PhD student position (m/f/d) (Agrarwissenschaftler/in / Agrarökonom/in)

PhD student position (m/f/d) (Agrarwissenschaftler/in / Agrarökonom/in) in Dummerstorf

PhD student position (m/f/d) (Agrarwissenschaftler/in / Agrarökonom/in) in Dummerstorf, Deutschland

Stellenangebot als Agrarwissenschaftler/in / Agrarökonom/in in Dummerstorf , Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland


Our task is to develop sustainable livestock farming in a globalized world. Resource efficiency, taking into account local and global environmental and climate impacts, is just as much a focus as the welfare and health of animals and the safety of the food derived from them. The Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) stands for innovative research in international, multidisciplinary teams and a modern research infrastructure. Our green, natural campus is just a short drive from the lively coastal city of Rostock.

The working group nutritional biochemistry in the Competence Area Nutrition and Metabolism invites - Subject to receiving final grant approval - applications for a PhD student position (m/f/d)

The position will begin on April 1, 2025 for a fixed term of 48 months.

If the personal and collective agreement requirements are met, the payment will be in accordance with the collective agreement for the federal states (TV-L), pay grade E 13 TV-L (65%).

Your Tasks:

Assistance and own qualification (doctorate) within a third-party funded project to investigate the influence of feeding seaweed on the health, feed conversion, methane and nitrogen excretion of dairy cows.

Your Qualifications:

-  Completed university degree in veterinary medicine, agricultural science, biology or a comparable field of study
- Basic knowledge of animal physiology, animal nutrition and biochemistry
- Willingness to work with dairy cows
- High level of motivation, commitment and ability to work in a team
- Initial knowledge of statistical data analysis
- Good German and English language skills

 What we offer:

-  Multifaceted and challenging research tasks in a performance‐oriented and family‐friendly environment
- Modern equipment and integration in a network of European research institutions
- Employment conditions according to the Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L)
- Assistance with formal issues while settling into the new living environment

The FBN is an internationally-oriented research institute performing basic and applied research on the biology of farmed animals. As equal opportunities and diversity are important components of our HR policy, we welcome applicants from all backgrounds. The project offers the opportunity to network with other players with regard to the cultivation, use and recycling of seaweed.

For informal inquiries, please contact Dr. Björn Kuhla (<a href="[email protected]" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">[email protected]</a>, ( +49-(0)38208-68 695).

We look forward to your application.

Please send applications (single pdf-file preferred), including a motivation letter, detailed CV, copies of diplomas and certificates, and the contact information of references to: <a href="[email protected]" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">[email protected]</a> (https://mailto:<a href="[email protected]" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">[email protected]</a>) .

Please quote the job number 2024-27 in your application.

Finally, it should be noted that we are not allowed to reimburse application or travel expenses in connection with the application. By submitting your application, you consent to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of the application procedure.

For more information about the FBN, please visit us online:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>



Erforderliche Sprachen

Forschungsinstitut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN) Stiftung des öffentl.Rechts

Björn Kuhla

Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2


Forschungsinstitut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN) Stiftung des öffentl.Rechts, Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2, 18196 Dummerstorf, Deutschland, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Forschungsinstitut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN) Stiftung des öffentl.Rechts
UID | BB-675d3e7c7fa50-675d3e7c7fa51


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Agrarwissenschaftler/in / Agrarökonom/in

PhD student position (m/f/d) (Agrarwissenschaftler/in / Agrarökonom/in)


Our task is to develop sustainable livestock farming in a globalized world. Resource efficiency, taking into account local and global environmental and climate impacts, is just as much a focus as the welfare and health of animals and the safety of the food derived from them. The Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) stands for innovative research in international, multidisciplinary teams and a modern research infrastructure. Our green, natural campus is just a short drive from the lively coastal city of Rostock.

The working group nutritional biochemistry in the Competence Area Nutrition and Metabolism invites - Subject to receiving final grant approval - applications for a PhD student position (m/f/d)

The position will begin on April 1, 2025 for a fixed term of 48 months.

If the personal and collective agreement requirements are met, the payment will be in accordance with the collective agreement for the federal states (TV-L), pay grade E 13 TV-L (65%).

