Your future with us We are one of the leading university hospitals in Germany and network research, teaching and health care at the highest level. That's why many things are a lot bigger for us: the spectrum of exciting development opportunities. The limitless openness with which specialists from all over the world work together here. Or our commitment as an employer to support all employees as best we can in reconciling their job with their goals and life situations. This is the University Hospital of Cologne: Everything but ordinary. Your future in detail The Translational Immuno-Oncology department (chair Prof. Dr. Renata Stripecke) at the Internal Medicine I (Director Prof. Michael Hallek) of the Cologne University Hospital Cologne develops immunotherapies against cancer. We are engineering chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR T cells) that kill lymphoma cells and cells infected with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). The CRISPR / Cas9 gene editing technique is currently being used to make CAR T cells more effective, safer and more widely available for patients. These gene-edited CAR T cells will be tested pre-clinically in vitro and in vivo. The clinical development of CAR-T cells against lymphomas will follow as a cooperation with several clinicians at the UKK and the University of Dresden. Motivated participation in the conceptional and technological development of gene edited CAR-T cells Testing in vitro and in vivo in relevant lymphoma models Analysis and preparation of data for reports, manuscripts and thesis diissertation for completion of PhD Completed Bachelor’s and Master‘s Degrees in the field of biomedicine, biology, biochemistry, pharmacy or veterinary medicine Strong interest in interdisciplinary work and high motivation for a doctorate (“Dr. rer. nat.” or PhD) Very good knowledge and practical experience in the field of molecular biology (CRISPR / Cas, vectors), immunology (cell culture, FACS, ELISA) and mouse handling (FELASA B or equivalent certificate) MS Office application programs, FlowJo, GraphPad Prism, very good knowledge of English A state-of-the-art infrastructure in multidisciplinary, international and new laboratories Training in biotechnology and in preclinical research Fixed term position from January 1st 2025 until March 31st 2027 The UKK offers a collegial introduction and diverse training and development opportunities as well as an extensive health program for employees. Structured PhD programs are available. There is also a wide range of family support and a day-care center with emergency childcare. In addition, the usual social services of the public service are offered. The UKK is a certified family-friendly university and is committed to promoting women in professional life.
Kerpener Straße 62
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Your future with us
We are one of the leading university hospitals in Germany and network research, teaching and health care at the highest level. That's why many things are a lot bigger for us: the spectrum of exciting development opportunities. The limitless openness with which specialists from all over the world work together here. Or our commitment as an employer to support all employees as best we can in reconciling their job with their goals and life situations.
This is the University Hospital of Cologne: Everything but ordinary.
Your future in detail
The Translational Immuno-Oncology department (chair Prof. Dr. Renata Stripecke) at the Internal Medicine I (Director Prof. Michael Hallek) of the Cologne University Hospital Cologne develops immunotherapies against cancer. We are engineering chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR T cells) that kill lymphoma cells and cells infected with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). The CRISPR / Cas9 gene editing technique is currently being used to make CAR T cells more effective, safer and more widely available for patients. These gene-edited CAR T cells will be tested pre-clinically in vitro and in vivo. The clinical development of CAR-T cells against lymphomas will follow as a cooperation with several clinicians at the UKK and the University of Dresden.
Motivated participation in the conceptional and technological development of gene edited CAR-T cells
Testing in vitro and in vivo in relevant lymphoma models
Analysis and preparation of data for reports, manuscripts and thesis diissertation for completion of PhD
Completed Bachelor’s and Master‘s Degrees in the field of biomedicine, biology, biochemistry, pharmacy or veterinary medicine
Strong interest in interdisciplinary work and high motivation for a doctorate (“Dr. rer. nat.” or PhD)
Very good knowledge and practical experience in the field of molecular biology (CRISPR / Cas, vectors), immunology (cell culture, FACS, ELISA) and mouse handling (FELASA B or equivalent certificate)
MS Office application programs, FlowJo, GraphPad Prism, very good knowledge of English
A state-of-the-art infrastructure in multidisciplinary, international and new laboratories
Training in biotechnology and in preclinical research
Fixed term position from January 1st 2025 until March 31st 2027
The UKK offers a collegial introduction and diverse training and development opportunities as well as an extensive health program for employees. Structured PhD programs are available. There is also a wide range of family support and a day-care center with emergency childcare. In addition, the usual social services of the public service are offered. The UKK is a certified family-friendly university and is committed to promoting women in professional life.
