PhD Student Mathematics - R, Disease Modeling (m/f/d) (Physiker/in)

PhD Student Mathematics - R, Disease Modeling (m/f/d) (Physiker/in) in Münster

PhD Student Mathematics - R, Disease Modeling (m/f/d) (Physiker/in) à Münster, Deutschland

Emploi comme Physiker/in à Münster , Westfalen, Deutschland

Description du poste

The University Hospital of Münster is one of the leading hospitals in Germany. Such a position cannot be achieved by size and medical successes alone. The individual commitment counts above all. We need your commitment so that even with little things we can achieve great things for our patients. There are many possibilities open for you so that you may develop with them.

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit at the Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine of the University of Münster offers a position, initially limited to 3 years, starting as soon as possible.

PhD Student (gn*) Infectious Disease Modelling / Network Analysis

Part-time with 65 %
Salary according to TV-L E13
Job Id: 8972 - *gn=gender neutral

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit uses and develops modern statistical and mathematical methods for cutting-edge research questions, especially in the field of infectious disease epidemiology. A major focus of the unit is the parametrisation of infectious disease transmission models via the collection and extensive analysis of real-world epidemiological data, especially with respect to contact patterns. The unit is looking for a PhD student for the project “Getting more out of contacts - improved forecasting of disease dynamics by better implementation of contact survey data for parametrisation of infectious disease models” which is funded by the Innovative Medical Research program of the University of Münster.

involves developing a new methodological approach to derive information relevant to disease spread potential from contact surveys, via the use of detailed contact networks parametrised using existing contact survey data
will add key evidence to a crucial and up-to-date research topic
includes the collaboration with national and international scientists from various scientific backgrounds
will lead to high-quality peer-reviewed manuscripts in international journals

Master’s degree in mathematics, physics or a related discipline
Relevant experience in infectious disease epidemiology and/or in mathematical modelling would be an advantage.
Good programming skills in relevant programming languages (e. g. Julia, R, Python, C++)
An analytical and structured way of working, team and communication skills, as well as a sense of responsibility and quality awareness
Excellent English language skills, German language skills would be an advantage.

Full dedication to the PhD project in a semi-structured or unstructured PhD program
Support for further personal training not directly related to the project (e. g. structured development of leadership competencies)
An interesting and versatile workplace with challenging and exciting tasks and projects
Training and work in a multidisciplinary and committed research team

Applications of women are specifically invited. In the case of similar qualifications, competence, and specific achievements, women will be considered on preferential terms within the framework of the legal possibilities. Handicapped candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.


Date de début


Universitätsklinikum Münster

Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1


Universitätsklinikum Münster
UID | BB-661c86cb5396d-661c86cb5396e

Détails de la candidature

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Medizinphysiker (m/w/d) (Physiker/in)


Das Universitätsklinikum Münster ist eines der führenden Krankenhäuser Deutschlands. Eine solche Position erlangt man nicht nur durch Größe und medizinische Erfolge. Wichtig ist das Engagement jedes Einzelnen. Wir brauchen Ihr Engagement, um selbst im Kleinen Großes für unsere Patienten leisten zu können. Dafür bieten wir Ihnen viele Möglichkeiten, damit Sie selbst weiter wachsen können.

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Medizinphysik-Experte (gn*) Strahlentherapie

in Vollzeit mit 38,5 Wochenstunden
Vergütung je nach Qualifikation und Aufgabenübertragung nach TV-L
Kennziffer: 9135 - *gn=geschlechtsneutral

Zur Klinik gehören eine Poliklinik, ein Bereich Teletherapie und Brachytherapie, eine Bettenstation sowie je eine Abteilung Klinische Strahlenphysik und Strahlenbiologie.

Die apparative Ausstattung der Klinik befindet sich auf höchstem Niveau mit drei TrueBeam-Linearbeschleunigern, einem Halcyon, einem Ethos und einem Afterloader MicroSelectron. Neben der allgemeinen Strahlentherapie gehören zu den Schwerpunkten u. a. die Behandlung maligner Lymphome, die pädiatrische Radioonkologie, die Radiochirurgie, Rebestrahlungen sowie die Bildgebung in der Strahlentherapie.

