Equity Investment Senior (f/m/d)

Equity Investment Senior (f/m/d) in Erlangen

Equity Investment Senior (f/m/d) in Erlangen, Deutschland

Job as Betriebswirt/in (Hochschule) in Erlangen , Bayern, Deutschland

Job Description | Jobbörse Arbeitsagentur

Have impact by improving people’s life.
Whether in renewable energies, transportation, agriculture technology, healthcare, or infrastructure projects, Siemens Financial Services Equity Finance (SFS EQ) invests across a broad variety of sectors with tailored equity financing solutions for customers and involved Siemens Operating and Strategic companies. SFS EQ takes an active owner role by providing up to 50% of the required equity of a project or investment over the lifetime (development, construction, operation). Join our team and let’s develop together what will be important tomorrow!
Looking for the next big challenge ? We will meet your ambitions!
Join our EQ Finance team for the EU as an Equity Investment Senior, working with highly skilled professionals to assess target and portfolio companies, their valuations, and impact on Siemens KPIs. Support SFS EQ in achieving ambitious portfolio goals through engagement with transaction teams, regional management, and other partners.
- Join our team to find, develop, and structure new investment opportunities, focusing on finance-related issues, operational matters, and reviewing legal documents and financial models. Your main responsibility will be valuing and simulating business plans and return ambitions.
- Take charge of financial planning and valuation for complex target and portfolio companies by transforming financial data into Siemens and SFS frameworks. Coordinate with international colleagues from Accounting, Tax, and Controlling, as well as external partners.
- Co-lead external negotiations with co-sponsors, investee/target companies, and suppliers on finance-related aspects of transactions
- Identify and assess key risks and opportunities in target and investee companies, support due diligence, and develop mitigants and structures to address risks and leverage opportunities.
- Contribute to asset monitoring, covering operational and investment performance, including regular fair value assessment or impairment testing, in line with SFS governance.
- Contribute to investment performance reviews, updating risk and opportunity profiles, reflecting changes in SFS financial plans, and reconciling with original investment ambitions to implement portfolio management activities.
- Together with the SFS EQ FIN2 team, ensure the quality of financial statements, accounting treatment of financial instruments, and project-level financing and funding. Help define, implement, and monitor policies, processes, and controls according to Siemens and SFS requirements.
- Responsible for selecting and engaging consultants, including negotiating services.
- Act as a role model for the Finance community, promoting a growth mindset and supporting core values and

Your profile for "Making the Future Possible".
- Bachelor´s or Master´s degree in Business Administration (or similar), a CFA certification is a plus
- Bring more than 5 years of professional experience in investment banking / M&A, venture and/or private equity finance with a clear focus on valuations and have credible know-how in accounting (IFRS and HGB), taxation and planning/reporting/analysis activities
- You have already been actively involved in M&A and investment processes running transactions in equity and/or debt
- Knowledge of the due diligence environment and valuation of investments as well as experience in one of the core industries of Siemens AG or SFS investments
- We would be happy if you also bring outstanding expertise of the financial services industry, capital markets and fund industry
- Experience of working within an international, matrix environment as well as working with international and virtual teams would be encouraging
- Highly proficient English skills round off your profile

What we offer.
- 2 to 3 days of mobile working per week as a global standard
- Attractive remuneration package
- Development opportunities for both personal and professional growth
- 30 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family

- Share matching programs to become a shareholder of Siemens AG
- Find more benefits here  

Individual benefits are adapted to meet local legal regulations, the requirements of different job profiles, locations, and personal preferences.

Do you want to know more about us?
We at Siemens Financial Services provide business-to-business financial solutions. Our unique combination of financial expertise, risk competence and industry know-how enable us to create tailored innovative solutions. We have our headquarters in Munich, Germany and almost 3,000 employees worldwide. Follow this link to discover our world: www.siemens.com/finance  

Make your mark in our exciting world at Siemens.
As an equal-opportunity employer we are happy to consider  applications from individuals with disabilities   .