Sie möchten das Gesundheitswesen aktiv mitgestalten? Dann sind Sie bei uns richtig!
Wir bewerten medizinische Innovationen - unabhängig, auf Basis von Fakten. Dadurch beeinflussen wir wichtige Entscheidungen für Patientinnen und Patienten. Unser Antrieb ist eine gute medizinische Versorgung: in Deutschland und in Europa.
Werden Sie Teil des IQWiG-Teams!
Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen
Redakteur*in (d/w/m) für das Ressort Gesundheitsinformation
- 20,0 Std/Woche, befristet für 2 Jahre -
Eigenständige Erarbeitung und Umsetzung von redaktionellen Produkten nach wissenschaftlichen Methoden und detaillierten Prozessen unter Beachtung der Ressort-Standards
Redaktionelle Bearbeitung intern und extern erstellter Texte
Neuerstellung und Aktualisierung von evidenzbasierten und allgemeinverständlichen Gesundheitsinformationen
Redaktionelle Begleitung von Feedbackprozessen (Begutachtung, Nutzertestung, Stellungnahmen, Qualitätssicherung)
Konzeption und Redaktion weiterer Formate (z. B. Broschüren, Flyer etc.),
Unterstützung der Erstellung zum Beispiel von Grafiken und Filmen sowie der Online-Redaktion
Weiterentwicklung der redaktionellen Qualitätssicherungsinstrumente
Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium oder Master im Bereich des Journalismus, der Human- oder Biowissenschaften oder vergleichbare Qualifikation im redaktionellen Bereich
Ausgewiesene Kompetenz im Bereich der Gesundheitsinformation
Ressortspezifische Berufserfahrung
Erfahrungen in der Leitung von redaktionellen Projekten, in der Schlussredaktion und Qualitätssicherung von Texten anderer Autoren*innen
Erfahrungen im Umgang mit Web-Content-Management-Systemen
Sehr gute Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse
Sicherer Umgang mit MS Office, modernen Informationsmedien und webbasierten Anwendungen
Kollegialität, Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Zuverlässigkeit und Integrität
Mitwirkung in einem hochmotivierten Team bei einer anerkannten Institution des deutschen Gesundheitssystems
Eine leistungsgerechte Vergütung inkl. Weihnachtsgeld und attraktive Sozial- und Zusatzleistungen, dazu zählen z. B. betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Unfallversicherung
Eine ausgewogene Work-Life Balance mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und Mobiler Arbeit nach Absprache
Förderung durch außerbetriebliche und hausinterne Fort- und Weiterbildungen
Einen modern ausgestatteten Arbeitsplatz, verkehrsgünstig gelegen im Herzen von Köln
Seit fast 75 Jahren arbeiten die Mitarbeiter von Charles River zusammen, um bei der Entdeckung, Entwicklung und sicheren Herstellung neuer Arzneimitteltherapien zu helfen. Wenn Sie sich unserer Familie anschließen, haben Sie einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen auf der ganzen Welt. Ob Ihr Hintergrund in Life Sciences, Finanzen, IT, Vertrieb oder einem anderen Bereich ist, Ihre Fähigkeiten werden eine wichtige Rolle bei der Arbeit spielen, die wir durchführen. Im Gegenzug helfen wir Ihnen, eine Karriere zu bauen, die Sie begeistern wird.