Durchführung von Bestrahlungsplanung und Dosimetrie
Technische Betreuung der Geräte
Fachliche Weiterentwicklung von Qualitätssicherungskonzepten
Einführung und Umsetzung neuer Techniken im klinischen Routinebetrieb
Betreuen von IT-Projekten in der Strahlentherapie
Unterstützung in Lehre und Forschung

Masterabschluss in medizinischer Physik oder eine in medizinischer Physik gleichwertige Ausbildung mit Hochschulabschluss
Fachkunde Tele- und Brachytherapie für MPE, alternativ zeitnaher Sachkundeerwerb
Erfahrung in der Bestrahlungsplanung (insbesondere im Eclipse Fa. Varian) wünschenswert
Bereitschaft zur klinischen Forschung
Verantwortungsbewusstsein und Eigenständigkeit
ein breites und abwechslungsreiches Betätigungsfeld in einer hochmodernen Strahlentherapie, eine individuelle Förderung von Forschung und Wissenschaft basierend auf den Schwerpunkten der Klinik sowie auf interdisziplinären Kooperationen mit Kliniken und Instituten innerhalb und außerhalb des UKM, großzügige Unterstützung bei Fortbildungsveranstaltungen sowie eine attraktive Altersversorgung (VBL).

Das UKM unterstützt die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie und ist daher seit 2010 als familienbewusstes Unternehmen zertifiziert. Es besteht grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit der Teilzeitbeschäftigung. Die Bewerbung von Frauen wird begrüßt; im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorschriften werden Frauen bevorzugt eingestellt. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung besonders berücksichtigt.

Universitätsklinikum Münster

Universitätsklinikum Münster


Medizinphysiker (m/w/d) (Physiker/in)


Das Universitätsklinikum Münster ist eines der führenden Krankenhäuser Deutschlands. Eine solche Position erlangt man nicht nur durch Größe und medizinische Erfolge. Wichtig ist das Engagement jedes Einzelnen. Wir brauchen Ihr Engagement, um selbst im Kleinen Großes für unsere Patienten leisten zu können. Dafür bieten wir Ihnen viele Möglichkeiten, damit Sie selbst weiter wachsen können.

Wir suchen für die Klinik für Strahlentherapie - Radioonkologie zum 01.07.2024 unbefristet Sie!

Medizinphysik-Experte (gn*) Strahlentherapie

in Vollzeit mit 38,5 Wochenstunden
Vergütung je nach Qualifikation und Aufgabenübertragung nach TV-L
Kennziffer: 9135 - *gn=geschlechtsneutral

Zur Klinik gehören eine Poliklinik, ein Bereich Teletherapie und Brachytherapie, eine Bettenstation sowie je eine Abteilung Klinische Strahlenphysik und Strahlenbiologie.

Die apparative Ausstattung der Klinik befindet sich auf höchstem Niveau mit drei TrueBeam-Linearbeschleunigern, einem Halcyon, einem Ethos und einem Afterloader MicroSelectron. Neben der allgemeinen Strahlentherapie gehören zu den Schwerpunkten u. a. die Behandlung maligner Lymphome, die pädiatrische Radioonkologie, die Radiochirurgie, Rebestrahlungen sowie die Bildgebung in der Strahlentherapie.

Durchführung von Bestrahlungsplanung und Dosimetrie
Technische Betreuung der Geräte
Fachliche Weiterentwicklung von Qualitätssicherungskonzepten
Einführung und Umsetzung neuer Techniken im klinischen Routinebetrieb
Betreuen von IT-Projekten in der Strahlentherapie
Unterstützung in Lehre und Forschung

Masterabschluss in medizinischer Physik oder eine in medizinischer Physik gleichwertige Ausbildung mit Hochschulabschluss
Fachkunde Tele- und Brachytherapie für MPE, alternativ zeitnaher Sachkundeerwerb
Erfahrung in der Bestrahlungsplanung (insbesondere im Eclipse Fa. Varian) wünschenswert
Bereitschaft zur klinischen Forschung
Verantwortungsbewusstsein und Eigenständigkeit
ein breites und abwechslungsreiches Betätigungsfeld in einer hochmodernen Strahlentherapie, eine individuelle Förderung von Forschung und Wissenschaft basierend auf den Schwerpunkten der Klinik sowie auf interdisziplinären Kooperationen mit Kliniken und Instituten innerhalb und außerhalb des UKM, großzügige Unterstützung bei Fortbildungsveranstaltungen sowie eine attraktive Altersversorgung (VBL).