- if you would like to find out more about jobs & careers at Siemens.
FAQ    - if you need further information on the application process.
Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Bundesagentur für Arbeit


Start Date


Siemens AG

Otto-Hahn-Ring 6


91052, Erlangen, Bayern, Deutschland


Siemens AG Logo
UID | BB-665a89afd951d-665a89afd951e
Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Application Details

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Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Related Jobs


Betriebswirt/in (Hochschule)

Projektleiter Visualisierung/Programmierung (m/w/d)


### Ihre Aufgaben:

- Projektierung, Test und Inbetriebnahme von elektrischen Anlagen in der Metall-Branche mit dem Schwerpunkt Visualisierung / Automatisierung
- Projektinterne Schnittstellenabstimmung zu weiteren Teilprojekten wie Hardwareplanung und SW-Schnittstellen
- Strukturierung und Controlling der projektspezifischen Automatisierungsumfangs
- Programmierung der notwendigen Analgenkomponenten sowie der Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Simulationen dieser Komponenten
- Inbetriebnahme vor Ort auf der Kundenanlage im Verbund mit dem Lieferanten, der Mechanik und dem Endkunden sowie Einweisung und Schulung des Kundenpersonals
- Übernahme der Teilprojektleitung im Bereich Visualisierung und Aussteuerung von Regionen und Unterlieferanten 

### Ihre Qualifikationen:

- Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Elektroniker, Mechatroniker, Fachinformatiker oder höherwertige Qualifikation
- Erste tätigkeitsspezifische Erfahrungen in der Industrie wünschenswert
- Gute Kenntnisse in Automatisierungstechnik, bevorzugt im Bereich SIMATIC STEP 7 und TIA Portal
- Gute Kenntnisse in Programmiersprachen wünschenswert
- Flexibilität und Bereitschaft zu Inbetriebnahmen auf den Kundenanlagen im In- und Ausland (10-30 %)
- Bereitschaft und Motivation neue Wege zu gehen und neue Inhalte zu lernen
- Interkulturelle Erfahrungen sowie gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse (in Wort und Schrift) runden ihr Profil ab

### Ihre Vorteile:

- Abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem renommierten Unternehmen
- Angenehmes Arbeitsklima
- Dynamisches und innovatives Marktumfeld
- Hohes Maß an Eigenverantwortung
- Homeoffice-Möglichkeit

### Über Hays:

Mit unserer langjährigen Rekrutierungserfahrung und unseren Kenntnissen des Engineering-Personalmarktes bieten wir Fach- und Führungskräften aus dem Ingenieurwesen und dem technischen Umfeld eine starke Partnerschaft. Denn durch unsere intensiven Beziehungen und Netzwerke über alle Industriebranchen hinweg vermitteln wir Ihnen als Engineering-Fachleuten spannende Projekte und attraktive Positionen. Ganz nach Ihren Interessen und abhängig von Ihren Erfahrungen und Qualifikationen.
Sie profitieren dabei von einer professionellen Betreuung von der ersten Ansprache bis zum Antritt Ihres neuen Projektes bzw. Ihrer neuen Stelle - und das natürlich völlig kostenfrei.
Registrieren Sie sich und freuen Sie sich auf interessante und passende Positionen und Projekte.

Hays Professional Solutions GmbH Standort Nürnberg

Hays Professional Solutions GmbH Standort Nürnberg Logo

Betriebswirt/in (Hochschule)

Referent*in (w/m/d) für Bilanzierungsgrundsätze und externe Finanzberichterstattung


Wollen Sie die Zukunft des Gesundheitswesens mitgestalten? Wir bei Siemens Healthineers setzen auf Menschen, die ihre Energie und Leidenschaft diesem Ziel widmen – das sagt schon unser Unternehmensname. Siemens Healthineers steht für Pioniergeist unserer Mitarbeitenden, gepaart mit unserer langen Tradition als weltweit führender Technologiekonzern in der stets dynamischen Gesundheitsbranche.

Wir bieten ein flexibles und dynamisches Umfeld voller Gelegenheiten, über sich hinaus zu wachsen, um sich persönlich und beruflich weiterzuentwickeln. Klingt das interessant für Sie?

Dann werden Sie Teil unseres globalen Teams als   Referent*in (w/m/d) für Bilanzierungsgrundsätze und externe Finanzberichterstattung.

Wählen Sie den besten Ort für Ihre Arbeit -   im Rahmen dieser Stelle ist es in Abstimmung mit Ihrer Führungskraft möglich, bis zu einem durchschnittlichen Volumen von 60% der jeweiligen Arbeitszeit mobil (innerhalb Deutschlands) zu arbeiten.

Diese Stelle ist in Voll- oder Teilzeit mit mindestens 28 Stunden/Woche zu besetzen.

