Research Specialist Analytical Development - Microbiological testing (all genders) Mainz, Germany | full time | Job ID: 8738 As a Research Specialist Analytical Development - Microbiological testing (all genders) you will be responsible for the execution and design of experiments for endotoxin, free RNA measurements based on existing, adapted or new protocols of complex formulations like LNP and LPX and others for clinical and pre-clinical projects. In addition, you will support running projects (e.g. stability studies, comparability studies). Develop, adapt, optimize and perform GMP-compliant methods, Bacterial Endotoxin Testing Assays (e.g. LAL, MAT, rFC) and electrophoresis techniques (AGE, CE) for different lipid-based nanopharmaceuticals Perform existing protocols routinely for different products as well as stability and comparability studies Data processing, evaluation, documentation of experiments, and writing of reports Development and implementation of new analytical protocols for new formulations Responsible for instruments and laboratory management Work in close cooperation with other members in the group, and interact in internal and external cooperations Completed training for a chemical/biological technical assistant/laboratory assistant or comparable qualification; Alternatively, completed degree in biology, biotechnology, biochemistry (Bachelor/Master) Several years (>3) of relevant professional experience in the laboratory Know-how in chemical, physicochemical or bioanalytical characterization approaches comprising at least one of the following methods: LAL, AGE, CE Enthusiastic team player with good communication skills in English, German is a big plus It's our priority to support you: Your flexibility: flexible hours | vacation account Your growth: Digital Learning | Performance & talent development | leadership development | Apprenticeships | LinkedIn Learning Your value: Your voice at the table | Culture on an equal footing | Opportunities to shape & impact | Support for your full potential Your health and lifestyle: Company bike Your mobility: Job ticket | Deutschlandticket Your life phases: Employer-funded pension | Childcare
تاريخ البدء
An der Goldgrube 12
التقديم عبر
Mainz am Rhein
Research Specialist Analytical Development - Microbiological testing (all genders)
Mainz, Germany | full time | Job ID: 8738
As a Research Specialist Analytical Development - Microbiological testing (all genders) you will be responsible for the execution and design of experiments for endotoxin, free RNA measurements based on existing, adapted or new protocols of complex formulations like LNP and LPX and others for clinical and pre-clinical projects. In addition, you will support running projects (e.g. stability studies, comparability studies).
Develop, adapt, optimize and perform GMP-compliant methods, Bacterial Endotoxin Testing Assays (e.g. LAL, MAT, rFC) and electrophoresis techniques (AGE, CE) for different lipid-based nanopharmaceuticals
Perform existing protocols routinely for different products as well as stability and comparability studies
Data processing, evaluation, documentation of experiments, and writing of reports
Development and implementation of new analytical protocols for new formulations
Responsible for instruments and laboratory management
Work in close cooperation with other members in the group, and interact in internal and external cooperations
Completed training for a chemical/biological technical assistant/laboratory assistant or comparable qualification; Alternatively, completed degree in biology, biotechnology, biochemistry (Bachelor/Master)
Several years (>3) of relevant professional experience in the laboratory
Know-how in chemical, physicochemical or bioanalytical characterization approaches comprising at least one of the following methods: LAL, AGE, CE
Enthusiastic team player with good communication skills in English, German is a big plus
It's our priority to support you:
Your flexibility: flexible hours | vacation account
Your growth: Digital Learning | Performance & talent development | leadership development | Apprenticeships | LinkedIn Learning
Your value: Your voice at the table | Culture on an equal footing | Opportunities to shape & impact | Support for your full potential
Your health and lifestyle: Company bike
Your mobility: Job ticket | Deutschlandticket
Your life phases: Employer-funded pension | Childcare
Mainz am Rhein
Research Specialist Analytical Development - Microbiological testing (all genders)
Mainz, Germany | full time | Job ID: 8738
As a Research Specialist Analytical Development - Microbiological testing (all genders) you will be responsible for the execution and design of experiments for endotoxin, free RNA measurements based on existing, adapted or new protocols of complex formulations like LNP and LPX and others for clinical and pre-clinical projects. In addition, you will support running projects (e.g. stability studies, comparability studies).
