Conducting research for a changing society: This is what drives us at Forschungszentrum Jülich. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, we aim to tackle the grand societal challenges of our time and conduct research into the possibilities of a digitized society, a climate-friendly energy system, and a resource-efficient economy. Work together with around 7,400 employees in one of Europe’s biggest research centers and help us to shape change! The Institute of Biological Information Processing - Structural Biochemistry (IBI-7) focuses on understanding dynamic interactions between biological macromolecules and their structure, which is crucial to the function of every cell and organism. Central to this goal is nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), which provides detailed information about the microscopic structure and function of molecules. But NMR is an intrinsically insensitive technique, often requiring many hours or days of data acquisition to yield high-resolution structure maps. The Hyperpolarization Methods Lab develops chemical and physical approaches to hyperpolarize atoms and molecules, enhancing their NMR signals by orders of magnitude. This opens entirely new possibilities for spectroscopy and imaging in chemistry, biology, and in vivo MRI. We are offering a PhD Position - Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance If you are interested in creative problem solving at the interface between chemistry and physics with the chance to mix hands-on experimental work with theory+simulations, this opportunity may be for you! The Hyperpolarization Methods research group at the Institute for Structural Biochemistry is seeking a motivated PhD candidate to carry out research in the field of hyperpolarized magnetic resonance. Hyperpolarization is the preparation of molecules in a specific nuclear spin quantum state. This means the molecule’s NMR / MRI signals are enhanced by many orders of magnitude, which is transformative for applications such as medical MRI or chemosensing. Specifically, we develop novel chemical and physical methods to produce hyperpolarized molecules and to extend the lifetimes of those hyperpolarized states. As a member of the research group, you will work in an environment that combines the best aspects of modern scientific research with traditional academic values. You will carry out fast-paced research on societally relevant topics, with individual support (especially for your personal well-being) so you can grow as an individual. At the same time, you will have ample opportunity for acquiring knowledge, discussing science, and thinking creatively. As a PhD candidate, your tasks will include: Hyperpolarizing molecules using parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP) Conducting and analyzing experiments using benchtop and high-field NMR Developing and implementing novel polarization transfer methods for solid and liquid NMR samples Collaborating on simulations of spin dynamics to guide experimental design Preparing scientific publications and presenting your research at conferences This is an interdisciplinary research area that integrates synthetic chemistry, physical chemistry and spectroscopy, experimental physics, and magnetic resonance theory. We do a mixture of hands-on experimental work and computer-based theory+simulations to guide experiments. You will be able to shape your PhD in these areas. We are looking for a candidate to bring different qualities to the position: Essential: A master’s degree in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, materials science, or a related field Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work productively within a multidisciplinary and collaborative research environment Curiosity and enthusiasm to learn Willingness to present research results at conferences Good knowledge of spoken English Advantageous: Experience with NMR, MRI, and hyperpolarization techniques Familiarity with quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, or electromagnetism Experien...
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Leo-Brandt-Straße / Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße
Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße, 52428, Jülich, Nordrhein Westfalen, Deutschland
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Sie möchten durch Ihre Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Energiewende in Deutschland leisten? Dann sind Sie am Helmholtz-Institut Erlangen-Nürnberg für Erneuerbare Energien (HI ERN) genau richtig! Das HI ERN bildet das Kernstück einer engen Partnerschaft zwischen dem Forschungszentrum Jülich, dem Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie und der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg am Standort Erlangen. Die Zusammenarbeit der Partner bezieht sich auf die Bereiche innovative Materialien und Prozesse für photovoltaische Energiesysteme und Wasserstoff als Speicher- und Trägermedium für CO2-neutral erzeugte Energie. Unterstützen Sie uns dabei, erneuerbare Energien klimaneutral, nachhaltig und kostengünstig nutzbar zu machen! Weitere Informationen zum HI ERN und zu seinen zukunftsweisenden Forschungsschwerpunkten finden Sie auf