Das UKM unterstützt die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie und ist daher seit 2010 als familienbewusstes Unternehmen zertifiziert. Es besteht grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit der Teilzeitbeschäftigung. Die Bewerbung von Frauen wird begrüßt; im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorschriften werden Frauen bevorzugt eingestellt. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung besonders berücksichtigt.

Universitätsklinikum Münster

Universitätsklinikum Münster


PhD Student Mathematics - R, Disease Modeling (m/f/d) (Physiker/in)


The University Hospital of Münster is one of the leading hospitals in Germany. Such a position cannot be achieved by size and medical successes alone. The individual commitment counts above all. We need your commitment so that even with little things we can achieve great things for our patients. There are many possibilities open for you so that you may develop with them.

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit at the Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine of the University of Münster offers a position, initially limited to 3 years, starting as soon as possible.

PhD Student (gn*) Infectious Disease Modelling / Network Analysis

Part-time with 65 %
Salary according to TV-L E13
Job Id: 8972 - *gn=gender neutral

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit uses and develops modern statistical and mathematical methods for cutting-edge research questions, especially in the field of infectious disease epidemiology. A major focus of the unit is the parametrisation of infectious disease transmission models via the collection and extensive analysis of real-world epidemiological data, especially with respect to contact patterns. The unit is looking for a PhD student for the project “Getting more out of contacts - improved forecasting of disease dynamics by better implementation of contact survey data for parametrisation of infectious disease models” which is funded by the Innovative Medical Research program of the University of Münster.

involves developing a new methodological approach to derive information relevant to disease spread potential from contact surveys, via the use of detailed contact networks parametrised using existing contact survey data
will add key evidence to a crucial and up-to-date research topic
includes the collaboration with national and international scientists from various scientific backgrounds
will lead to high-quality peer-reviewed manuscripts in international journals

Master’s degree in mathematics, physics or a related discipline
Relevant experience in infectious disease epidemiology and/or in mathematical modelling would be an advantage.
Good programming skills in relevant programming languages (e. g. Julia, R, Python, C++)
An analytical and structured way of working, team and communication skills, as well as a sense of responsibility and quality awareness
Excellent English language skills, German language skills would be an advantage.

Full dedication to the PhD project in a semi-structured or unstructured PhD program
Support for further personal training not directly related to the project (e. g. structured development of leadership competencies)
An interesting and versatile workplace with challenging and exciting tasks and projects
Training and work in a multidisciplinary and committed research team

Applications of women are specifically invited. In the case of similar qualifications, competence, and specific achievements, women will be considered on preferential terms within the framework of the legal possibilities. Handicapped candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.

Universitätsklinikum Münster

Universitätsklinikum Münster


PhD Student Mathematics - R, Disease Modeling (m/f/d) (Physiker/in)


The University Hospital of Münster is one of the leading hospitals in Germany. Such a position cannot be achieved by size and medical successes alone. The individual commitment counts above all. We need your commitment so that even with little things we can achieve great things for our patients. There are many possibilities open for you so that you may develop with them.

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit at the Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine of the University of Münster offers a position, initially limited to 3 years, starting as soon as possible.

