Post Doc Infectious Disease Epidemiologist & Modeller (m/w/d) (Facharzt/-ärztin - Mikrobiol./Virolog./Infektionsepi.)

Post Doc Infectious Disease Epidemiologist & Modeller  (m/w/d) (Facharzt/-ärztin - Mikrobiol./Virolog./Infektionsepi.) in München

Post Doc Infectious Disease Epidemiologist & Modeller (m/w/d) (Facharzt/-ärztin - Mikrobiol./Virolog./Infektionsepi.) in München, Deutschland

Job as Facharzt/-ärztin - Mikrobiol./Virolog./Infektionsepi. in München , Bayern, Deutschland

Job Description

Scope of duties

· To undertake high quality research, including contributing to drafting grant proposals;

· To contribute to peer-reviewed publications and other outputs, including as lead author;
· To make a contribution to doctoral student supervision and teaching, as appropriate to qualifications and experience;
· To conduct research using health data generated in longitudinal diagnostic accuracy cohorts to improve decision-making in the presence of uncertainty and complexity, focusing primarily on making the best choices based on available information and maximizing the use of existing data;
· To generate and apply advanced analytical methodologies to large datasets which include different types and sources of information (e.g. demographic, clinical, biological data);
· To implement analyses and triangulate evidence from different methods, such as decision and risk analysis, simulation modelling, statistical inference, and machine learning;
· To generate artificial/in-silico populations (produced by means of computer modelling or computer simulation);
· To critically interpret findings and disseminate these through high-quality academic publications, conferences and other forms of dissemination that lead to appropriate translation or impact.

Our requirements

· A postgraduate degree, ideally a doctoral degree, in a relevant topic (such as epidemiology, statistics, mathematics, or informatics);

· Excellent experience in epidemiological analyses and data science: analysing and interpreting health data using conventional and more advanced statistical methods including modelling and the generation of artificial/in-silico populations;
· Relevant experiences working with large health-related datasets;
· Excellent proficiency in R or Python;
· Good understanding of medical statistics and epidemiology and experience of presenting research results to diverse audiences;
· Contributions to written peer-reviewed output, as expected by the subject area/discipline in terms of types and volume of outputs;
· Proven ability to work independently, as well as collaboratively as part of a research team, and proven ability to meet research deadlines;
· Evidence of excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing;
· Evidence of good organizational skills, including effective time management.
·  Fluency in English is required; knowledge of German would be an advantage.

Our offer

· The Tropical Institute at LMU Klinikum (Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine) specializes in conducting clinical research in Africa.

· We work in a creative academic environment on the development and evaluation of improved therapies and diagnostics, primarily for poverty-associated infectious diseases, and conduct epidemiological studies.
· Our centre for international clinical studies evaluates new HIV and TB drugs in collaboration with African and European partners.
· We are looking for a highly motivated experienced research fellow to join our rapidly growing team at the Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine.
· The post holder will be responsible for conducting and interpreting high quality research to improving children health, in particular childhood tuberculosis, as part of an international and interdisciplinary team.
· The project aims to increase access to safe and effective tuberculosis management for children by making the best use of available data, and thus reduce TB mortality in the Global South.
· We are looking for someone who has experience of working with health data, preferably in the context of infectious diseases, and has strong analytical and modelling skills.
· The post holder will be able to complete different analytical methods using health data, such as decision and risk analysis, simulation modelling, statistical inference, computer science, and machine learning, primarily for the context of diagnostic decision making.
· The position is temporary with the possibility of extension, the post holder will be expected to relocate to Munich.
· Remuneration is based on the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Länder (TV-L) including all allowances customary in the public sector.

Start Date


Klinikum der Universität München

Marchioninistr. 15


Pettenkoferstr 8a, 80336, München, Bayern, Deutschland

Klinikum der Universität München Logo
UID | BB-66430698c16d4-66430698c16d5

Application Details

Apply Through

On Source Website

Related Jobs


Facharzt/-ärztin - Mikrobiol./Virolog./Infektionsepi.

Arzt für die reisemedizinische Ambulanz der Abteilung für Infektions- und Tropenmedizin (m/w/d) (Facharzt/-ärztin - Mikrobiol./Virolog./Infektionsepi.)


Ihr Aufgabenbereich

· Ärztliche Tätigkeit in der reisemedizinischen Sprechstunde (Reiseberatung und Impfungen)

Unsere Anforderungen

· Wir suchen einen teamfähigen und motivierten Arzt zur Mitarbeit in unserer reisemedizinischen Sprechstunde.
· Die Tätigkeit umfasst zwei Nachmittage pro Woche (Mittwoch und Donnerstag) von 15.30-19.30 Uhr.
· Sie sollten Interesse an Reise- und Tropenmedizin haben und nach Möglichkeit einen Grundkurs Reisemedizin absolviert haben.

Unser Angebot

· Sie arbeiten in einem dynamischen Team mit tropenmedizinisch-infektiologisch und reisemedizinisch erfahrener Ärzte in einer der größten tropenmedizinischen Ambulanzen Deutschlands.

· Sie erhalten Praxis-Erwerb von Kenntnissen in Reise- und Impfmedizin.
· Sie bekommen regelmäßige Fortbildungen zum Thema.
· Sie haben die Möglichkeit, kostenlos durch die Abteilung ausgerichteten Grund- und Refresherkurse der Reisemedizin teilzunehmen.
· Der Arbeitsumfang der Teilzeitstelle beträgt 6 Wochenstunden, 0.2 VK.
· Die Vergütung richtet sich nach dem Tarifvertrag für den Öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-Ärzte) einschließlich aller im Öffentlichen Dienst üblichen Zulagen.