Für die Abteilung Virus Clearance am Standort Köln suchen wir zur Erweiterung des Labor-Teams ab sofort unbefristet
BTA / Biologielaborant / B.Sc. Biologie-Biotechnologie als Technical Officer (m/w/d)
der äußerst sorgfältigen, zuverlässigen und selbständigen Durchführung und Dokumentation von Virussicherheitsstudien (Viral clearance studies) nach GLP
der Organisation und Ausführung vielfältiger Methoden (z.B. Virusfiltrationen, Inaktivierungen und Chromatographien) zur Validierung von Herstellungsprozessen biologischer Arzneimittel im Rahmen dieser Studien
dem Umgang mit Chemikalien und Laborgeräten
der Durchführung von zellkulturbasierten Assays und deren Auswertung mittels Lichtmikroskopie
den Prozessdurchführungen mit Viren der Gefahrstufen BSL-2 und BSL-3**
der Betreuung und Sicherstellung der Pflege und Aufrechterhaltung des GLP-Systems u.a. Pflege und Wartung von Laborgeräten, sowie deren Qualifikation und dem Erstellen von Standardarbeitsanweisungen
der Betreuung von nationalen und internationalen Kunden während ihres Aufenthaltes in unseren Laboren, z.B. bei der Benutzung von Geräten und bei sicherheitsrelevanten Fragen
eine erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Biologisch-technischer Assistent / Biologielaborant oder ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium in Biologie / Biotechnologie / verwandten Naturwissenschaften
Freude am Umgang mit Laborgeräten und experimentellen Aufbauten
erste Erfahrungen im Umgang mit Zellkulturen inkl. sterilem Arbeiten (wünschenswert)
Kenntnisse in Methoden zur Proteinaufreinigung, sowie chromatographischen Methoden (wünschenswert)
die Fähigkeit zu sehr strukturierten, zielorientierten und konzentrierten Arbeiten unter Einhaltung enger Zeitlinien
ausgeprägtes Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Organisationsfähigkeit, hohe Verlässlichkeit und Flexibilität
Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
Gute Kenntnisse von Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) sowie gute deutsche und englische Sprach- und Schriftkenntnisse setzen wir voraus.
eine unbefristete Stelle mit vielseitigen, anspruchsvollen Tätigkeiten in einem zukunftsorientierten internationalen Unternehmen
eine intensive Einarbeitung
ein Gleitzeitsystem
diverse Benefits
eine aktive Mitgestaltung Deines Tätigkeitsfeldes in einem motivierten Team und
eine angemessene Vergütung
Ihre Zukunft an der Uniklinik Köln
Wir sind eine der führenden Universitätskliniken in Deutschland und vernetzen Forschung, Lehre und Krankenversorgung auf Spitzenniveau. Darum ist auch vieles bei uns eine Nummer größer: das Spektrum an spannenden Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Die grenzenlose Offenheit, mit der hier Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten aus der ganzen Welt zusammenarbeiten. Oder unser Einsatz als Arbeitgeber, alle Beschäftigten so gut wir können, dabei zu unterstützen, den Beruf mit ihren Zielen und Lebenssituationen in Einklang zu bringen.
Das ist die Uniklinik Köln: Alles, außer gewöhnlich.
Zur Unterstützung unseres stark wachsenden Teams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt:
Technische Assistenz (w/m/d) in der HCMV und Antikörperforschung Institut für Virologie
Wir sind eine hoch engagierte, translationale und international gut vernetzte Forschungsgruppe, die sich den Grundlagen der menschlichen Immunantwort gegen Infektionserreger und deren Umsetzung in die klinische Praxis widmet. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse dienen der Entwicklung neuartiger Ansätze zur Prävention und Behandlung von Infektionen.
Unser Team ist leidenschaftlich daran interessiert, die Antikörperantwort gegen HCMV - ein weit verbreitetes Virus, das insbesondere für immungeschwächte Personen und Neugeborene ein ernsthaftes Gesundheitsrisiko darstellt - besser zu verstehen. Wir wollen die molekularen Interaktionen zwischen HCMV und seinem Wirt aufklären und herausfinden, wie das Virus dem Immunsystem entkommt. Diese Erkenntnisse sollen helfen, neue therapeutische Ziele zu identifizieren. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt zudem auf der Isolation und Charakterisierung von Antikörpern gegen HCMV sowie der Untersuchung ihrer Bedeutung für den Schutz gesunder Menschen.
In unseren Projekten arbeiten wir hauptsächlich mit humanem Probenmaterial und setzen eine Vielzahl von molekularbiologischen Methoden ein. Vielversprechende Antikörper können dann als Basis für daraus hervorgehende klinische Studien dienen. Durch den Einsatz modernster Technologien und interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit streben wir danach, innovative Therapieansätze zu entwickeln. Ihr Beitrag zu den hochrelevanten Forschungsergebnissen unserer Gruppe wird die Entwicklung neuer Ansätze zur Prävention und Behandlung von Infektionskrankheiten entscheidend vorantreiben.