PhD Student (gn*) Infectious Disease Modelling / Network Analysis

Part-time with 65 %
Salary according to TV-L E13
Job Id: 8972 - *gn=gender neutral

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit uses and develops modern statistical and mathematical methods for cutting-edge research questions, especially in the field of infectious disease epidemiology. A major focus of the unit is the parametrisation of infectious disease transmission models via the collection and extensive analysis of real-world epidemiological data, especially with respect to contact patterns. The unit is looking for a PhD student for the project “Getting more out of contacts - improved forecasting of disease dynamics by better implementation of contact survey data for parametrisation of infectious disease models” which is funded by the Innovative Medical Research program of the University of Münster.

involves developing a new methodological approach to derive information relevant to disease spread potential from contact surveys, via the use of detailed contact networks parametrised using existing contact survey data
will add key evidence to a crucial and up-to-date research topic
includes the collaboration with national and international scientists from various scientific backgrounds
will lead to high-quality peer-reviewed manuscripts in international journals

Master’s degree in mathematics, physics or a related discipline
Relevant experience in infectious disease epidemiology and/or in mathematical modelling would be an advantage.
Good programming skills in relevant programming languages (e. g. Julia, R, Python, C++)
An analytical and structured way of working, team and communication skills, as well as a sense of responsibility and quality awareness
Excellent English language skills, German language skills would be an advantage.

Full dedication to the PhD project in a semi-structured or unstructured PhD program
Support for further personal training not directly related to the project (e. g. structured development of leadership competencies)
An interesting and versatile workplace with challenging and exciting tasks and projects
Training and work in a multidisciplinary and committed research team

Applications of women are specifically invited. In the case of similar qualifications, competence, and specific achievements, women will be considered on preferential terms within the framework of the legal possibilities. Handicapped candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.

Universitätsklinikum Münster

Universitätsklinikum Münster


PhD Student Mathematics - R, Disease Modeling (m/f/d) (Physiker/in)


The University Hospital of Münster is one of the leading hospitals in Germany. Such a position cannot be achieved by size and medical successes alone. The individual commitment counts above all. We need your commitment so that even with little things we can achieve great things for our patients. There are many possibilities open for you so that you may develop with them.

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit at the Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine of the University of Münster offers a position, initially limited to 3 years, starting as soon as possible.

PhD Student (gn*) Infectious Disease Modelling / Network Analysis

Part-time with 65 %
Salary according to TV-L E13
Job Id: 8972 - *gn=gender neutral

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit uses and develops modern statistical and mathematical methods for cutting-edge research questions, especially in the field of infectious disease epidemiology. A major focus of the unit is the parametrisation of infectious disease transmission models via the collection and extensive analysis of real-world epidemiological data, especially with respect to contact patterns. The unit is looking for a PhD student for the project “Getting more out of contacts - improved forecasting of disease dynamics by better implementation of contact survey data for parametrisation of infectious disease models” which is funded by the Innovative Medical Research program of the University of Münster.

involves developing a new methodological approach to derive information relevant to disease spread potential from contact surveys, via the use of detailed contact networks parametrised using existing contact survey data
will add key evidence to a crucial and up-to-date research topic
includes the collaboration with national and international scientists from various scientific backgrounds
will lead to high-quality peer-reviewed manuscripts in international journals

Master’s degree in mathematics, physics or a related discipline
Relevant experience in infectious disease epidemiology and/or in mathematical modelling would be an advantage.
Good programming skills in relevant programming languages (e. g. Julia, R, Python, C++)
An analytical and structured way of working, team and communication skills, as well as a sense of responsibility and quality awareness
Excellent English language skills, German language skills would be an advantage.

Full dedication to the PhD project in a semi-structured or unstructured PhD program
Support for further personal training not directly related to the project (e. g. structured development of leadership competencies)
An interesting and versatile workplace with challenging and exciting tasks and projects
Training and work in a multidisciplinary and committed research team

Applications of women are specifically invited. In the case of similar qualifications, competence, and specific achievements, women will be considered on preferential terms within the framework of the legal possibilities. Handicapped candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.

Universitätsklinikum Münster

Universitätsklinikum Münster


PhD Student Mathematics - R, Disease Modeling (m/f/d) (Physiker/in)


The University Hospital of Münster is one of the leading hospitals in Germany. Such a position cannot be achieved by size and medical successes alone. The individual commitment counts above all. We need your commitment so that even with little things we can achieve great things for our patients. There are many possibilities open for you so that you may develop with them.

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit at the Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine of the University of Münster offers a position, initially limited to 3 years, starting as soon as possible.

