Sales Manager (m/f/d) – Software Automotive (Sales-Manager/in)

Sales Manager (m/f/d)  –  Software Automotive (Sales-Manager/in) in Höchberg

Sales Manager (m/f/d) – Software Automotive (Sales-Manager/in) in Höchberg, Deutschland

Stellenangebot als Sales-Manager/in in Höchberg , Bavaria, Deutschland



This is the world of Wölfel. Would you like to combine your passion for technical sales with an international working environment and are you open to exciting challenges? Then we would be delighted if you would join our team with immediate effect as a Sales Manager (m/f/d) in the Software Automotive sector on a full-time or part-time basis at our Höchberg (near Würzburg) or Hamburg site. 

As an innovative and crisis-proof family business, we have been offering engineering services and system solutions in the fields of structural dynamics, vibration technology and acoustics for over 50 years. We are looking for talents who want to make a difference and drive things forward.

Location: Höchberg (near Würzburg) or Hamburg
Area: Automotive and seat comfort
Date: full-time / part-time – as of now
Career level: Entry-level and experienced professional

What you can expect

- You shape our future: As Sales Manager (m/f/d), you will be responsible for the sales of our software solution CASIMIR, a virtual human model for evaluating seating comfort in vehicles and the associated services. Together with our product management team, you will develop a sustainable growth strategy for the overall European, US and Asian markets, with a focus on the Chinese market.
- With your communication skills to success: You are the central point of contact for our existing customers, acquire new customers and conclude new contracts. You will monitor the market environment in the automotive sector with regard to market trends and competition, prepare order and sales forecasts and report to the management. Your tasks will also include occasional worldwide sales trips (max. 20% of your working time) as well as preparing and organizing customer events.
- Your team spirit is required: As a Sales Manager (m/f/d), you will be an integral part of a friendly team right from the start, in which you will have a wide range of opportunities to develop your potential and proactively contribute your innovative ideas.

What we expect from you

- Education: You have successfully completed your Bachelor's or Master's degree in industrial engineering or a comparable technical degree program.
- Experience and knowledge: You already have sales experience in the Chinese market. Ideally, you are familiar with technical software solutions in the areas of automotive, seating comfort, biomechanics or simulation (finite element method). You also have skills in the areas of business development, sales management and key account management.
- Personal strengths: As a Sales Manager (m/f/d), you quickly familiarize yourself with new technical topics and are customer-oriented, flexible and reliable. You will impress with your negotiating skills as well as strong communication and social skills. In addition to fluency in German, you are also business fluent in English and Mandarin. A willingness to travel worldwide rounds off your profile.

Our benefits for you

- Attractive working environment: Permanent employment contract, performance-related remuneration, crisis-proof and family-friendly workplace, flexible working hours, individual home office options, flat hierarchies, team-oriented working atmosphere, modern working environment.
- Innovation and development: A wide range of innovative projects with a high level of personal responsibility, use of the latest technologies and methods, opportunities to drive new topics forward, strengths-based approach for your individual career path, further training opportunities tailored to your interests and goals.
- Feelgood benefits: Company health measures (exercise, nutrition, mental health), various sports groups (e.g. running, cycling, yoga), JobRad leasing, free drinks, employer subsidy for the cafeter




Wölfel Group

Elke Gernert


Wölfel Group
UID | BB-67b002d34d2bf-67b002d34d2c0


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Sales Manager (m/f/d) – Software Automotive (Sales-Manager/in)



This is the world of Wölfel. Would you like to combine your passion for technical sales with an international working environment and are you open to exciting challenges? Then we would be delighted if you would join our team with immediate effect as a Sales Manager (m/f/d) in the Software Automotive sector on a full-time or part-time basis at our Höchberg (near Würzburg) or Hamburg site.

As an innovative and crisis-proof family business, we have been offering engineering services and system solutions in the fields of structural dynamics, vibration technology and acoustics for over 50 years. We are looking for talents who want to make a difference and drive things forward.

Location: Höchberg (near Würzburg) or Hamburg
Area: Automotive and seat comfort
Date: full-time / part-time – as of now
Career level: Entry-level and experienced professional

What you can expect

- You shape our future: As Sales Manager (m/f/d), you will be responsible for the sales of our software solution CASIMIR, a virtual human model for evaluating seating comfort in vehicles and the associated services. Together with our product management team, you will develop a sustainable growth strategy for the overall European, US and Asian markets, with a focus on the Chinese market.
- With your communication skills to success: You are the central point of contact for our existing customers, acquire new customers and conclude new contracts. You will monitor the market environment in the automotive sector with regard to market trends and competition, prepare order and sales forecasts and report to the management. Your tasks will also include occasional worldwide sales trips (max. 20% of your working time) as well as preparing and organizing customer events.
- Your team spirit is required: As a Sales Manager (m/f/d), you will be an integral part of a friendly team right from the start, in which you will have a wide range of opportunities to develop your potential and proactively contribute your innovative ideas.

What we expect from you

- Education: You have successfully completed your Bachelor's or Master's degree in industrial engineering or a comparable technical degree program.
- Experience and knowledge: You already have sales experience in the Chinese market. Ideally, you are familiar with technical software solutions in the areas of automotive, seating comfort, biomechanics or simulation (finite element method). You also have skills in the areas of business development, sales management and key account management.
- Personal strengths: As a Sales Manager (m/f/d), you quickly familiarize yourself with new technical topics and are customer-oriented, flexible and reliable. You will impress with your negotiating skills as well as strong communication and social skills. In addition to fluency in German, you are also business fluent in English and Mandarin. A willingness to travel worldwide rounds off your profile.

