Offres d'emploi comme Product owner en Allemagne

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Offres d'emploi comme Product owner en Allemagne
Trouvez maintenant 372 offres d'emploi comme Product owner en Allemagne

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Product Owner

Process and performance Owner (M/W/D) Circle "Ende meiner Versicherung"


SIGNAL IDUNA ist einer der Top-Service-Versicherer in Deutschland. Wir bieten im Bereich Versicherungen und Finanzen alles, was Privat- und Firmenkunden brauchen. Entsprechend vielfältig ist unser Angebot an beruflichen Möglichkeiten. Mit Begeisterung und Tatendrang arbeiten wir jeden Tag hinter den Kulissen an unseren Produkten und beraten unsere Kunden direkt vor Ort. Und wir möchten noch besser werden. Mit großen Ideen. Mit motivierten Menschen. Mit Ihnen.
Dein Aufgabengebiet

Der ProAcess & Performance Owner „Ende meiner Versicherung" ist verantwortlich für die fachlichen, technischen und zu steuernden Prozesse sowie deren Funktionsfähigkeit zur Zielerreichung. Dazu stimmt er die Ausrichtung des Circles mit den Process & Performance Ownern (PPO) der anderen Circle ab und definiert, in Abstimmung mit dem Circle Lead, die vorgegebenen KPl's für die Customer Loyality Teams (CLT's) in seinem Circle. Zusätzlich ist er verantwortlich für die disziplinarische und persönliche Führung der fünf Process & Performance Manager seines Circles.
Zu deinen Aufgaben gehören folgende Punkte:
* Verantwortung für die Arbeitsergebnisse der Mitarbeiter in Bezug auf Prozesse, Planung und Steuerung (z.B. Herbeiführung eines Lastausgleiches)
* Vertretung der Interessen gegenüber den DU (Delivery Units) und Verantwortung für die kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Prozesse
* Zuständigkeit für die Qualitätssicherung und die Einsatzplanung nach dem gegebenen Forecast
* Veränderungs- und Innovationstreiber für die eigene Organisationseinheit

* verfügst über ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Betriebswirtschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder ein vergleichbares Studium bzw. eine vergleichbare berufliche Qualifikation und Erfahrung
* bringst ausgeprägtes Prozess-, Planungs- und Steuerungs-Knowhow mit
* besitzt grundlegende Kenntnisse der relevanten Kundenanliegen und fachlichen Prozesse innerhalb des Circles
* verfügst über Kenntnis agiler Methoden und bedarfsgerechte Integration dieser in den Arbeitsalltag
* hast Erfahrung in der Mitarbeiterführung gesammelt und lebst die Prinzipien von Kundenfokus, Offenheit, Transparenz und Selbstorganisation
* verfügst über ausgeprägte Analysefähigkeit, Datenaffinität sowie die Fähigkeit, Inhalte und komplizierte Prozesse stakeholderorientiert aufzubereiten und zu visualisieren
* besitzt Erfahrung in der Konzeption und strategischen Entwicklung von Themen und Prozessen unter Einbezug verschiedener Perspektiven und Anforderungen
* hast eine selbstständige, verbindliche Arbeitsweise und bist ein gut organisierter und kommunikationsstarke/r Teamplayer:in, der Menschen begeistern und Themen zielgerichtet vorantreiben kann

Bei uns
* profitierst du von einem Tarifvertrag mit einer 38 Stunden-Woche
* kannst du deinen ökologischen Fußabdruck zum Beispiel durch ein E-Bike Leasing verbessern
* kannst du jeden Tag Veränderungen mitgestalten #veränderedasjetzt
* profitierst du von flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und kannst an mindestens 2 Tagen pro Woche Zuhause oder mobil arbeiten
* kannst du 30 Tage im Jahr in der Sonne liegen oder durch die Berge wandern

SIGNAL IDUNA Krankenversicheru ng a. G.