PhD Student (gn*) Infectious Disease Modelling / Network Analysis

Part-time with 65 %
Salary according to TV-L E13
Job Id: 8972 - *gn=gender neutral

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit uses and develops modern statistical and mathematical methods for cutting-edge research questions, especially in the field of infectious disease epidemiology. A major focus of the unit is the parametrisation of infectious disease transmission models via the collection and extensive analysis of real-world epidemiological data, especially with respect to contact patterns. The unit is looking for a PhD student for the project “Getting more out of contacts - improved forecasting of disease dynamics by better implementation of contact survey data for parametrisation of infectious disease models” which is funded by the Innovative Medical Research program of the University of Münster.

involves developing a new methodological approach to derive information relevant to disease spread potential from contact surveys, via the use of detailed contact networks parametrised using existing contact survey data
will add key evidence to a crucial and up-to-date research topic
includes the collaboration with national and international scientists from various scientific backgrounds
will lead to high-quality peer-reviewed manuscripts in international journals

Master’s degree in mathematics, physics or a related discipline
Relevant experience in infectious disease epidemiology and/or in mathematical modelling would be an advantage.
Good programming skills in relevant programming languages (e. g. Julia, R, Python, C++)
An analytical and structured way of working, team and communication skills, as well as a sense of responsibility and quality awareness
Excellent English language skills, German language skills would be an advantage.

Full dedication to the PhD project in a semi-structured or unstructured PhD program
Support for further personal training not directly related to the project (e. g. structured development of leadership competencies)
An interesting and versatile workplace with challenging and exciting tasks and projects
Training and work in a multidisciplinary and committed research team

Applications of women are specifically invited. In the case of similar qualifications, competence, and specific achievements, women will be considered on preferential terms within the framework of the legal possibilities. Handicapped candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.

Universitätsklinikum Münster

Universitätsklinikum Münster


PhD Student Mathematics - R, Disease Modeling (m/f/d) (Physiker/in)


The University Hospital of Münster is one of the leading hospitals in Germany. Such a position cannot be achieved by size and medical successes alone. The individual commitment counts above all. We need your commitment so that even with little things we can achieve great things for our patients. There are many possibilities open for you so that you may develop with them.

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit at the Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine of the University of Münster offers a position, initially limited to 3 years, starting as soon as possible.

PhD Student (gn*) Infectious Disease Modelling / Network Analysis

Part-time with 65 %
Salary according to TV-L E13
Job Id: 8972 - *gn=gender neutral

The Clinical Epidemiology Unit uses and develops modern statistical and mathematical methods for cutting-edge research questions, especially in the field of infectious disease epidemiology. A major focus of the unit is the parametrisation of infectious disease transmission models via the collection and extensive analysis of real-world epidemiological data, especially with respect to contact patterns. The unit is looking for a PhD student for the project “Getting more out of contacts - improved forecasting of disease dynamics by better implementation of contact survey data for parametrisation of infectious disease models” which is funded by the Innovative Medical Research program of the University of Münster.

involves developing a new methodological approach to derive information relevant to disease spread potential from contact surveys, via the use of detailed contact networks parametrised using existing contact survey data
will add key evidence to a crucial and up-to-date research topic
includes the collaboration with national and international scientists from various scientific backgrounds
will lead to high-quality peer-reviewed manuscripts in international journals

Master’s degree in mathematics, physics or a related discipline
Relevant experience in infectious disease epidemiology and/or in mathematical modelling would be an advantage.
Good programming skills in relevant programming languages (e. g. Julia, R, Python, C++)
An analytical and structured way of working, team and communication skills, as well as a sense of responsibility and quality awareness
Excellent English language skills, German language skills would be an advantage.

Full dedication to the PhD project in a semi-structured or unstructured PhD program
Support for further personal training not directly related to the project (e. g. structured development of leadership competencies)
An interesting and versatile workplace with challenging and exciting tasks and projects
Training and work in a multidisciplinary and committed research team

Applications of women are specifically invited. In the case of similar qualifications, competence, and specific achievements, women will be considered on preferential terms within the framework of the legal possibilities. Handicapped candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.

Universitätsklinikum Münster

Universitätsklinikum Münster