Your Tasks:

Assistance and own qualification (doctorate) within a third-party funded project to investigate the influence of feeding seaweed on the health, feed conversion, methane and nitrogen excretion of dairy cows.

Your Qualifications:

-  Completed university degree in veterinary medicine, agricultural science, biology or a comparable field of study
- Basic knowledge of animal physiology, animal nutrition and biochemistry
- Willingness to work with dairy cows
- High level of motivation, commitment and ability to work in a team
- Initial knowledge of statistical data analysis
- Good German and English language skills

What we offer:

-  Multifaceted and challenging research tasks in a performance‐oriented and family‐friendly environment
- Modern equipment and integration in a network of European research institutions
- Employment conditions according to the Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L)
- Assistance with formal issues while settling into the new living environment

The FBN is an internationally-oriented research institute performing basic and applied research on the biology of farmed animals. As equal opportunities and diversity are important components of our HR policy, we welcome applicants from all backgrounds. The project offers the opportunity to network with other players with regard to the cultivation, use and recycling of seaweed.

For informal inquiries, please contact Dr. Björn Kuhla ([email protected], ( +49-(0)38208-68 695).

We look forward to your application.

Please send applications (single pdf-file preferred), including a motivation letter, detailed CV, copies of diplomas and certificates, and the contact information of references to: [email protected] (https://mailto:[email protected]) .

Please quote the job number 2024-27 in your application.

Finally, it should be noted that we are not allowed to reimburse application or travel expenses in connection with the application. By submitting your application, you consent to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of the application procedure.

For more information about the FBN, please visit us online:

Forschungsinstitut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN) Stiftung des öffentl.Rechts

Forschungsinstitut für Nutztierbiologie (FBN) Stiftung des öffentl.Rechts
Schicht Nachtarbeit Wochenende

Agrarwissenschaftler/in / Agrarökonom/in

Agrarwissenschaftler / Nutztierwissenschaftler (w/m/d) (Agrarwissenschaftler/in / Agrarökonom/in)


Die Landesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Fischerei M-V ist eine nachgeordnete Einrichtung des Ministeriums für Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft, ländliche Räume und Umwelt. Einer der vier fachlichen Bereiche der LFA ist das Institut für Tierproduktion. Hier werden schwerpunktmäßig Fragestellungen zur Nutztierhaltung bearbeitet.

Ihre Aufgaben

Wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung des Themas:  
Möglichkeiten der Nutzung von Grünlandflächen in MV durch Nutztiere, insbesondere Bewertung der Haltung von Wasserbüffeln für nachhaltige Wertschöpfungsketten
-  Aufbau eines regionalen Forschungsnetzwerkes zur Haltung und Wertschöpfung von Wasserbüffeln
-  Konzeptionelle Planung von Untersuchungen im Rahmen des Projektes
-  Koordinierung der Forschungsarbeiten mit Forschungs- und Beratungseinrichtungen sowie Fachverbänden
-  Erstellung von Fachinformationen
-  Durchführung und Moderation von Fachveranstaltungen
-  Wissenstransfer und Erstellung von Berichten für Praxis und Öffentlichkeit

Ihr Profil

-  abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Agrarwissenschaften, Tierwissenschaften, Umweltwissenschaften oder einem verwandten gleichwertigen Fachgebiet (Master)
-  nachgewiesene Erfahrungen in der Forschung und Projektarbeit im Bereich Landwirtschaft, Grünlandnutzung oder Tierhaltung
-  Teamfähigkeit und die Fähigkeit, effektiv mit verschiedenen Akteuren zusammenzuarbeiten
-  Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Forschungs- und Beratungseinrichtungen sowie Fachverbänden
-  sehr gute schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikationsfähigkeiten für die Erstellung von Fachinformationen, Berichten und die Moderation von Veranstaltungen (sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse)
-  Fähigkeit zur Analyse von Forschungsergebnissen und Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen
-  Fähigkeit, komplexe wissenschaftliche Konzepte verständlich für verschiedene Zielgruppen zu kommunizieren
-  selbständige Arbeitsweise und Eigeninitiative
-  sicherer Umgang mit MS Office-Programmen

-  Führerschein Klasse B


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