Develop, adapt, optimize and perform GMP-compliant methods, Bacterial Endotoxin Testing Assays (e.g. LAL, MAT, rFC) and electrophoresis techniques (AGE, CE) for different lipid-based nanopharmaceuticals
Perform existing protocols routinely for different products as well as stability and comparability studies
Data processing, evaluation, documentation of experiments, and writing of reports
Development and implementation of new analytical protocols for new formulations
Responsible for instruments and laboratory management
Work in close cooperation with other members in the group, and interact in internal and external cooperations
Completed training for a chemical/biological technical assistant/laboratory assistant or comparable qualification; Alternatively, completed degree in biology, biotechnology, biochemistry (Bachelor/Master)
Several years (>3) of relevant professional experience in the laboratory
Know-how in chemical, physicochemical or bioanalytical characterization approaches comprising at least one of the following methods: LAL, AGE, CE
Enthusiastic team player with good communication skills in English, German is a big plus
It's our priority to support you:
Your flexibility: flexible hours | vacation account
Your growth: Digital Learning | Performance & talent development | leadership development | Apprenticeships | LinkedIn Learning
Your value: Your voice at the table | Culture on an equal footing | Opportunities to shape & impact | Support for your full potential
Your health and lifestyle: Company bike
Your mobility: Job ticket | Deutschlandticket
Your life phases: Employer-funded pension | Childcare
Mainz am Rhein
GANZIMMUN Diagnostics GmbH ist ein humanmedizinisches Labor mit 430 Mitarbeitern, das seit Unternehmensgründung im Jahre 1998 stetig expandiert. Neben der labormedizinischen Routinediagnostik erbringen wir für unsere internationalen Kunden ein innovatives Dienstleistungsspektrum. Wir bieten einen anspruchsvollen Arbeitsplatz in einem dynamischen und engagierten Team, welches eine positive Arbeitsatmosphäre schätzt und pflegt.
Zur Verstärkung unseres Laborteams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Chemielaborant, CTA, BTA, B.Sc. Chemie (m/w/d). Auch andere technische Assistenten (m/w/d) sind willkommen
- selbständige Probenvorbereitung, Gerätebedienung, Messung und Auswertung nach vorgegebenen Standardarbeitsanweisungen
- Aufbereitung und Verteilung von Proben innerhalb der Abteilung
- tägliche Wartung und Reinigung der Messgeräte
- technische Validation von Messergebnissen
- Unterstützung bei der Qualitätssicherung und Durchführung interner sowie externer Qualitätskontrollen
- Gaschromatographie (Headspace-GC-MS, GC-FID)
- Elementanalyse (ICP-MS/OES)
Messungen von:
- Fettsäuren in Stuhl, Blut und Serum
- Spurenelementen in Blut, Serum und Urin
Persönliche Anforderungen:
- abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Chemielaborant, CTA, BTA, B.Sc. Chemie (m/w/d) oder vergleichbare Qualifikation
- idealerweise Erfahrung in der Gaschromatographie
- eine präzise, selbstständige und zuverlässige Arbeitsweise
- Teamfähigkeit und Engagement in einem dynamischen Umfeld
Wir bieten Ihnen:
- sehr gutes Arbeitsklima mit flachen Hierarchien
- umfassende Einarbeitung
- neueste Laborausstattung, abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit, abteilungsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit
- leistungsgerechte Vergütung inkl. Weihnachtsgeld
- unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag, 30 Tage Urlaub
- (freiwillige) betriebliche Altersvorsorge inkl. Arbeitgeberzuschuss
- Arbeitgeberzuschuss zu vermögenswirksamen Leistungen
- Deutschland-Ticket als JobTicket inkl. Arbeitgeberzuschuss
- Möglichkeit für Dienstradleasing (JobRad)
- Betriebsverpflegung mit Essenszuschuss
- Firmenfitnessprogramm mit EGYM WELLPASS
- sehr gute Verkehrsanbindung, auch für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, kostenfreier Firmenparkplatz
- elektronische Zeiterfassung, Freizeitausgleich
- Möglichkeit auf Bildschirmarbeitsplatzbrille
- Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten
- regelmäßige Firmenevents
Arbeitsort: Mainz
Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit 40 Std./Woche, Montag bis Freitag 6:00 - 14:30 Uhr (Gleitzeit)
Gehalt/Lohn: VB
zu besetzen ab: ab sofort
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