research assistant / PhD Student (m,f,x) for 3 years with 39,83 hours per week, TV-L E13 (Physiker/in)

research assistant / PhD Student (m,f,x) for 3 years with 39,83 hours per week, TV-L E13 (Physiker/in) in Bochum

research assistant / PhD Student (m,f,x) for 3 years with 39,83 hours per week, TV-L E13 (Physiker/in) à Bochum, Deutschland

Emploi comme Physiker/in à Bochum , Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland

Description du poste

The Chair of Microsystems Technology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is looking for a

research assistant / PhD Student (m,f,x) for 3 years with 39,83 hours per week, TV-L E13  

The Chair for Microsystems Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, explores, besides innovative microactuators and microsensors, novel nanoelectronic devices based on 2D materials as well as on the development of a disruptive 2D technology pointing beyond the integration of individual 2D layers into existing Si technologies. The technological implementation is performed in a 700 m2 cleanroom facility equipped with state-of-the-art thin film technology. Our research projects include the search for new concepts, the simulation and design of microsystems and devices based on 2D materials for numerous applications as well as their realization and characterization. The research is performed by a cooperative, interdisciplinary team of excellent scientists and highly skilled clean room specialists. The cleanroom is part of the ForLab consortium (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>) as a Germany-wide research network.&nbsp;&nbsp; 

For more details, please visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>.&nbsp;&nbsp; 

This employment provides the opportunity to derive a doctoral degree.

extent: full-time&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp; duration: temporary&nbsp;&nbsp; beginning: as soon as possible&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp; application deadline: 11.03.2024&nbsp;&nbsp;

Your tasks:&nbsp;&nbsp;

- development of innovative 2D technology processes with comprehensive accompanying characterization
- concept approval and design of 2D material-based microelectronics
- realization of functional devices based on state-of-the-art wafer-level ALD and ALE process sequences
- measurement and characterization of realized samples
- responsibility for state-of-the-art thin film equipment
- cooperation with internal as well as external project partners
- preparation and presentation of reports, presentations, and journal articles

Your profile:&nbsp;&nbsp;

- excellent Master / Diploma degree in physics, electrical engineering, chemistry, materials science y or corresponding fields, preferentially with skills in microelectronics technology
- experience in clean room technology, electron lithography, scanning probe microscopy, high resolution electrical measurements, instrument programming or thin-film growth is welcome
- communication skills in English (German appreciated)
- highly motivated with team spirit
- interests in systems engineering and joined-up thinking
- Fluency in German (at least C1 level, in word and writing – required for an effective communication and for teaching in German) (nur bei Lehrverpflichtung)

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>


Date de début


Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Martin Hoffmann

Universitätsstr. 150


Universitätsstr. 150, 44801, Bochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland

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UID | BB-65cf7170857cc-65cf7170857cd

Détails de la candidature

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PostDoc researcher (m,f,x) in atomistic simulation of SiC growth with machine-learning interatomic (Physiker/in)


PostDoc researcher (m,f,x) in atomistic simulation of SiC growth with machine-learning interatomic potentials, for 3 years, 39,83 hours per week, TVL E13

ICAMS focuses on the development and application of a new generation of simulation tools for multi-scale materials modelling with the aim of reducing development cost and time for new materials. The different length scales from the atomic structure to macroscopic properties of materials are bridged by an interdisciplinary team of scientists from engineering, materials science, chemistry, physics and mathematics.

The climate crisis fuels the need for the widespread generation of renewable energy and the electrification of mobility. This requires optimized materials for power electronics to handle the distribution of electrical power between supply, storage and consumption. One of the most suitable materials for precise control and high efficiency of switching electrical power is the IV-IV semiconductor silicon-carbide (SiC). The goal of this project is to understand the atomistic processes during physical vapor transport (PVT) growth of SiC in order to optimize the fabrication of SiC for power-electronic devices. To this end we will perform large-scale atomistic simulations of SiC growth with a machine-learning interatomic potential (atomic-cluster expansion). This includes also high-throughput density-functional theory calculations and the development of the atomic-cluster expansions for the Si-C system. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation DFG.

extent: full-time
duration: temporary   beginning: as soon as possible
application deadline:

Your tasks:

- High-throughput density-functional theory calculations for Si-C
- Development of atomic-cluster expansion for the Si-C system
- Large-scale atomistic simulations of Si-C growth
- Close collaboration with partners in industry and academia

Your profile:

- We expect a very good PhD degree in physics, chemistry, materials science or related disciplines with strong background in software development, atomistic simulation and machine learning (

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

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research associate (m,f,x), for 3 years, 39.83 hours per week, TVL E13 (Physiker/in)


research associate (m,f,x), for 3 years, 39.83 hours per week, TVL E13

The chair of Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy develops techniques in the electron microscope to study material phenomena down to the atomic level. The main working areas are atomic resolution microscopy, spectroscopy, 4D-STEM, in situ microscopy and data analysis. We use these methodologies to study interfaces in materials, novel catalysts, emerging magnetic materials and advanced energy materials.