Verstärken Sie diesen Bereich zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt als
Doktorand:in - Neue Syntheseverfahren und Herstellung von Polymeren und Membranen für PEM-Brennstoffzellen und Elektrolyseure (w/m/d) Sie werden in der Abteilung „Elektrokatalytische Grenzflächenverfahrenstechnik“, die unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Thiele steht, dem Team „Membranpolymersynthese“ von Dr. Jochen Kerres angehören. Die Abteilung fokussiert sich auf die Herstellung, Analyse und Simulation funktional optimaler Strukturen von der Nanometerskala bis zur Mikrometerskala in elektrochemisch aktiven Materialien sowie die Herstellung neuer Materialien für die Katalyse und Polymerelektrolyte sowie Polymerelektrolytmembranen. Ihre Aufgaben umfassen im Wesentlichen:
Synthese und Analyse von protonenleitenden Festelektrolytpolymeren
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Membranen für Brennstoffzellen und Elektrolyseure im Betriebsbereich bis 90 °C
Publikation und Präsentation von Forschungsergebnissen bei Forschungsprojekttreffen, in einschlägigen Fachjournalen bzw. auf nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen
Hervorragender Masterabschluss im Bereich der Chemie oder der Materialwissenschaften
Fundierte Kenntnisse (Spezialisierung) im Bereich synthetische und analytische Polymerchemie sowie in der Membrantechnologie
Begrüßenswert sind Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der alkalischen Festelektrolytpolymere und ihrer Anwendung in elektrochemischen Membranverfahren, wie Brennstoffzellen und Wasserelektrolyse
Große Motivation, die Promotion in drei Jahren abzuschließen
Eigeninitiative und Disziplin
Sehr gutes Englisch in Wort und Schrift
Wir arbeiten an hochaktuellen gesellschaftlich relevanten Themen und bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, den Wandel aktiv mitzugestalten! Wir unterstützen Sie in Ihrer Arbeit durch:
Hervorragende wissenschaftliche und technische Infrastruktur für die Ausübung hochwertiger Forschung
Arbeiten mit weltweit einzigartigen analytischen Messmethoden
Internationales, interdisziplinäres Arbeitsumfeld auf einem attraktiven Campus (FAU-Südgelände) inklusive vieler Kooperationsmöglichkeiten mit Partnern der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, dem Forschungszentrum Jülich, dem Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin und aus dem Ausland
Zusammenarbeit mit weltweit führenden Industriepartnern
Vielfältige Angebote zur Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie
Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung
30 Tage Urlaub (in Abhängigkeit vom gewählten Arbeitszeitmodell) sowie alle Brückentage und zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr immer dienstfrei
Weiterentwicklung Ihrer persönlichen Stärken, z. B. durch ein umfangreiches Trainingsangebot; ein strukturiertes Programm mit Weiterbildungs- und Vernetzungsangeboten speziell für Promovierende über JuDocS, das Jülich Center for Doctoral Researchers and Supervisors:
Neben spannenden Aufgaben und einem kollegialen Miteinander bieten wir Ihnen noch viel mehr:
Die Position ist auf drei Jahre befristet. Die Vergütung erfolgt analog der Entgeltgruppe 13 (75 %) des Tarifvertrags für den...
Conducting research for a changing society: This is what drives us at Forschungszentrum Jülich. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, we aim to tackle the grand societal challenges of our time and conduct research into the possibilities of a digitized society, a climate-friendly energy system, and a resource-efficient economy. Work together with around 7,400 employees in one of Europe’s biggest research centers and help us to shape change!
The Institute of Fusion Energy and Nuclear Waste Management - Nuclear Waste Management (IFN-2) aims to advance the understanding of complex processes governing the evolution of deep geological repositories for radioactive wastes. Our work focuses on the tightly coupled thermo-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical-biological (THMCB) processes that drive radionuclide release and transport over time and space. By integrating innovative experimental and computational methods, including AI tools, we generate insights into the evolution of flow and transport processes in the repository system across scales, striving to reduce uncertainties and conservatism in safety assessments. Our research supports the scientific foundation needed for a rigorous evaluation of repository concepts and sites, contributing to safe and sustainable solutions for radioactive waste management.