Klinikum der Universität München

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Facharzt/-ärztin - Mikrobiol./Virolog./Infektionsepi.

Post Doc Infectious Disease Epidemiologist & Modeller (m/w/d) (Facharzt/-ärztin - Mikrobiol./Virolog./Infektionsepi.)


Scope of duties

· To undertake high quality research, including contributing to drafting grant proposals;

· To contribute to peer-reviewed publications and other outputs, including as lead author;
· To make a contribution to doctoral student supervision and teaching, as appropriate to qualifications and experience;
· To conduct research using health data generated in longitudinal diagnostic accuracy cohorts to improve decision-making in the presence of uncertainty and complexity, focusing primarily on making the best choices based on available information and maximizing the use of existing data;
· To generate and apply advanced analytical methodologies to large datasets which include different types and sources of information (e.g. demographic, clinical, biological data);
· To implement analyses and triangulate evidence from different methods, such as decision and risk analysis, simulation modelling, statistical inference, and machine learning;
· To generate artificial/in-silico populations (produced by means of computer modelling or computer simulation);
· To critically interpret findings and disseminate these through high-quality academic publications, conferences and other forms of dissemination that lead to appropriate translation or impact.

Our requirements

· A postgraduate degree, ideally a doctoral degree, in a relevant topic (such as epidemiology, statistics, mathematics, or informatics);

· Excellent experience in epidemiological analyses and data science: analysing and interpreting health data using conventional and more advanced statistical methods including modelling and the generation of artificial/in-silico populations;
· Relevant experiences working with large health-related datasets;
· Excellent proficiency in R or Python;
· Good understanding of medical statistics and epidemiology and experience of presenting research results to diverse audiences;
· Contributions to written peer-reviewed output, as expected by the subject area/discipline in terms of types and volume of outputs;
· Proven ability to work independently, as well as collaboratively as part of a research team, and proven ability to meet research deadlines;
· Evidence of excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing;
· Evidence of good organizational skills, including effective time management.
·  Fluency in English is required; knowledge of German would be an advantage.

Our offer

· The Tropical Institute at LMU Klinikum (Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine) specializes in conducting clinical research in Africa.

· We work in a creative academic environment on the development and evaluation of improved therapies and diagnostics, primarily for poverty-associated infectious diseases, and conduct epidemiological studies.
· Our centre for international clinical studies evaluates new HIV and TB drugs in collaboration with African and European partners.
· We are looking for a highly motivated experienced research fellow to join our rapidly growing team at the Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine.
· The post holder will be responsible for conducting and interpreting high quality research to improving children health, in particular childhood tuberculosis, as part of an international and interdisciplinary team.
· The project aims to increase access to safe and effective tuberculosis management for children by making the best use of available data, and thus reduce TB mortality in the Global South.
· We are looking for someone who has experience of working with health data, preferably in the context of infectious diseases, and has strong analytical and modelling skills.
· The post holder will be able to complete different analytical methods using health data, such as decision and risk analysis, simulation modelling, statistical inference, computer science, and machine learning, primarily for the context of diagnostic decision making.
· The position is temporary with the possibility of extension, the post holder will be expected to relocate to Munich.
· Remuneration is based on the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Länder (TV-L) including all allowances customary in the public sector.

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Facharzt/-ärztin - Mikrobiol./Virolog./Infektionsepi.

Arzt mit Interesse an einer Karriere als Clinician Scientist in der Infektiologie (Facharzt/-ärztin - Mikrobiol./Virolog./Infektionsepi.)


Ihr Aufgabenbereich

· Klinische Betreuung der Patient:innen in der Post-COVID Ambulanz (50% der Arbeitszeit)
· Aktive wissenschaftliche Mitwirkung an der immunologischen Post-COVID Forschungsstudie (50% der Arbeitszeit):
· Einschluss der Proband:innen
· Studienkoordination
· Probenlogistik
· Probenverarbeitung
· Durchführung immunologischer Untersuchungen im Forschungslabor

Unsere Anforderungen

· Abgeschlossenes Studium der Humanmedizin und ärztliche Approbation

· Abgeschlossene medizinische Promotion (vorzugsweise experimentell) und aktuelle Tätigkeit im universitären Umfeld (außer bei Berufsanfängern)
· Überdurchschnittliches Engagement mit Interesse für die Verbindung von Klinik und Forschung

Unser Angebot

· Wir bieten eine anregende Tätigkeit in einem hochaktuellen Gebiet der Infektiologie mit Schnittstelle zur Immunologie.
· Es erwartet Sie eine Zusammenarbeit mit einem hochmotivierten, interdisziplinären Team von Study nurses, Psycholog:innen, Psychiater:innen, Internist:innen und Infektiolog:innen, Datenmanager:innen und medizinisch technischen Assistent:innen.
· Wir bieten Ihnen einen Einstieg in das Berufsziel Clinician Scientist in der Infektiologie.
· Eine Teilnahme an Nacht- und Wochenenddiensten ist nicht vorgesehen.
· Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 1 Jahr befristet mit der Möglichkeit auf Verlängerung bzw. Wechsel in die Weiterbildung zum Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Infektiologie an der Medizinischen Klinik IV.

· Die Vergütung richtet sich nach dem Tarifvertrag für den Öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-Ärzte) einschließlich aller im Öffentlichen Dienst üblichen Zulagen.

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