zunächst befristet für 2 Jahre im Rahmen eines Drittmittelprojektes
Vergütung nach TV-L bis EG 9a
Durchführung von experimentellen Untersuchungen mit molekular- und zellbiologischen Methoden
Anwendung verschiedener immunologischer Techniken wie Durchflusszytometrie und ELISA
Entwicklung neuer Assay-Methoden und -Protokollen
Arbeiten mit infektiösem humanen Material (BSL2)
Eigenständige Projektarbeit unter enger Zusammenarbeit mit Doktorand/innen, Postdoktorand/innen und anderen Mitarbeiter/innen der Arbeitsgruppe sowie externen Kollaborationspartner/innen
Allgemeine Labororganisation
Abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Biologielaborant/in, technische/r Assistent/in (BTA, MTA) oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation im Bereich Biowissenschaften oder Biotechnologie
Hohes Maß an Motivation und Engagement
Fundierte Kenntnisse in Zellkultur, Bioassay-Techniken wie ELISAs und molekularbiologischen Verfahren (Handling und Manipulation von DNA, RNA und Proteinen)
Teamfähigkeit, Kommunikationsstärke und die Fähigkeit, effektiv in einem multidisziplinären Umfeld zu arbeiten
Technisches Verständnis und die Fähigkeit, komplexe Probleme zu analysieren und zu lösen
Großes Interesse und Freude an wissenschaftlicher Forschung
Selbstständige und strukturierte Arbeitsweise mit einem Auge für Detailgenauigkeit
Bereitschaft zur Weiterbildung und zur Einarbeitung in neue Technologien
Gute Englischkenntnisse, gute PC-Anwenderkenntnisse
Arbeiten in einer sehr engagierten, kompetenten und netten Forschungsgruppe mit einem interdisziplinären Team aus Naturwissenschaftler/innen, Ärzt/innen, Technischen Mit...
Working at the University Hospital Cologne and the Medical Faculty means helping to shape the future - the future of medicine, of patients and, of course, your own future. You benefit from 60 clinics and institutes as well as numerous other departments and facilities and more than 12,000 jobs. The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cologne and the University Hospital Cologne assume important social tasks in research, teaching and patient care. A close network with many university and non-university partners guarantees an internationally successful science and the excellent education of our students.
We are looking as soon as possible for a
Postdoc (f/m/x) in HCMV antibody research
Institute of Virology
full-time; limited until 31. october 2026 according to WissZeitVG within the framework of a third-party funded project
We are a highly dedicated, translational, and internationally well-connected research group focused on the fundamentals of the human immune response to infectious agents and their translation into clinical practice. The insights we gain serve to develop novel approaches for the prevention and treatment of infections.
Our team is passionate about understanding the antibody response to HCMV - a widespread virus that poses a serious health risk, particularly to immunocompromised individuals and newborns (Zehner et al. Immunity 2023). We aim to elucidate the molecular interactions between HCMV and its host and to uncover how the virus evades the immune system. These findings will help us identify new therapeutic targets. Additionally, we place special emphasis on isolating and characterizing antibodies against HCMV and studying their significance in protecting healthy individuals.
In our projects, we primarily work with human samples and employ a wide range of molecular biology methods. Promising antibodies can then serve as a basis for subsequent clinical studies. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies (e.g. Gieselmann et al. Nat Protoc. 2021), state-of-the-art BSL-1 to BSL-3 laboratories and several excellent core facilities and in-house services as well as interdisciplinary collaboration, we strive to develop innovative therapeutic approaches. Your contribution to our group's highly relevant research outcomes will significantly advance the development of new strategies for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Suggested further literature and previous work: Korenkov and Zehner et al. Immunity 2023, Kreer and Zehner et al. Cell 2020, Ehrhardt and Zehner et al. Nat. Med. 2019.
Designing and executing research studies focusing on the isolation of HCMV-specific antibodies and characterization of the humoral immune responses against Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV)
Performing experiments within third-party funded projects in a biosafety level S1-S3
Conduction of immunologic and virologic assays and methods, including primary cells, cell culture, virus cultures, PCR, cloning, flow cytometry, ELISA, and microscopy
Optimization and development of novel assays to isolate and characterize HCMV-specific antibodies
Correspondence with high ranking national and international collaborative partners
Ensuring highest standards of quality through keeping detailed experimental protocols and records and writing research reports
Participation in the preparation and submission of manuscripts and funding applications
You hold a PhD, M.D. or M.D. / Ph.D. degree in molecular biology, virology, immunology, or equivalent with a visible publication record
Experience in handling of infectious agents, experience with HCMV or other herpes viruses is beneficial
Experience with immunological methods (e. g., FACS, qPCR, ELISA)
Ability to organize, prioritize, and solve problems
Structured, solution-oriented and determined
Execution of experiments in a highly detail-oriented and reliable manner
Communicative and cooperative in working with interdisciplinary research teams (doctoral students, post-...