We are offering a
PhD Position - Investigating the Incorporation of 226Ra into Calcium Carbonate About the project: Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is crucial in both natural and engineered environments, acting as a long-term carbon sink and aiding environmental remediation by capturing heavy metals and radionuclides. (Radio)Toxic elements like radium (226Ra) pose significant risks, often stemming from subsurface energy-related applications. 226Ra can be incorporated into carbonate minerals during mineral growth or replacement reactions, resulting in solid solutions. These co-precipitation processes can control radium mobility in the environment and can be exploited in the design of engineered barriers for 226Ra retention. However, there is a lack of understanding of how such ions are incorporated into stable carbonate solid solutions. This project aims to integrate experiments and simulations to elucidate 226Ra retention by CaCO3, the crystallization pathways and replacement reactions, and the thermodynamic properties of the formed solid solutions. Our approach involves the development of microfluidic experiments combined with advanced analytical techniques. The results will inform environmental remediation strategies and safe nuclear waste disposal.
Your tasks within the project:
Development of microfluidic experiments for 226Ra uptake in carbonates
Conducting advanced analyses of Ra-bearing carbonates using Raman, XRD, SEM, including synchrotron-based X-ray analysis (µ-XRF and µ-XRD)
Modeling of fluid flow in microfluidic reactors
Collaboration with modelers (atomistic simulation) to derive the thermodynamic properties of Ra-bearing carbonates
Presentation of results at scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed publications
Master’s degree or diploma in chemistry, radiochemistry, environmental chemistry, geochemistry, chemical engineering, mineralogy, or a related field
Experience in working in a wet chemical laboratory
Experience in geochemical or thermodynamic modeling is desirable
Strong English communication and writing skills
Ability to work collaboratively in a multidisciplinary and international team
We work on the very latest issues that impact our society and are offering you the opportunity to actively help in shaping change! Here is what Forschungszentrum Jülich can offer you:
A unique opportunity to work on high-impact research in nuclear waste management
Access to state-of-the-art facilities and interdisciplinary collaborations
Opportunity to develop your strengths, e.g., through a comprehensive training program; a structured program including continuing professional development and networking oppor...
Forschung für eine Gesellschaft im Wandel: Das ist unser Antrieb im Forschungszentrum Jülich. Als Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft stellen wir uns großen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit und erforschen Optionen für die digitalisierte Gesellschaft, ein klimaschonendes Energiesystem und ressourcenschützendes Wirtschaften. Arbeiten Sie gemeinsam mit rund 7.400 Kolleg:innen in einem der größten Forschungszentren Europas und gestalten Sie den Wandel mit uns!
Bei uns haben Sie die Chance, das neu gegründete Institut für nachhaltige Wasserstoffwirtschaft (INW) von Beginn an mit Ihren Ideen zu begleiten. Das INW bildet mit der H2-Demonstrationsregion das „Helmholtz-Cluster für nachhaltige und infrastrukturkompatible Wasserstoffwirtschaft“ (HC-H2). Hier werden wissenschaftliche Grundlagen im Bereich innovativer Wasserstofftechnologien gelegt, um Forschungs- und Entwicklungsansätze mit hohem Nachhaltigkeitspotenzial und attraktiven Wirtschaftlichkeitsaussichten voranzutreiben. Sie werden dem Institutsbereich „Prozess- und Anlagentechnik für die chemische Wasserstoffspeicherung“ (INW-4) angehören. Das INW-4 befasst sich mit der Prozesssynthese und Validierung von Gesamtsystemen und Prozessen für die Herstellung und Nutzung von chemischen Wasserstoffspeichern. Wenn Sie Interesse an den Themen Energiewende, Nachhaltigkeit und chemische Wasserstoffspeicher haben, dann sind Sie hier in Ihrem Element. Werden Sie Teil des Teams und machen Sie die Welt ein Stück nachhaltiger!