Ihre Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten:

- Sie sind Ansprechperson für komplexe Bilanzierungsfragen gemäß IFRS, insbesondere hinsichtlich der Bilanzierung von Finanzinstrumenten
- Sie verfassen eigenverantwortlich Abschnitte des Siemens Healthineers Konzernanhangs und Lageberichts und unterstützen bei der Qualitätssicherung
- Sie sind zuständig für die Weiterentwicklung der Bilanzierungsrichtlinien
- Sie unterstützen bei der Harmonisierung der Bilanzierung von akquirierten Unternehmen
- Sie treiben die Optimierung von Konzernabschlussprozessen voran
- Sie übernehmen und klären Anfragen des Wirtschaftsprüfers

Mehr über dieses Geschäftsfeld erfahren Sie unter   https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/de/products-services

Ihre Qualifikationen und Erfahrung:

- Sie haben Ihr Studium der Betriebswirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt Finanzen, Rechnungswesen oder Wirtschaftsprüfung erfolgreich absolviert; Zusatzqualifikation als Wirtschaftsprüfer*in, Steuerberater*in, etc. sind von Vorteil
- Sie haben langjährige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Rechnungslegung und Abschlusserstellung bei einem börsennotierten international agierenden Unternehmen oder einer Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
- Sie verfügen über versiertes Wissen in der Rechnungslegung gemäß IFRS
- Idealerweisen bringen Sie eine Affinität für IT-Prozesse mit

Ihr Profil und Ihre Fähigkeiten:

- Sie zeichnen sich aus durch analytisches und selbständiges Arbeiten, insbesondere mit Bilanzierungsrichtlinien/-standards, sowie durch ein sicheres Auftreten im internationalen Umfeld
- Sie besitzen fließende Deutschkenntnisse, u.a. für die deutschsprachige Erstellung des Geschäftsberichts. Für die Unterstützung von globalen Accounting Einheiten benötigen Sie sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
- Ausgeprägte Ergebnis-, Kunden- und Qualitätsorientierung liegt Ihnen am Herzen
- Sie haben Spaß daran, Problemstellungen strukturiert zu analysieren, können sich selbst und Ihre Teammitglieder für eine faktenbasierte Analyse begeistern und haben Freude daran Ihre eigenen Ideen vorzustellen und voranzutreiben

Unser globales Team:

Siemens Healthineers ist ein weltweit führendes Medizintechnikunternehmen. Mit mehr als 72.000 engagierten Mitarbeitenden in über 75 Ländern gestalten wir die Zukunft des Gesundheitswesens. Jeden Tag profitieren etwa fünf Millionen Patient*innen weltweit von unseren innovativen Technologien und Dienstleistungen aus den Bereichen Diagnostik und therapeutische Bildgebung, Labordiagnostik und molekulare Medizin sowie von unseren digitalen Gesundheits- und Unternehmensdienstleistungen.

Unsere Kultur:

Unsere Unternehmenskultur schätzt verschiedene Blickwinkel, offene Diskussionen und den Willen, Konventionen in Frage zu stellen. Ständiger Wandel gehört zu unserem Arbeitsalltag. Wir wollen in unserer Branche Veränderungen vorantreiben, statt nur darauf zu reagieren. Deswegen laden wir Sie ein, sich neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen, eigene Ideen auszutesten und Erfolge zu feiern. Besuchen Sie auch unsere Karriere-Seite unter https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/de/careers

Wir legen Wert auf Diversität und Chancengleichheit und freuen uns über Bewerbungen mit vielfältigen Hintergründen und insbesondere von Menschen mit Behinderung.

Sie möchten mehr erfahren und erste Fragen gern persönlich klären – Sprechen Sie uns an: +49 (9131) / 17 – 1717. Kontaktperson dieser Stellenausschreibung ist  Petra Hübener.

Wir nehmen den Schutz Ihrer Daten und die Einhaltung der DSGVO und anderer Datenschutzgesetze ernst. Deshalb bitten wir Sie, uns Ihren Lebenslauf nicht per E-Mail zu schicken. Bitte legen Sie ein Profil in unserer Talent Community an, um Ihren Lebenslauf hochzuladen. Daran erkennen wir, dass Sie an Karrieremöglichkeiten bei uns interessiert sind und können Sie zu relevanten Stellen benachrichtigen. Klicken Sie hier , um ein Profil anzulegen.

Siemens Healthineers Deutschland wurde mit dem Zertifikat Great Place to Work® ausgezeichnet.

Siemens AG

Siemens AG Logo

Betriebswirt/in (Hochschule)

Lean Consultant (f/m/d) for the EMEA region


Do you want to help create the future of healthcare? Our name, Siemens Healthineers, was selected to honor our people who dedicate their energy and passion to this cause. It reflects their pioneering spirit combined with our long history of engineering in the ever-evolving healthcare industry.