We are seeking a PhD candidate or postdoctoral researcher (f/m/x) with a strong background in electron microscopy (preferably scanning / transmission electron microscopy) and data analysis / simulation. The successful candidate (f/m/x) is expected to have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in computer-based analysis of multidimensional datasets (e.g. STEM-EELS, STEM-EDS, 4D-STEM, in situ video sequences) with an emphasis on using open-source tools (e.g. hyperspy, pyxem, py4DSTEM). The candidate is required to have experience in developing and applying machine learning (ML) models using popular ML libraries (e.g. PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, etc.).

extent: full-time
duration: temporary   beginning: as soon as possible
application deadline:

Your tasks:

- Implementation of data analysis routines of large-scale microscopy data
- Development of novel data analysis approaches including crystal orientation mapping, differential phase contrast and electron ptychography
- Develop machine learning models for image segmentation, classification and beyond
- Establish automated data analysis routines
- Collaborate with experimental researchers to enable automated experimentation
- Postdoctoral researcher: gain experience in proposal writing

Your profile:

- PhD candidate (f/m/x): Master degree in physics, applied physics, materials science or informatics
- Postdoctoral candidate (f/m/x): PhD degree in physics, applied physics, materials science or informatics
- Strong experience in Python
- Experience in code development and curation
- Solid track-record in multidimensional data analysis (e.g. spectroscopic data, video sequences etc.)
- Expert knowledge in machine learning and computer vision
- Postdoctoral candidate (f/m/x): Experience in project management and proposal writing is a plus (

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research associate (m,f,x) for 3 years, 29.8725 hours per week, TVL E13 (Physiker/in)


The Chair of Theoretical physics of electrified liquid-solid interfaces at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy is looking for a

research associate (m,f,x) for 3 years, 29.8725 hours per week, TVL E13

My research aims to understand the structure, dynamics and reactivity of solid-liquid interfaces using a multiscale approach that includes ab initio and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations.

Aim of this project is the structural and dynamical characterization of the solvated electron in the presence of applied electric fields, in different environments, including liquid interfaces in contact with a conducting or insulating solid. The solvated electron is a specie which is central to field of plasma/liquid and plasma/solid/liquid interfaces as the primary reducing agent which is produced at plasma electrodes in contact with a liquid. Although the solvated electron has been subject of intensive experimental and theoretical investigation under equilibrium conditions, its properties in the presence of electric fields, are still quite unexplored. Here we plan to use atomistic molecular dynamics simulations including the electronic structure to understand the impact of electric fields on the structure and dynamics of the solvated electron. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, where the forces are calculated using hybrid functionals, have been shown to be not only quite accurate in reproducing electronic properties of heterogenous systems, but to be within reach for systems on the nanometer scale which is the relevant scale of the fundamental processes occurring at the metal/water and the oxide/water interfaces. Our project is expected to shed light on properties of solvated electron under non equilibrium conditions, in a variety of different environments which are of relevance to the SFB1316. Knowledge of structure, dynamics, reactivity of the solvated electrons is necessary to improve the performance of material and chemical synthesis in the plasma electrolysis. Collaborations is planned with the projects of the B area of the SFB1316, with the particular aim (i) to compare computed and calculated optical and vibrational spectra to validate models and provide a molecular interpretation of the experiments; (ii) to transfer knowledge across different resolution scales: the data obtained from our simulations will help to develop less computationally demanding models to be applied on larger scales and will be able to provide a more realistic description of the electric double layer at the solid/liquid interface which can be used to improve the models used in the simulations of plasma-chemical kinetics.

extent: part-time
duration: temporary   beginning: as soon as possible
application deadline:

Your tasks:

- Preparation and execution of simulationsHigh throughput
- Analysis of the results
- Presentation of results at CRC meetings (posters or lectures) and at international conferences
- Collaboration with other experimental groups in the CRC
- Interdisciplinary collaboration with international teams
- Publication of results

Your profile:

- Degree in physics, chemistry or materials science, with very good results, in condensed matter, theoretical or computational physics or chemistry, physical chemistry
- Previous experience with computational methods, including molecular dynamics simulations or Monte Carlo techniques, and/or electronic structure methods
- You have good knowledge of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. Experience with programming and/or scripting languages (e.g. Phyton)
- Fluent in written and spoken English (

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Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in / Postdoc (m/w/d) für die Dauer von 2 Jahren mit 39,83 Wochenstunden (TV-L E13 (Physiker/in)


Der Lehrstuhl für Künstliche Intelligenz für integrierte Materialwissenschaft der Fakultät für Maschinenbau sucht ab dem nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine*n

Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in / Postdoc (m/w/d) für die Dauer von 2 Jahren mit 39,83 Wochenstunden (TV-L E13)

Der Lehrstuhl befasst sich mit der Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz zum Design und Verständnis von Materialien. Er befindet sich an der Schnittstelle mehrerer Wissensgebiete wie Ingenieurwissenschaften, Physik, Chemie und Informatik.