Verstärken Sie diesen Bereich zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt als
Doktorand:in - Trenn- und Reinigungskonzepte für weißen Wasserstoff (w/m/d)
Konzeptionelle Entwicklung von Trenn- und Reinigungskonzepten für weißen Wasserstoff einschließlich der Erstellung von Modellen zur Prozesssimulation
Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Herstellung von chemischen Wasserstoffspeichern, wie Ammoniak, Methanol, Methan, Dimethylether oder LOHC, basierend auf weißem Wasserstoff
Simulation und Vergleich mehrerer Verfahrensvarianten
Prozessintensivierung und Vergleich von verschiedenen Konzepten
Recherche neuer Prozesse und Verfahren
Technoökonomische Evaluierung dieser Verfahren und Technologien
Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung der Verfahren im Labor, Miniplant, Technikum und in Demonstrationsanlagen
Analyse und Präsentation der Ergebnisse auf wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen und in Journalen
Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Drittmittelanträgen
Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium (Master) der Fachrichtung Verfahrenstechnik, Prozesstechnik, Chemieingenieurwesen, Kybernetik, Physik, Chemie oder einer ähnlichen Studienrichtung mit überdurchschnittlichen Studienleistungen
Kenntnisse in der thermischen Verfahrenstechnik, Reaktionstechnik, Thermodynamik, Prozesstechnik und technischen Chemie
Interesse an Prozessmodellierung und -simulation wünschenswert, auch mit neuen Methoden und Ansätzen, wie neuronalen Netzwerken und nichtlinearer Optimierung
Erfahrung mit Prozesssimulatoren (z. B. Aspen, UniSim, HYSYS, gPROMS) und Modellierungssprachen (z. B. Python, Julia, MATLAB) wünschenswert
Fähigkeit zur Analyse komplexer Zusammenhänge und zum methodischen Arbeiten
Gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
Selbstständige und zugleich teamorientierte Arbeitsweise
Wir arbeiten an hochaktuellen gesellschaftlich relevanten Themen und bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, den Wandel aktiv mitzugestalten! Wir unterstützen Sie in Ihrer Arbeit durch:
Die Möglichkeit zur Mitgestaltung eines neuen Institutsbereichs
Hervorragende wissenschaftliche und technische Infrastruktur
Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an (internationalen) Konferenzen und Projekttreffen
Kontinuierliche fachliche Betreuung durch Ihre:n wissenschaftliche:n Betreuer:in
Die Möglichkeit zum (orts-)flexiblen Arbeiten, z. B. im Homeoffice
30 Tage Urlaub (in Abhängigkeit vom gewählten Arbeitszeitmodell) sowie alle Brückentage und zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr immer dienstfrei
Weiterentwicklung Ihrer persönlichen S...
Conducting research for a changing society: This is what drives us at Forschungszentrum Jülich. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, we aim to tackle the grand societal challenges of our time and conduct research into the possibilities of a digitized society, a climate-friendly energy system, and a resource-efficient economy. Work together with around 7,400 employees in one of Europe’s biggest research centers and help us to shape change!
The Institute of Biological Information Processing - Structural Biochemistry (IBI-7) focuses on understanding dynamic interactions between biological macromolecules and their structure, which is crucial to the function of every cell and organism. Central to this goal is nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), which provides detailed information about the microscopic structure and function of molecules. But NMR is an intrinsically insensitive technique, often requiring many hours or days of data acquisition to yield high-resolution structure maps. The Hyperpolarization Methods Lab develops chemical and physical approaches to hyperpolarize atoms and molecules, enhancing their NMR signals by orders of magnitude. This opens entirely new possibilities for spectroscopy and imaging in chemistry, biology, and in vivo MRI.
We are offering a
PhD Position - Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance If you are interested in creative problem solving at the interface between chemistry and physics with the chance to mix hands-on experimental work with theory+simulations, this opportunity may be for you!
The Hyperpolarization Methods research group at the Institute for Structural Biochemistry is seeking a motivated PhD candidate to carry out research in the field of hyperpolarized magnetic resonance. Hyperpolarization is the preparation of molecules in a specific nuclear spin quantum state. This means the molecule’s NMR / MRI signals are enhanced by many orders of magnitude, which is transformative for applications such as medical MRI or chemosensing. Specifically, we develop novel chemical and physical methods to produce hyperpolarized molecules and to extend the lifetimes of those hyperpolarized states.
As a member of the research group, you will work in an environment that combines the best aspects of modern scientific research with traditional academic values. You will carry out fast-paced research on societally relevant topics, with individual support (especially for your personal well-being) so you can grow as an individual. At the same time, you will have ample opportunity for acquiring knowledge, discussing science, and thinking creatively.