Our benefits for you

- Attractive working environment: Permanent employment contract, performance-related remuneration, crisis-proof and family-friendly workplace, flexible working hours, individual home office options, flat hierarchies, team-oriented working atmosphere, modern working environment.
- Innovation and development: A wide range of innovative projects with a high level of personal responsibility, use of the latest technologies and methods, opportunities to drive new topics forward, strengths-based approach for your individual career path, further training opportunities tailored to your interests and goals.
- Feelgood benefits: Company health measures (exercise, nutrition, mental health), various sports groups (e.g. running, cycling, yoga), JobRad leasing, free drinks, employer subsidy for the cafeter

Wölfel Group

Wölfel Group


Sales Manager (m/w/d) im Bereich Software Automotive (Sales-Manager/in)


Innovation – Tradition – Wir-Gefühl

Das ist die Welt von Wölfel. Sie möchten Ihre Leidenschaft für den technischen Vertrieb mit einem internationalen Arbeitsumfeld verbinden und sind offen für spannende Herausforderungen? Dann freuen wir uns, wenn Sie unser Team ab sofort als Sales Manager (m/w/d) im Bereich Software Automotive in Voll- oder Teilzeit am Standort Höchberg oder Hamburg unterstützen.

Als innovatives und krisenfestes Familienunternehmen bieten wir seit über 50 Jahren Ingenieurdienstleistungen und Systemlösungen auf den Gebieten der Strukturdynamik, der Schwingungstechnik und der Akustik an. Wir sind auf der Suche nach Talenten, die etwas bewirken und vorantreiben wollen.

Was Sie mitbringen sollten

- Ausbildung: Sie haben Ihr Bachelor- oder Masterstudium im Bereich Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder einen vergleichbaren technischen Studiengang erfolgreich absolviert.
- Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse: Sie haben bereits Vertriebserfahrung im chinesischen Markt. Idealerweise sind Sie mit technischen Softwarelösungen im Bereich Automotive, Sitzkomfort, Biomechanik oder Simulation (Finite-Elemente-Methode) vertraut. Zusätzlich bringen Sie Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Business Development, Sales Management und Key Account Management mit.
- Persönliche Stärken: Als Sales Manager (m/w/d) arbeiten Sie sich schnell in neue technische Themen ein, sind kundenorientiert, flexibel und zuverlässig. Sie überzeugen durch Ihr Verhandlungsgeschick, Ihre Kommunikationsstärke und ausgeprägte soziale Kompetenz. Neben fließenden Deutschkenntnissen verfügen Sie auch über verhandlungssichere Englisch- und Mandarin-Kenntnisse. Weltweite Reisebereitschaft runden Ihr Profil ab.

Was Sie erwartet

- Sie gestalten unsere Zukunft mit: Als Sales Manager (m/w/d) sind Sie verantwortlich für den Vertrieb unserer Softwarelösung CASIMIR, einem virtuellen Menschmodell zur Bewertung des Sitzkomforts in Fahrzeugen und den dazugehörigen Dienstleistungen. Gemeinsam mit unserem Produktmanagement entwickeln Sie eine nachhaltige Wachstumsstrategie für den Gesamtmarkt Europa, USA und Asien, wobei Ihr Fokus auf dem chinesischen Markt liegt.
- Mit Ihrer Kommunikationsfähigkeit zum Erfolg: Sie sind die zentrale Ansprechperson für unsere bestehenden Kunden, gewinnen Neukunden und erzielen neue Vertragsabschlüsse. Sie beobachten das Marktumfeld im Bereich Automotive im Hinblick auf Markttrends und Wettbewerb, erstellen Auftrags- und Umsatzprognosen und übernehmen das Reporting an die Geschäftsleitung. Auch gelegentliche weltweite Vertriebsreisen (max. 20 % Ihrer Arbeitszeit) sowie die inhaltliche Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Kundenveranstaltungen zählen zu Ihren Aufgaben.
- Ihr Teamspirit ist gefragt: Sie sind als Sales Manager (m/w/d) von Beginn an fester Bestandteil eines sympathischen Teams, in dem Sie vielfältige Möglichkeiten haben, Ihr Potenzial zu entfalten und Ihre innovativen Ideen proaktiv einzubringen.

Was wir bieten

- Attraktives Arbeitsumfeld: Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag, leistungsgerechte Vergütung, krisensicherer und familienfreundlicher Arbeitsplatz, flexible Arbeitszeiten, individuelle Home-Office-Möglichkeiten, flache Hierarchien, teamorientierte Arbeitsatmosphäre, moderne Arbeitsumgebung.
- Innovation und Entwicklung: Vielfältige innovative Projekte mit hoher Eigenverantwortung, Einsatz neuester Technologien und Methoden, Möglichkeiten, neue Themen voranzutreiben, stärkenbasierter Ansatz für Ihren individuellen Karriereweg, Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten angepasst an Ihre Interessen und Ziele.
- Feelgood-Benefits: Betriebliche Gesundheitsmaßnahmen, verschiedene Sportgruppen, JobRad-Leasing, kostenlose Getränke, Arbeitsgeberzuschuss für die Cafeteria, Mitarbeiterparkplätze, jährliche Firmeneventsund noch vieles mehr.

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Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Elke Gernert
+49 931 49708-105

Wölfel Engineering GmbH & Co . KG

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