Als Postdoc (m/w/d) befassen Sie sich mit der Entwicklung, Erprobung und Einsatz von Methoden des maschinellen Lernens zur Beschreibung von Materialeigenschaften unter Verwendung der großen Materialdatenbank "alexandria".

Umfang: Vollzeit   Dauer: befristet   Beginn: nächstmöglich   Bewerben bis: 01.04.2024

Ihre Aufgaben:

- Entwicklung fortschrittlicher Modelle für maschinelles Lernen zur Vorhersage von Materialeigenschaften auf der Grundlage von Big Data. Die Idee ist, die große Menge an Daten in unserer "Alexandria"-Datenbank zu nutzen, um die Genauigkeit bestehender Modelle zu erhöhen.
- Zusammenarbeit mit experimentellen Gruppen am RC FEMS und an der Fakultät für Physik und Stärkung der Forschungsaktivitäten des Zentrums für grenzflächendominierte Hochleistungsmaterialien (ZGH).
- Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Artikel und Präsentation von Forschungsergebnissen auf Konferenzen und Workshops.
- Mitwirkung an der Betreuung und Ausbildung von Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorandenstudenten.
- Mitwirkung an der Ausarbeitung von Förderanträgen.

Ihr Profil:

- Zum Zeitpunkt der Einstellung Besitz eines Doktortitels in Physik, theoretischer Chemie, rechnergestützter Materialwissenschaft oder verwandten Gebieten.
- Fortgeschrittene Programmierkenntnisse (vorzugsweise in Python).
- Sehr gute Kenntnisse von Methoden des maschinellen Lernens und deren Umsetzung.
- Solide Kenntnisse der Quantenmechanik und der theoretischen Festkörperphysik.
- Bereitschaft und Enthusiasmus zur Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Teammitgliedern und mit experimentellen Mitarbeitern.
- Wir werden neugierige und kreative junge Forscher bevorzugen, die eine starke Motivation haben, die Richtung des Projekts mitzugestalten. (

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Postdoc (m,f,x) for Ultrafast Laser Development for for the period until 31.03.2025 (end of project) (Physiker/in)


The Chair of Photonics and Ultrafast Laser Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is looking for a

Postdoc (m,f,x) for Ultrafast Laser Development for for the period until 31.03.2025 (end of project) with 39,83 hours per week, TV-L E13

The Group Photonics and Ultrafast Laser Science of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is seeking for a postdoctoral candidate for a 1-year position (with a possibility for extension). The research topics are related to our ERC PoC Grant, more specifically, we are seeking to develop high-power ultrafast laser systems at wavelengths longer that 2 µm using novel gain materials in the disk geometry. This experimental project contains both fundamental and applied components of laser physics, material science and ultrafast science.
The position is available as soon as possible.

extent: full-time
duration: temporary beginning: as soon as possible
application deadline:

## Your tasks:

- Develop a high-power ultrafast laser system
- Present your research on international conferences
- Supervision of PhD students working with you

Your profile:

- Candidates should have a Masters and PhD in Physics or Engineering in topics related to laser physics and engineering, and ideally have already worked with long wavelength (> 2µm) high-power lasers and laser materials.
- Excellent English skills are required.
- Additionally, independence, motivation, team-spirit and the will to work in an international environment will be considered a plus. (

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research assistant / PhD Student (m,f,x) for 3 years with 39,83 hours per week, TV-L E13 (Physiker/in)


The Chair of Microsystems Technology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is looking for a

research assistant / PhD Student (m,f,x) for 3 years with 39,83 hours per week, TV-L E13  

The Chair for Microsystems Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, explores, besides innovative microactuators and microsensors, novel nanoelectronic devices based on 2D materials as well as on the development of a disruptive 2D technology pointing beyond the integration of individual 2D layers into existing Si technologies. The technological implementation is performed in a 700 m2 cleanroom facility equipped with state-of-the-art thin film technology. Our research projects include the search for new concepts, the simulation and design of microsystems and devices based on 2D materials for numerous applications as well as their realization and characterization. The research is performed by a cooperative, interdisciplinary team of excellent scientists and highly skilled clean room specialists. The cleanroom is part of the ForLab consortium ( as a Germany-wide research network.  