As a PhD candidate, your tasks will include:
Hyperpolarizing molecules using parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP)
Conducting and analyzing experiments using benchtop and high-field NMR
Developing and implementing novel polarization transfer methods for solid and liquid NMR samples
Collaborating on simulations of spin dynamics to guide experimental design
Preparing scientific publications and presenting your research at conferences
This is an interdisciplinary research area that integrates synthetic chemistry, physical chemistry and spectroscopy, experimental physics, and magnetic resonance theory. We do a mixture of hands-on experimental work and computer-based theory+simulations to guide experiments. You will be able to shape your PhD in these areas. We are looking for a candidate to bring different qualities to the position:
A master’s degree in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, materials science, or a related field
Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work productively within a multidisciplinary and collaborative research environment
Curiosity and enthusiasm to learn
Willingness to present research results at conferences
Good knowledge of spoken English
Experience with NMR, MRI, and hyperpolarization techniques
Familiarity with quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, or electromagnetism
Conducting research for a changing society: This is what drives us at Forschungszentrum Jülich. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, we aim to tackle the grand societal challenges of our time and conduct research into the possibilities of a digitized society, a climate-friendly energy system, and a resource-efficient economy. Work together with around 7,400 employees in one of Europe’s biggest research centers and help us to shape change!
The Institute of Biological Information Processing - Structural Biochemistry (IBI-7) focuses on understanding dynamic interactions between biological macromolecules and their structure, which is crucial to the function of every cell and organism. Central to this goal is nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), which provides detailed information about the microscopic structure and function of molecules. But NMR is an intrinsically insensitive technique, often requiring many hours or days of data acquisition to yield high-resolution structure maps. The Hyperpolarization Methods Lab develops chemical and physical approaches to hyperpolarize atoms and molecules, enhancing their NMR signals by orders of magnitude. This opens entirely new possibilities for spectroscopy and imaging in chemistry, biology, and in vivo MRI.
We are offering a
PhD Position - Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance If you are interested in creative problem solving at the interface between chemistry and physics with the chance to mix hands-on experimental work with theory+simulations, this opportunity may be for you!
The Hyperpolarization Methods research group at the Institute for Structural Biochemistry is seeking a motivated PhD candidate to carry out research in the field of hyperpolarized magnetic resonance. Hyperpolarization is the preparation of molecules in a specific nuclear spin quantum state. This means the molecule’s NMR / MRI signals are enhanced by many orders of magnitude, which is transformative for applications such as medical MRI or chemosensing. Specifically, we develop novel chemical and physical methods to produce hyperpolarized molecules and to extend the lifetimes of those hyperpolarized states.
As a member of the research group, you will work in an environment that combines the best aspects of modern scientific research with traditional academic values. You will carry out fast-paced research on societally relevant topics, with individual support (especially for your personal well-being) so you can grow as an individual. At the same time, you will have ample opportunity for acquiring knowledge, discussing science, and thinking creatively.
As a PhD candidate, your tasks will include:
Hyperpolarizing molecules using parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP)
Conducting and analyzing experiments using benchtop and high-field NMR
Developing and implementing novel polarization transfer methods for solid and liquid NMR samples
Collaborating on simulations of spin dynamics to guide experimental design
Preparing scientific publications and presenting your research at conferences
This is an interdisciplinary research area that integrates synthetic chemistry, physical chemistry and spectroscopy, experimental physics, and magnetic resonance theory. We do a mixture of hands-on experimental work and computer-based theory+simulations to guide experiments. You will be able to shape your PhD in these areas. We are looking for a candidate to bring different qualities to the position:
A master’s degree in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, materials science, or a related field
Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work productively within a multidisciplinary and collaborative research environment
Curiosity and enthusiasm to learn
Willingness to present research results at conferences
Good knowledge of spoken English
Experience with NMR, MRI, and hyperpolarization techniques
Familiarity with quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, or electromagnetism
Conducting research for a changing society: This is what drives us at Forschungszentrum Jülich. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, we aim to tackle the grand societal challenges of our time and conduct research into the possibilities of a digitized society, a climate-friendly energy system, and a resource-efficient economy. Work together with around 7,400 employees in one of Europe’s biggest research centers and help us to shape change!