At the Faculty of Medicine, University of Cologne over 1.800 scientists are engaged in research, ranging from basic sciences to clinical application, as well as teaching and health care. Together with the University Hospital Cologne the faculty maintains 58 clinics, research institutes and centres. The Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital Cologne are embedded in the scientifically highly active Rhine region. They have strong contacts to and alliances with the surrounding universities and non-university research institutions guaranteeing scientific excellence in research.
The Department I of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Cologne is seeking applications for a full-time (100%)
Postdoctoral researcher (f/m/d)
in the field of
Translational Immunology / Infectious diseases
The position has a limited tenure up to two years with the option for extension.
Our research group, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is embedded within the Translational Research Unit - Infectious Diseases (TRU-ID) at the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC) with highest standard laboratories covering biosafety levels (BSL) 1 to 3. Focus of our research group is to develop new innovative immunotherapies to improve treatment of severe bacterial infections, which are still responsible for a high morbidity and mortality worldwide. Key aspect of our work is to design and modify monoclonal antibodies that specifically target bacterial pathogens.
A highly progressive, diverse, and innovative scientific environment is provided by the strong relations within the University of Cologne as well as to other national and international research groups. The appointee will be enabled to conduct own research projects with an upmost creativity and intellectual freedom. Your tasks:
Development/production and modification of monoclonal antibodies from patient-derived B cells
In vitro and in vivo validation of monoclonal antibodies
Development of novel therapeutic strategies
Supervision and training of junior members and technicians in the lab
Close cooperation with our medical and experimental collaboration partners
Presentation of the data within meetings as well as national and international congresses
Publication of the results in high-impact journals
Your profile:
You hold a PhD in molecular biology, immunology, or equivalent
Strong background in molecular biology/immunology, microbiology and/or biochemistry
Experience in state-of-the-art advanced multi-color flow cytometry
Experience in mouse models and/or BSL2 bacterial organisms are desirable but no prerequisite
A high motivation level and the ability to work effectively in a team
Excellent English communication skills, both spoken and written
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Excellent data reporting and communication skills
We offer:
A creative and innovative research environment in a young research group with full access to state-of-the-art technology platforms to carry out cutting edge research
Design, implementation, and direction of own research projects and strong promotion of professional development
A constantly growing group of highly motivated researchers
A wide range of techniques in the field of molecular and cellular biology, infectious diseases, and immunology
Flexible working time models to support family life
Your salary will be based on TV-L.
Applications from female candidates are expressly welcome and will be given priority in the event of equal suitability, competence and professional performance.
People with disabilities are welcome to apply and will be treated preferentially in the event of equal suitability and qualification.
» Your future with us
Working at the University Hospital Cologne and the Medical Faculty means helping to shape the future - the future of medicine, of patients and, of course, your own future. You benefit from 60 clinics and institutes as well as numerous other departments and facilities and more than 12,000 jobs. The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cologne and the University Hospital Cologne assume important social tasks in research, teaching and patient care. A close network with many university and non-university partners guarantees an internationally successful science and the excellent education of our students.
» Your future in detail
We are a highly dedicated, translational, and internationally well-connected research group focused on the fundamentals of the human immune response to infectious agents and their translation into clinical practice (e.g. Zehner et al. Immunity 2023, Kreer and Zehner et al. Cell 2020, Ehrhardt and Zehner et al 2019 Nat.Med.). The insights we gain will serve to develop novel approaches for the prevention and treatment of infections.
Our team is passionate about understanding the antibody response to HCMV-a widespread virus that poses a serious health risk, particularly to immunocompromised individuals and newborns. We aim to elucidate the molecular interactions between HCMV and its host and to uncover how the virus evades the immune system. We place special emphasis on isolating and characterizing antibodies against HCMV and studying their significance in protecting healthy individuals (Zehner et al. Immunity 2023).