We offer you a flexible and dynamic environment with opportunities to go beyond your comfort zone in order to grow personally and professionally. Sound interesting?
Then join our team as  Lean Consultant (f/m/d) for the EMEA region. The Healthineers Performance System (HPS) team within Siemens Healthineers is responsible for empowering and consulting the employees to implement our strategy. HPS forms the basis for a common business performance system across the company and is a key pillar to our company strategy.
Choose the best place for your work – Within the scope of this position, it is possible, in consultation with your manager, to work mobile (within Germany) up to an average volume of 60% of the respective working hours.
Your tasks and responsibilities:
- As Lean Consultant you will be providing consultancy, practical training, and coaching services to Siemens Healthineers employees on business system methods, such as Structured Problem Solving, Hoshin Kanri, Value Stream Mapping, Visual Management etc.
- Due to your open, communicative, and entrepreneurial nature, it is easy for you to independently advance the business system implementation in your area of responsibility and to carry out improvement project acquisitions
- You are partnering with the management team of the business units you are supporting
- As a team member you are focusing on systematic qualification increase of Healthineers employees in selected business system methods
- You will be responsible for selected portfolio elements, methods or processes, preferably in the area of Lean Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Sales, Service etc.
- You will be facilitating Improvement Events against relevant business challenges to set lighthouses and role model performance improvement
- You are promoting our business system internally as the Siemens Healthineers business accelerator

Your qualifications and experience:
- You have a university degree in business administration, business / industrial engineering, mechanical engineering or another relevant technical domain
- You have many years of professional experience, thereof many years in Business Excellence, Process or Project Management, preferably acquired during a role in a Consultancy
- You possess orofound and proven project management experience, preferably gained in strategic / tactic change projects
- You have extensive knowledge of Lean Management and / or Lean Manufacturing
- You have proven experience in coaching, training, and facilitation, as well as in the organization and execution of management workshops

Your attributes and skills:
- You will be conducting workshops and consultation in both English and German, so you need to be proficient in those languages
- With your accessible nature and excellent communication skills, you are safe in communicating with different business areas, cultures, and management levels
- To support our business units on site, you will travel up to 30% mainly in the EMEA region
- You will be working closely together with the HPS central office team in Erlangen, Germany.

Our team

Siemens Healthineers is a leading global medical technology company. 71,000 dedicated colleagues in over 75 countries are driven to shape the future of healthcare. An estimated 5 million patients across the globe benefit every day from our innovative technologies and services in the areas of diagnostic and therapeutic imaging, laboratory diagnostics and molecular medicine, as well as digital health and enterprise services.

Our culture:

Our culture embraces different perspectives, open debate, and the will to challenge convention. Change is a constant aspect of our work. We aspire to lead the change in our industry rather than just react to it. That’s why we invite you to take on new challenges, test your ideas, and celebrate success.
Check our Careers Site at   https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/de/careers
As an equal opportunity employer, we welcome applications from individuals with disabilities.
Wish to find out more before applying? Contact us: +49 (9131) / 17 – 1717, if you wish to discuss any initial questions with our recruitment team. The contact person handling this job ad is
Klaus Kouril.

We care about your data privacy and take compliance with GDPR as well as other data protection legislation seriously. For this reason, we ask you not to send us your CV or resume by email. We ask instead that you create a profile in our talent community where you can upload your CV. Setting up a profile lets us know you are interested in career opportunities with us and makes it easy for us to send you an alert when relevant positions become open. Click  here  to get started.

Siemens Healthineers Germany was awarded the Great Place to Work® certificate.

Siemens AG

Siemens AG Logo

Betriebswirt/in (Hochschule)

Purchasing Council Manager (f/m/d) for Transformers


Knowledge for the world of tomorrow.

At Siemens, thousands of processes take place every day where a wide variety of materials or products are ordered, processed, stored and delivered. At Corporate SCM Pooling Direct, we drive optimized pooling activities for direct materials by leveraging synergies within procurement, maximizing competition, focusing on sustainability and intensifying collaboration with the best suppliers in conjunction with our global network and cross-functional partners.
To do this, we are not only looking for bright minds, but people like you who think creatively and have proven to be passionate about pushing boundaries and getting to the bottom of things. You keep an eye on every movement from A to B, reliably check costs and deadlines, scrutinize quality and quantities. Which adjusting wheel ensures better results? Can customer wishes be implemented even more flexibly? Your answers help us to become more efficient. Your know-how makes us adaptable and agile.
As a  Purchasing Council Manager (f/m/d) for Transformers , you will be responsible for a global purchasing volume of more than 600 million EUR. What are you waiting for? Let's shape the future of procurement together!
Together we will shape the purchasing of tomorrow! These tasks await you:
- Strategic pooling of demand:  You organize and implement demand consolidation for various businesses, locations, and projects. In doing so, you analyze demands, markets, and suppliers to define an optimal material field strategy.
- Commodity Strategy:  You are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of our strategy, implementing and measuring KPIs, and providing actionable insights and recommendations for continuous improvement.
- Innovative negotiation concepts:  You develop and implement innovative negotiation concepts and strategies. Global price and contract negotiations are part of your responsibilities, as well as defining concepts for risk and contract management.
- Supplier management:  Together with partner functions, you are responsible for the complete supplier management. You maintain intensive contact with internal and external partners and initiate top management meetings with strategic suppliers.
- Monitoring and analysis:  You monitor defined information and key figures beyond business areas and departmental boundaries, prepare them if necessary, and develop recommendations for action.
- Sustainability:  You work closely with the supplier network and internal cross-functional partners to actively support Siemens' sustainability goals.
- Digitalization & resilience:  You drive the further digitalization of processes and develop resilient procurement strategies for your area of responsibility.
- Leadership and network building:  You act as a role model and proactively lead the transformation of the global commodity. It is your responsibility to lead an international team and continuously expand the network.