The Institute of Biological Information Processing - Structural Biochemistry (IBI-7) focuses on understanding dynamic interactions between biological macromolecules and their structure, which is crucial to the function of every cell and organism. Central to this goal is nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), which provides detailed information about the microscopic structure and function of molecules. But NMR is an intrinsically insensitive technique, often requiring many hours or days of data acquisition to yield high-resolution structure maps. The Hyperpolarization Methods Lab develops chemical and physical approaches to hyperpolarize atoms and molecules, enhancing their NMR signals by orders of magnitude. This opens entirely new possibilities for spectroscopy and imaging in chemistry, biology, and in vivo MRI.
We are offering a
PhD Position - Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance If you are interested in creative problem solving at the interface between chemistry and physics with the chance to mix hands-on experimental work with theory+simulations, this opportunity may be for you!
The Hyperpolarization Methods research group at the Institute for Structural Biochemistry is seeking a motivated PhD candidate to carry out research in the field of hyperpolarized magnetic resonance. Hyperpolarization is the preparation of molecules in a specific nuclear spin quantum state. This means the molecule’s NMR / MRI signals are enhanced by many orders of magnitude, which is transformative for applications such as medical MRI or chemosensing. Specifically, we develop novel chemical and physical methods to produce hyperpolarized molecules and to extend the lifetimes of those hyperpolarized states.
As a member of the research group, you will work in an environment that combines the best aspects of modern scientific research with traditional academic values. You will carry out fast-paced research on societally relevant topics, with individual support (especially for your personal well-being) so you can grow as an individual. At the same time, you will have ample opportunity for acquiring knowledge, discussing science, and thinking creatively.
As a PhD candidate, your tasks will include:
Hyperpolarizing molecules using parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP)
Conducting and analyzing experiments using benchtop and high-field NMR
Developing and implementing novel polarization transfer methods for solid and liquid NMR samples
Collaborating on simulations of spin dynamics to guide experimental design
Preparing scientific publications and presenting your research at conferences
This is an interdisciplinary research area that integrates synthetic chemistry, physical chemistry and spectroscopy, experimental physics, and magnetic resonance theory. We do a mixture of hands-on experimental work and computer-based theory+simulations to guide experiments. You will be able to shape your PhD in these areas. We are looking for a candidate to bring different qualities to the position:
A master’s degree in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, materials science, or a related field
Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work productively within a multidisciplinary and collaborative research environment
Curiosity and enthusiasm to learn
Willingness to present research results at conferences
Good knowledge of spoken English
Experience with NMR, MRI, and hyperpolarization techniques
Familiarity with quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, or electromagnetism
Conducting research for a changing society: This is what drives us at Forschungszentrum Jülich. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, we aim to tackle the grand societal challenges of our time and conduct research into the possibilities of a digitized society, a climate-friendly energy system, and a resource-efficient economy. Work together with around 7,400 employees in one of Europe’s biggest research centers and help us to shape change!
The Institute of Biological Information Processing - Structural Biochemistry (IBI-7) focuses on understanding dynamic interactions between biological macromolecules and their structure, which is crucial to the function of every cell and organism. Central to this goal is nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), which provides detailed information about the microscopic structure and function of molecules. But NMR is an intrinsically insensitive technique, often requiring many hours or days of data acquisition to yield high-resolution structure maps. The Hyperpolarization Methods Lab develops chemical and physical approaches to hyperpolarize atoms and molecules, enhancing their NMR signals by orders of magnitude. This opens entirely new possibilities for spectroscopy and imaging in chemistry, biology, and in vivo MRI.
We are offering a
PhD Position - Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance If you are interested in creative problem solving at the interface between chemistry and physics with the chance to mix hands-on experimental work with theory+simulations, this opportunity may be for you!
The Hyperpolarization Methods research group at the Institute for Structural Biochemistry is seeking a motivated PhD candidate to carry out research in the field of hyperpolarized magnetic resonance. Hyperpolarization is the preparation of molecules in a specific nuclear spin quantum state. This means the molecule’s NMR / MRI signals are enhanced by many orders of magnitude, which is transformative for applications such as medical MRI or chemosensing. Specifically, we develop novel chemical and physical methods to produce hyperpolarized molecules and to extend the lifetimes of those hyperpolarized states.