In our projects, we primarily work with human samples and employ a wide range of molecular biological methods. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and interdisciplinary collaboration, we strive to develop innovative therapeutic approaches. Promising antibodies can then serve as a basis for subsequent clinical studies. Your contribution to our group's highly relevant research outcomes will significantly advance the development of new strategies for the prevention and treatment of HCMV and infectious diseases in general.
Conduct in-depth analysis of humoral immune responses against Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV).
Isolate human antibodies targeting various HCMV surface proteins.
Modify HCMV and HCMV-specific antibodies to explore neutralization and infection mechanisms.
Investigate new therapeutic approaches against HCMV.
Correspondence with national and international cooperation partners.
A master's degree in biology, biomedicine, immunology, or a related field.
Highly motivated and self-organized with a strong interest in immunology and virology.
Experience in cell culture and molecular biology techniques is advantageous.
Ability to organize, prioritize, and solve problems
Execution of experiments in a highly detail-oriented and reliable manner
Communicative and cooperative in working with interdisciplinary research teams
A highly committed research group with an interdisciplinary team of scientists.
Diverse, challenging, and relevant work in an interesting, dynamic, and high-quality research environment.
Full access to state-of-the-art technology platforms and facilities to carry out cutting edge translational research.
National and international collaborations, both academic and with industry.
Personal development within the group and through further training.
A supportive and friendly work atmosphere.
Applications from female candidates are expressly welcome and will be given priority in the event of equal suitability, competence and professional performance.
People with disabilities are welcome to apply and will be treated preferentially in the event of equal suitability and qualification.
At the Faculty of Medicine, University of Cologne over 1.800 scientists are engaged in research, ranging from basic sciences to clinical application, as well as teaching and health care. Together with the University Hospital Cologne the faculty maintains 58 clinics, research institutes and centres. The Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital Cologne are embedded in the scientifically highly active Rhine region. They have strong contacts to and alliances with the surrounding universities and non-university research institutions guaranteeing scientific excellence in research.
The Department I of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Cologne is seeking applications for a full-time (100%)
Postdoctoral researcher (f/m/d)
in the field of
Translational Immunology / Infectious diseases
to be employed under a fixed-term contract of 2 years (WissZeitVG) with the possibility for extension.
Severe bacterial infections are causing high morbidity and mortality worldwide, a situation aggravated by the lack of novel antibiotics as well as increasing therapy resistance. Our research groups of Prof. Dr. Dr. Jan Rybniker and Dr. Alexander Simonis focus on the development of new innovative immunotherapies to improve treatment of clinically relevant pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We have recently developed an innovative and highly potent treatment option to combat PA infections based on fully human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), as presented in our highly acclaimed publication (Simonis et al., Cell 2023). The successful applicant will be tasked with the further development of these promising results and the development of additional mAbs with novel modes of action. The laboratory is strongly supported by the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) as well as a growing network of local, national and international collaboration partners.
The project will be conducted within the Translational Research Unit - Infectious Diseases (TRU-ID) offering state-of-the-art research facilities at the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC) and the Translational Research in Infectious Disease and Oncology (TRIO) research building. These facilities contain well-equipped laboratories covering biosafety levels (BSL) 1 to 3. Your tasks:
Development/ production and modification of monoclonal antibodies from patient-derived B cells
In vitro and in vivo validation of monoclonal antibodies
Development of therapeutic strategies and contribution to the clinical trial planning
Supervision and training of junior members and technicians in the lab
Close cooperation with our medical, industrial and academic collaboration partners
Presentation of the data within meetings as well as national and international congresses
Publication of the results in high-impact journals
Your profile:
You hold a PhD in molecular biology, immunology, or equivalent
Strong background in molecular biology/immunology, microbiology and/or biochemistry
Experience in state-of-the-art advanced multi-color flow cytometry
Experience with mouse models, experimental procedures, and animal handling is preferred
Previous work with BSL2 bacterial organisms is desirable but no prerequisite
A high level of motivation and the ability to work effectively in a team
Excellent English communication skills, both spoken and written
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Excellent data reporting and communication skills
We offer:
Participation in an innovative translational project with a clear prospect of improving the chances of cure for patients affected by multidrug-resistant pathogens
A creative and innovative research environment with full access to state-of-the-art technology platforms to carry out cutting edge research
Multiple opportunities to design, implement and lead your own research projects
Strong support for personal career development
A constantly growing team of highly motivated researchers and technical staff
Training in a wide ran...