What you need to make real what matters.
- The basis of your success is your technical or business master's degree.
- You bring extensive experience in strategic procurement or a related functional area and additionally have experience in project management.
- Ideally, you already have experience and technical (product) knowledge around Transformers and/or in cross-functional pooling.
- You have a strong technical understanding, excellent commercial and contract law knowledge, and a broad know-how of relevant procurement processes.
- Previous international experience, intercultural adaptability, and experience in leading global teams are desirable.
- Proven track record of successfully leading and delivering complex ecosystems and networks within the business and SCM dedicated functions.
- You have the ability to interact on eye level with Senior internal stakeholders and C-suite contacts on supplier side.
- You are proficient in negotiation, presentation, and moderation methods. Additionally, you have a goal- and strategy-oriented personality with high autonomy and assertiveness.
- You are a creative problem solver, able to think critically and analytically to overcome obstacles and find innovative solutions. This includes being able to analyze complex situations, identify opportunities, and make data-driven decisions.
- Fluent German and English language skills, both written and spoken, complete your profile

What we offer.
- 2 to 3 days of mobile working per week as a global standard
- Development opportunities for both personal and professional growth
- 30 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family
- Share matching programs to become a shareholder of Siemens AG
- Appealing Siemens pension benefits
- Find more benefits here

Individual benefits are adapted to meet local legal regulations, the requirements of different job profiles, locations, and individual preferences.
Make your mark in our exciting world at Siemens.
As an equal-opportunity employer we are happy to consider  applications from individuals with disabilities .

- if you would like to find out more about jobs & careers at Siemens.
FAQ  - if you need further information on the application process.

Siemens AG

Siemens AG Logo

Betriebswirt/in (Hochschule)

Head of Business Excellence & Quality Management (f/m/d)


Knowledge for the world of tomorrow.

The Siemens Business Unit “Customer Services” (DI CS) defines, develops, and delivers, product related, valuable, digital and industrial services. This includes customer oriented technical services that cover the entire lifecycle from single machines to sophisticated industrial factories/plants, from product related services such as maintenance and repair, spare parts, and update/upgrades, to beneficial services such as maintenance management and technical training, as well as operation related services improving asset productivity and energy efficiency for industrial customers.
DI CS Mission: “We enable our customers to achieve their sustainability targets and accelerate their digital transformation with our innovative lifecycle services.”
What part will you play?

A winning team needs an exceptional leader - As Head of Business Excellence & Quality Management (f/m/d) your goal is to act as a transformer of the everyday. Your Leadership will play a vital role enabling the organization to transform to the next level.  As part of a great leadership team of DI CS you actively drive the transformation across segments, functions and especially our large regional footprint to achieve our extremely ambitious targets that we have set to reach.

- Define, initiate, and lead  cross-functional projects and initiatives that are crucial for developing the DI Customer Service business.
- Develop, implement, and detail  a future-oriented, effective, and efficient Integrated Management System, while driving the agile and lean transformation of the entire organization.
- Initiate, promote, and manage  strategic global quality programs to drive digital transformation.
- Contribute  to an outstanding customer experience by identifying potential improvements along the end-to-end customer journey and deriving appropriate actions.
- Coordinate  QM/EHS planning, drive target achievement, provide focused reports, and ensure the implementation of quality improvement methodologies and optimization of process performance management (e.g., 8D, RCA, FMEA).
- Oversee  overall audit management, including the preparation and execution of internal audits.
- Ensure  outstanding resources through the necessary competence development program across our global organization, as service business is people business.
- Serve  as an inspiring role model by supporting, exciting, and empowering your team, and as a true ambassador of collaboration, nurture a truly inclusive and diverse environment.

What you need to make real what matters.