As a member of the research group, you will work in an environment that combines the best aspects of modern scientific research with traditional academic values. You will carry out fast-paced research on societally relevant topics, with individual support (especially for your personal well-being) so you can grow as an individual. At the same time, you will have ample opportunity for acquiring knowledge, discussing science, and thinking creatively.
As a PhD candidate, your tasks will include:
Hyperpolarizing molecules using parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP)
Conducting and analyzing experiments using benchtop and high-field NMR
Developing and implementing novel polarization transfer methods for solid and liquid NMR samples
Collaborating on simulations of spin dynamics to guide experimental design
Preparing scientific publications and presenting your research at conferences
This is an interdisciplinary research area that integrates synthetic chemistry, physical chemistry and spectroscopy, experimental physics, and magnetic resonance theory. We do a mixture of hands-on experimental work and computer-based theory+simulations to guide experiments. You will be able to shape your PhD in these areas. We are looking for a candidate to bring different qualities to the position:
A master’s degree in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, materials science, or a related field
Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work productively within a multidisciplinary and collaborative research environment
Curiosity and enthusiasm to learn
Willingness to present research results at conferences
Good knowledge of spoken English
Experience with NMR, MRI, and hyperpolarization techniques
Familiarity with quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, or electromagnetism
Conducting research for a changing society: This is what drives us at Forschungszentrum Jülich. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, we aim to tackle the grand societal challenges of our time and conduct research into the possibilities of a digitized society, a climate-friendly energy system, and a resource-efficient economy. Work together with around 7,400 employees in one of Europe’s biggest research centers and help us to shape change!
The Institute of Biological Information Processing - Structural Biochemistry (IBI-7) focuses on understanding dynamic interactions between biological macromolecules and their structure, which is crucial to the function of every cell and organism. Central to this goal is nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), which provides detailed information about the microscopic structure and function of molecules. But NMR is an intrinsically insensitive technique, often requiring many hours or days of data acquisition to yield high-resolution structure maps. The Hyperpolarization Methods Lab develops chemical and physical approaches to hyperpolarize atoms and molecules, enhancing their NMR signals by orders of magnitude. This opens entirely new possibilities for spectroscopy and imaging in chemistry, biology, and in vivo MRI.
We are offering a
PhD Position - Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance If you are interested in creative problem solving at the interface between chemistry and physics with the chance to mix hands-on experimental work with theory+simulations, this opportunity may be for you!
The Hyperpolarization Methods research group at the Institute for Structural Biochemistry is seeking a motivated PhD candidate to carry out research in the field of hyperpolarized magnetic resonance. Hyperpolarization is the preparation of molecules in a specific nuclear spin quantum state. This means the molecule’s NMR / MRI signals are enhanced by many orders of magnitude, which is transformative for applications such as medical MRI or chemosensing. Specifically, we develop novel chemical and physical methods to produce hyperpolarized molecules and to extend the lifetimes of those hyperpolarized states.
As a member of the research group, you will work in an environment that combines the best aspects of modern scientific research with traditional academic values. You will carry out fast-paced research on societally relevant topics, with individual support (especially for your personal well-being) so you can grow as an individual. At the same time, you will have ample opportunity for acquiring knowledge, discussing science, and thinking creatively.
As a PhD candidate, your tasks will include:
Hyperpolarizing molecules using parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP)
Conducting and analyzing experiments using benchtop and high-field NMR
Developing and implementing novel polarization transfer methods for solid and liquid NMR samples
Collaborating on simulations of spin dynamics to guide experimental design
Preparing scientific publications and presenting your research at conferences
This is an interdisciplinary research area that integrates synthetic chemistry, physical chemistry and spectroscopy, experimental physics, and magnetic resonance theory. We do a mixture of hands-on experimental work and computer-based theory+simulations to guide experiments. You will be able to shape your PhD in these areas. We are looking for a candidate to bring different qualities to the position:
A master’s degree in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, materials science, or a related field
Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work productively within a multidisciplinary and collaborative research environment
Curiosity and enthusiasm to learn
Willingness to present research results at conferences
Good knowledge of spoken English
Experience with NMR, MRI, and hyperpolarization techniques
Familiarity with quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, or electromagnetism