understanding the mechanisms of aging and associated age-related diseases. Scientists from over 40 countries are currently investigating the molecular mechanisms of aging and the occurrence of age-related diseases. Our aim is to create the basis for new approaches in medicine as a way to improve the health of the elderly (

The research group “Host-Microbiome Metabolism” led by Dr. Clara Correia-Melo is looking for an enthusiastic postdoctoral scientist for a start as soon as possible:

Postdoc (m/f/x) in Metabolomics as Part of an HFSP Research Grant

Job-ID: 24/10
The postdoctoral research project is integrated in a Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) collaborative grant aiming to systematically evaluate the chemical nature and source of bioactive modified nucleotides (modN), their cross-species effects, as well as a comprehensive understanding of respective modifying-detoxifying enzymes. This research project will be performed in close collaboration with the other involved groups at ETH Zurich (Beltrao Lab) and UCL in London (Fugger Lab), which will perform work enabling the prediction and evolutionary characterization of nucleotide modifying enzymes as well as characterize the physiological impact of bioactive modN respectively. Integrated in the HFSP Reserach Grant Program, the postdoc will also have the opportunity to be part of the HFSP-wide network of innovative science.
Scientific work in the Human Frontier Science Program in close collaboration with the partners
Characterizing the chemical identity, abundance, and biological origin of modN across species, particularly in human and gut bacteria samples
Using various experimental techniques, such as robotics-based tools for high-throughput (HTP) mammalian and microbiome culture and chemical analysis by mass spectrometry (MS)
Automating and parallelizing the modN profiling experiments
Planning and managing experiments
Supervising students at a different level of training
Being responsible for the project communication

PhD in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, or a related field
Technical expertise in Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)
Published or submitted research articles or patents
Strong commitment and work ethics and ability to work as part of a collaborative team
Good written and verbal communication skills in English

Will be a plus:

Technical expertise in performing microbial and/or mammalian cell culture
Programming skills in R or other programming languages
Enthusiasm to handle large datasets

An opportunity to join a research project under an HFSP Research Grant including work in close collaboration with world-leading scientific institutes and integration into the HFSP-wide community
An opportunity to join a very well-equipped lab with state-of-the-art high-throughput robotics and mass spectrometry instrumentation, located in a dynamic, stimulating, multidisciplinary work environment
Ability to lead cutting-edge research projects using a range of complementary methods and techniques to address focused questions
Access to multiple state-of-the-art facilities; our work is embedded in the Beutenberg Campus, an interdisciplinary base for innovative research
A position integrated in the FLI PostDoc Network; the network promotes interdisciplinary collaborations involving clinician scientists, basic scientists, and bioinformaticians and supports career development and postdoctoral training courses
The contract conditions and the salary will be according to the collective labour agreement for public service employees of the federal states of Germany (E 13 TV-L) for the duration of the project (three years planned)
Wide range of...

Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI)

Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung - Fritz-Lipmann-Institut e.V. (FLI)


PhD Student Biology, Chemistry (m/f/d)


Job Advertisement

The Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology ( Leibniz-HKI ) investigates the pathobiology of human-pathogenic fungi and develops novel natural product-based antiinfectives. As part of the Thuringian Research Group Program, we are currently setting up the junior research group Secondary Metabolism of Microbial Interactions and invite talented and highly motivated candidates to apply for a position as a

Doctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in Natural Product Discovery

for three years initially.
Natural products, especially of bacterial or fungal origin, are an important source of new antibiotics. These metabolites further play important roles in microbial interactions and communication. For the discovery of novel (antimicrobial) natural products, we are investigating interactions in the moss microbiome - a promising, but so far understudied habitat. The candidate will use a combination of bioinformatics and metabolomics methods to determine the biosynthetic potential of moss-associated bacteria, select promising strains for (co)cultivation, isolate and characterize novel natural products, and determine their bioactivities. To complement the young and committed team, we are seeking two excellent and enthusiastic PhD candidates to start in January 2025.

The project is supported by the Free State of Thuringia and the European Social Fund Plus.

Master’s degree (or equivalent) in life sciences or chemistry (e.g. [chemical] biology, biochemistry, microbiology, bioinformatics, or a related discipline)
Strong interest in the interdisciplinary research of natural products, biosynthetic pathways / enzymes, and microbial interactions
Experience in working with microorganisms, if possible also with plants
Experience in chemistry (natural product isolation and purification) or analytical chemistry (LC-MS, NMR) is an advantage
Data analysis and (Python) programming skills are a plus
Very good communication skills in English, both written and spoken
The successful candidate will be hosted in the junior research group Secondary Metabolism of Microbial Interactions, led by Dr. Jethro Hemmann.

The Leibniz-HKI is embedded in the outstanding scientific environment of the Beutenberg Campus providing state-of-the-art research facilities and a highly integrative network of life science groups. We offer a multifaceted scientific project with excellent technical facilities, a place in a committed team, as well as strong scientific collaborations.

The PhD candidate will participate in the structured program of the International Leibniz Research School and can become an associated member of the Jena School of Microbial Communication.

Salary is paid according to German TV-L (salary agreement for public service employees).

Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e. V. – Hans-Knöll-Ins...

Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e. V. – Hans-Knöll-Ins...