For more details, please visit  

This employment provides the opportunity to derive a doctoral degree.

extent: full-time  
   duration: temporary   beginning: as soon as possible  
   application deadline: 11.03.2024  

Your tasks:  

- development of innovative 2D technology processes with comprehensive accompanying characterization
- concept approval and design of 2D material-based microelectronics
- realization of functional devices based on state-of-the-art wafer-level ALD and ALE process sequences
- measurement and characterization of realized samples
- responsibility for state-of-the-art thin film equipment
- cooperation with internal as well as external project partners
- preparation and presentation of reports, presentations, and journal articles

Your profile:  

- excellent Master / Diploma degree in physics, electrical engineering, chemistry, materials science y or corresponding fields, preferentially with skills in microelectronics technology
- experience in clean room technology, electron lithography, scanning probe microscopy, high resolution electrical measurements, instrument programming or thin-film growth is welcome
- communication skills in English (German appreciated)
- highly motivated with team spirit
- interests in systems engineering and joined-up thinking
- Fluency in German (at least C1 level, in word and writing – required for an effective communication and for teaching in German) (nur bei Lehrverpflichtung)

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postdoc (m,f,x) till 31.07.2026, 39,83 hours per week, TVL E13 (Physiker/in)


The Institute for Experimental Physics 1 at Faculty of Physics and Astronomy is looking for a

postdoc (m,f,x) till 31.07.2026,  
39,83 hours per week, TVL E13  

Ruhr University Bochum's LHCb group, located on a rich-spread campus bustling with academic activity, is at the forefront of research in hadron spectroscopy.  

Our group's primary research areas include experimental hadron studies and scattering theory, with specific projects focusing on multiquark states and exotic phenomena of strong interaction.  

We are deeply involved in technical aspects of the data analysis such as partial wave analysis, coupled-channel models, phenomenological models, as well as fitting techniques, and machine learning.  

Complementarily, the group is engaged in operational tasks for the Scintillating Fiber (SciFi) tracker as well as a development of the Mighty Tracker for the future upgrade of LHCb.

- lead and conduct research in hadron spectroscopy within the LHCb experiment  
- hardware and software aspects of the LHCb experiment

extent: full-time  
   duration: temporary   beginning: 01.04.2024  
   application deadline:  

Your tasks:  

- We are pleased to announce an opening for a Postdoctoral Research Associate. The successful candidate will lead and conduct research in Hadron Spectroscopy within the LHCb experiment in a diverse team of co-researches and students.
- They will also play a significant role in both the hardware and software aspects of the LHCb experiment.

Your profile:  

- PhD in experimental particle physics.
- Demonstrated experience in Hadron Spectroscopy
- At least one research publication lead by the candidate
- A record on data analysis

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Postdoctoral Researcher (m,f,x) for theoretical condensend matter physics for 2 years with 39,83 ho (Physiker/in)


The Simply Complex Lab at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is looking for a

Postdoctoral Researcher (m,f,x) for theoretical condensend matter physics for 2 years with 39,83 hours per week, TV-L E13
Simply Complex Lab focuses on understanding, controlling, and predicting emergent phenomena far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Its research is at the intersection of soft condensed matter, complexity, nonequilibrium, and nonlinear physics and interfaces with materials science, nanotechnology, and mechanobiology. The very nature of the lab’s research program is interdisciplinary; it is led by experiments but also strongly theory-guided. The lab is looking for candidates with a strong theoretical condensed matter physics background to work on a European Research Council (ERC)-funded project, „Phase map of dynamic, adaptive colloidal crystals far from equilibrium“ (ERC-PhD).

The main research topic is to study the structural and chemical properties of various zeolitic frameworks from first principles, formulating an analytical model and performing numerical simulations to understand and model their nucleation and growth dynamics.

extent: full-time
duration: temporary beginning: as soon as possible
application deadline: 27.11.2023

## Your tasks:
performing ab initio calculations and quantitatively understanding the structural and chemical properties of synthesised zeolites
developing, code-writing, and evaluating suitable nucleation and growth mechanisms
picking out the key duties & responsibilities, as detailed in the job description
actively participating and effectively communicating in a leadership role during lab/group meetings, seminars, and scientific conferences
good time and project management with personal initiative
mentoring students and trainees, and performing job-related administrative tasks as assigned
writing and communicating well scientifically, including preparation of regular reports, manuscripts for publication, and grant proposals
coordinating and supporting on-site and virtual meetings/lectures as needed
Your profile:
a Ph.D. in physics or a related discipline
being familiar with computational tools useful for condensed matter physics and specifically Density Functional Theory (QUANTUM ESPRESSO, VASP)
experienced in quantitative data analysis and handling complex bodies of data
beeing proficient in at least one programming language (e.g. Matlab, Mathematica, Python, C++, Java, etc.)
initial experience in scientific publishing and presentation of research results
basic knowledge or initial experience in condensed matter physics
proficiency in English at least C1, C2 preferred, German at least A2 and the willingness to acquire further German skills as soon as possible to be able to communicate effectively in the work environment

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