- You have completed an academic degree or alternatively, an apprenticeship with further training and many years of professional experience.
- Based on this, you gained long-term, cross-functional and operational experience in service or project business. A solid technical foundation is a plus.
- You are a phenomenal teammate and an expert leader; you have impressive experiences in leading international teams, solving our customers problems.
- Moreover, you have experience in quality management, project management and continuous improvement / lean transformation.
- Proficiency in English is essential for effective communication and collaboration with global teams and partners.

What we offer.

- 2 to 3 days of mobile working per week as a global standard
- Attractive remuneration package
- Development opportunities for both personal and professional growth
- Find more benefits here

Individual benefits are adapted to meet local legal regulations, the requirements of different job profiles, locations, and individual preferences.

Make your mark in our exciting world at Siemens.
As an equal-opportunity employer we are happy to consider  applications from individuals with disabilities .

- if you would like to find out more about jobs & careers at Siemens.
FAQ  - if you need further information on the application process.

Siemens AG

Siemens AG Logo

Betriebswirt/in (Hochschule)

Equity Investment Senior (f/m/d)


Have impact by improving people’s life.
Whether in renewable energies, transportation, agriculture technology, healthcare, or infrastructure projects, Siemens Financial Services Equity Finance (SFS EQ) invests across a broad variety of sectors with tailored equity financing solutions for customers and involved Siemens Operating and Strategic companies. SFS EQ takes an active owner role by providing up to 50% of the required equity of a project or investment over the lifetime (development, construction, operation). Join our team and let’s develop together what will be important tomorrow!
Looking for the next big challenge ? We will meet your ambitions!
Join our EQ Finance team for the EU as an Equity Investment Senior, working with highly skilled professionals to assess target and portfolio companies, their valuations, and impact on Siemens KPIs. Support SFS EQ in achieving ambitious portfolio goals through engagement with transaction teams, regional management, and other partners.
- Join our team to find, develop, and structure new investment opportunities, focusing on finance-related issues, operational matters, and reviewing legal documents and financial models. Your main responsibility will be valuing and simulating business plans and return ambitions.
- Take charge of financial planning and valuation for complex target and portfolio companies by transforming financial data into Siemens and SFS frameworks. Coordinate with international colleagues from Accounting, Tax, and Controlling, as well as external partners.
- Co-lead external negotiations with co-sponsors, investee/target companies, and suppliers on finance-related aspects of transactions
- Identify and assess key risks and opportunities in target and investee companies, support due diligence, and develop mitigants and structures to address risks and leverage opportunities.
- Contribute to asset monitoring, covering operational and investment performance, including regular fair value assessment or impairment testing, in line with SFS governance.
- Contribute to investment performance reviews, updating risk and opportunity profiles, reflecting changes in SFS financial plans, and reconciling with original investment ambitions to implement portfolio management activities.
- Together with the SFS EQ FIN2 team, ensure the quality of financial statements, accounting treatment of financial instruments, and project-level financing and funding. Help define, implement, and monitor policies, processes, and controls according to Siemens and SFS requirements.
- Responsible for selecting and engaging consultants, including negotiating services.
- Act as a role model for the Finance community, promoting a growth mindset and supporting core values and

Your profile for "Making the Future Possible".
- Bachelor´s or Master´s degree in Business Administration (or similar), a CFA certification is a plus
- Bring more than 5 years of professional experience in investment banking / M&A, venture and/or private equity finance with a clear focus on valuations and have credible know-how in accounting (IFRS and HGB), taxation and planning/reporting/analysis activities
- You have already been actively involved in M&A and investment processes running transactions in equity and/or debt
- Knowledge of the due diligence environment and valuation of investments as well as experience in one of the core industries of Siemens AG or SFS investments
- We would be happy if you also bring outstanding expertise of the financial services industry, capital markets and fund industry
- Experience of working within an international, matrix environment as well as working with international and virtual teams would be encouraging
- Highly proficient English skills round off your profile

What we offer.
- 2 to 3 days of mobile working per week as a global standard
- Attractive remuneration package
- Development opportunities for both personal and professional growth
- 30 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family

- Share matching programs to become a shareholder of Siemens AG
- Find more benefits here

Individual benefits are adapted to meet local legal regulations, the requirements of different job profiles, locations, and personal preferences.

Do you want to know more about us?
We at Siemens Financial Services provide business-to-business financial solutions. Our unique combination of financial expertise, risk competence and industry know-how enable us to create tailored innovative solutions. We have our headquarters in Munich, Germany and almost 3,000 employees worldwide. Follow this link to discover our world: www.siemens.com/finance

Make your mark in our exciting world at Siemens.
As an equal-opportunity employer we are happy to consider  applications from individuals with disabilities .

- if you would like to find out more about jobs & careers at Siemens.
FAQ  - if you need further information on the application process.

Siemens AG

Siemens AG Logo

Betriebswirt/in (Hochschule)

Senior Platform Account Manager (w/m/d)


Wollen Sie die Zukunft des Gesundheitswesens mitgestalten? Wir bei Siemens Healthineers setzen auf Menschen, die ihre Energie und Leidenschaft diesem Ziel widmen – das sagt schon unser Unternehmensname. Siemens Healthineers steht für Pioniergeist unserer Mitarbeitenden, gepaart mit unserer langen Tradition als weltweit führender Technologiekonzern in der stets dynamischen Gesundheitsbranche.

Wir bieten ein flexibles und dynamisches Umfeld voller Gelegenheiten, über sich hinaus zu wachsen, um sich persönlich und beruflich weiterzuentwickeln. Klingt das interessant für Sie?

Dann werden Sie Teil unseres globalen Teams als Senior Platform Account Manager (w/m/d), um die Entwicklung einer Software-Plattform für das gesamte Siemens Healthineers Digital- und Geräte-Portfolio voranzutreiben.

Wählen Sie den besten Ort für Ihre Arbeit - im Rahmen dieser Stelle ist es in Abstimmung mit Ihrer Führungskraft möglich, bis zu einem durchschnittlichen Volumen von 60% der jeweiligen Arbeitszeit mobil (innerhalb Deutschlands) zu arbeiten.

Zudem ist diese Stelle in Vollzeit oder Teilzeit mit mind. 30h/Woche zu besetzen.

Ihre Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten:

- Sie sind verantwortlich für den engen Kontakt mit internen sowie externen Plattformnutzenden und verstehen deren strategische Herausforderungen
- Sie zeigen den Nutzenden eigenständig Möglichkeiten auf, mittels der SHS-Plattform den Mehrwert ihrer Produkte hervorzuheben
- Sie sind zuständig für die Entwicklung von Plattform-Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und für die Bewertung deren Potentials
- Sie verantworten den Aufbau eines Portfolios an Plattformdiensten und dessen Vermarktung gegenüber Plattformnutzenden
- Sie führen eigenständig Vertragsverhandlungen

Mehr über dieses Geschäftsfeld erfahren Sie unter  https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/de/products-services

Ihre Qualifikationen und Erfahrung:

- Sie verfügen über ein abgeschlossenes Studium einer naturwissenschaftlichen, technischen oder betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachrichtung oder im Bereich Medizin
- Sie bringen langjährige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Portfoliomanagement, Produktmanagement oder im strategischen Vertrieb mit, idealerweise innerhalb der MedTech-Branche
- Sie überzeugen durch Ihre umfassende Erfahrung im Umgang und Networking mit verschiedenen Stakeholdern
- Sie verfügen über ausgeprägte betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse sowie über ein technisches Grundverständnis von Software
- Idealerweise haben Sie Erfahrung im Bereich Plattform-Ökonomie

Ihr Profil und Ihre Fähigkeiten:

- Sie können verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und fließende Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift vorweisen
- Ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten ermöglichen es Ihnen, auf Augenhöhe mit unseren Plattformnutzenden zu interagieren und internationalen Managementteams erfolgreich die Werte unsere Plattform zu vermitteln
- Es macht Ihnen Freude, unsere Partner*innen kompetent zu betreuen und entlang ehrgeiziger Ziele weiterzuentwickeln
- Sie inspirieren die gesamte Organisation mit innovativen Ansätzen und zukunftsweisendem Denken
- Sie zeichnen sich durch eine strukturierte und zielorientierte Arbeitsweise mit einem hohen Maß an analytischen und strategischen Fähigkeiten sowie einer starken Kund*innenorientierung aus

Unser globales Team:
Siemens Healthineers ist ein weltweit führendes Medizintechnikunternehmen. Mit mehr als 71.000 engagierten Mitarbeitenden in über 75 Ländern gestalten wir die Zukunft des Gesundheitswesens. Jeden Tag profitieren etwa fünf Millionen Patient*innen weltweit von unseren innovativen Technologien und Dienstleistungen aus den Bereichen Diagnostik und therapeutische Bildgebung, Labordiagnostik und molekulare Medizin sowie von unseren digitalen Gesundheits- und Unternehmensdienstleistungen.

Unsere Kultur:
Unsere Unternehmenskultur schätzt verschiedene Blickwinkel, offene Diskussionen und den Willen, Konventionen in Frage zu stellen. Ständiger Wandel gehört zu unserem Arbeitsalltag. Wir wollen in unserer Branche Veränderungen vorantreiben, statt nur darauf zu reagieren. Deswegen laden wir Sie ein, sich neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen, eigene Ideen auszutesten und Erfolge zu feiern. Besuchen Sie auch unsere Karriere-Seite unter   https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/de/careers Wir legen Wert auf Diversität und Chancengleichheit und freuen uns über   Bewerbungen mit vielfältigen Hintergründen und insbesondere von Menschen mit Behinderung.
Sie möchten mehr erfahren und erste Fragen gern persönlich klären – Sprechen Sie uns an: +49 (9131) / 17 – 1717. Kontaktperson dieser Stellenausschreibung   ist  Antonia Hanke.
Wir nehmen den Schutz Ihrer Daten und die Einhaltung der DSGVO und anderer Datenschutzgesetze ernst. Deshalb bitten wir Sie, uns Ihren Lebenslauf nicht per E-Mail zu schicken. Bitte legen Sie ein Profil in unserer Talent Community an, um Ihren Lebenslauf hochzuladen. Daran erkennen wir, dass Sie an Karrieremöglichkeiten bei uns interessiert sind und können Sie zu relevanten Stellen benachrichtigen. Klicken Sie   hier , um ein Profil anzulegen.

Siemens Healthineers Deutschland wurde mit dem Zertifikat Great Place to Work® ausgezeichnet.

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Betriebswirt/in (Hochschule)

Senior Financial Data Analyst (f/m/d) Functional Procurement Controlling (Betriebswirt/in (Hochschule))


Do you want to help create the future of healthcare? Our name, Siemens Healthineers, was selected to honor our people who dedicate their energy and passion to this cause. It reflects their pioneering spirit combined with our long history of engineering in the ever-evolving healthcare industry. We offer you a flexible and dynamic environment with opportunities to go beyond your comfort zone in order to grow personally and professionally. Sound interesting?

Then come and join our team as  Senior Financial Data Analyst (f/m/d) Functional Procurement Controlling.

Choose the best place for your work – Within the scope of this position, it is possible, in consultation with your manager, to work mobile (within Germany) up to an average volume of 60% of the respective working hours .

Your tasks and responsibilities:

- You independently develop new features in our existing (low code) software tool "SCMCoRe 2.0 - Reporting & Controlling (Anaplan)". As part of a team you drive the optimization and further development in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders. You ensure sufficient technical documentation and provide customized trainings for our users
- With your digital mindset you identify and push future digitalization projects topics and automate Controlling processes by selecting, developing and implementing appropriate software applications with Anaplan®, Qlik® or PowerBI®
- You coordinate the monthly/ quarterly closing activities within our international Procurement Controlling team as well as prepare and analyze Procurement relevant information for our Management and create comprehensive evaluations and ad-hoc analyses
- You support the global Controlling Community as subject matter expert on Procurement related Reporting topics

To find out more about the specific business, have a look at  https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/products-services

Your qualifications and experience:

- You have a university degree in business administration, industrial engineering, business informatics or a comparable field of study
- You have long term experience in Business Analytics, Process Automation and/ or Reporting & Controlling
- You have a strong digital mindset, a high affinity for IT topics and very good skills in using Qlik®, Power BI®, Excel® and PowerPoint

Your attributes and skills:

- Very good German and English language skills complete your profile
- Personally, you convince through reliability, excellent team and communication skills, initiative and enthusiasm as well as motivation and your independent way of working

Our team

Siemens Healthineers is a leading global medical technology company. 71,000 dedicated colleagues in over 75 countries are driven to shape the future of healthcare. An estimated 5 million patients across the globe benefit every day from our innovative technologies and services in the areas of diagnostic and therapeutic imaging, laboratory diagnostics and molecular medicine, as well as digital health and enterprise services.

Our culture:

Our culture embraces different perspectives, open debate, and the will to challenge convention. Change is a constant aspect of our work. We aspire to lead the change in our industry rather than just react to it. That’s why we invite you to take on new challenges, test your ideas, and celebrate success.
Check our Careers Site at   https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/de/careers
As an equal opportunity employer, we welcome applications from individuals with disabilities.
Wish to find out more before applying? Contact us: +49 (9131) / 17 – 1717, if you wish to discuss any initial questions with our recruitment team. The contact person handling this job ad is
Laura Roos.

We care about your data privacy and take compliance with GDPR as well as other data protection legislation seriously. For this reason, we ask you not to send us your CV or resume by email. We ask instead that you create a profile in our talent community where you can upload your CV. Setting up a profile lets us know you are interested in career opportunities with us and makes it easy for us to send you an alert when relevant positions become open. Click  here    to get started.

Siemens Healthineers Germany was awarded the Great Place to Work® certificate.

Siemens AG

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