SIGNAL IDUNA Krankenversicheru ng a. G. Logo

Product Owner

Product Owner (m/w/d) (Product Owner)

Mainz am Rhein

Die expertum Gruppe bietet technischen und kaufmännischen Fach- und Führungskräften attraktive Aufgaben und Karrierechancen in der Industrie. Für unsere Mitarbeiter sind wir ein zuverlässiger und fairer Partner - gehen Sie mit expertum den Weg zu neuen beruflichen Herausforderungen bei namhaften und wertschätzenden Kunden!

Unser Mandant gehört zu den führenden forschenden Pharmaunternehmen weltweit. Im Rhein-Main-Gebiet entwickeln und produzieren mehrere Tausend Mitarbeitende diverse innovative Arzneimittel, Wirkstoffe und Medizinprodukte für Mensch und Tier. Auch die Bereiche Vertrieb und Verwaltung sind dort verortet.

Zur Unterstützung des bestehenden Teams im Raum Mainz suchen wir schnellstmöglich Sie als Product Owner (m/w/d)

Es besteht ausdrücklich die Möglichkeit, mehrere Tage pro Woche remote von zuhause aus zu arbeiten. Regelmäßige Präsenztage sind ebenfalls angedacht.


- Sie nutzen Ihr fundiertes Wissen im Anforderungsmanagement, um Produktanforderungen zu definieren und zu priorisieren.
- Sie koordinieren die Erstellung neuer Prozesse.
- Arbeiten Sie effektiv mit funktionsübergreifenden Teams zusammen, um die Kundenbedürfnisse sicherzustellen.
- Sie leiten die Planung von neuen Product Releases.
- Es liegt in Ihrer Verantwortung die Projektmeilensteine ??und die Produkt-Roadmap sowohl an die User als auch an das Management, heranzutragen.


- Ein Master Abschluss in Natur- oder Computerwissenschaften oder ähnlich.
- Erfahrung als Product Owner oder in einer ähnlichen Rolle im Produktmanagement.
- Fundierte Kenntnisse im Anforderungsmanagement.
- Erfahrung in der Pharmaindustrie ist ein Muss.
- Eine starke Affinität zu datengetriebenen Projekten und Erfahrung in der Integration von Daten aus mehreren Quellsystemen.
- Vertrautheit mit agilen Methoden ist von Vorteil.


- Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag inkl. Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld
- Tarifliche Entlohnung nach dem GVP-Tarifvertrag sowie ggf. Branchenzuschläge
- Betriebliche Altersvorsorge
- Arbeitsplatzbezogene Weiterbildungen
- Mitarbeiter-Prämien zu besonderen Anlässen
- Vielzahl an Shopping-Rabatten
- Spannende Projekte bei wertschätzenden Kunden

Die Online-Bewerbung bei expertum dauert nur wenige Minuten. Laden Sie einfach Ihren Lebenslauf hoch, überprüfen Sie die übernommenen Daten und schicken Sie die Bewerbung ab - fertig. Alternativ können Sie uns Ihre Bewerbung auch per E-Mail zukommen lassen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

expertum GmbH

expertum GmbH Logo

Product Owner

Product Owner (m/w/d), Hamburg Zentrale (Product Owner)


Als modernes Cross-Channel-Unternehmen bieten wir in über 85 Filialen in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und in den Niederlanden sowie mit einem Versandhandel über Onlineshop und Printmedien Europas größte Einkaufswelt für Motorradbekleidung und -zubehör. Wir bieten sichere Arbeitsplätze mit guten Konditionen und ein tolles Betriebsklima. Über 2.000 teamorientierte, motivierte Mitarbeitende freuen sich auf dich. Für unsere Europazentrale in Hamburg-Allermöhe suchen wir dich ab sofort als Product Owner (m/w/d). Deine Aufgaben Festlegung der Roadmap für den Louis Onlineshop gemeinsam mit anderen Product Ownern und Stakeholdern  Aufnahme und Bewertung (bzgl. Strategy Fit und Business Value) von Anforderungen der Fachabteilungen  Stakeholder Management  Stetige Optimierung der Usability des Louis Onlineshop (,,mobile first")  Evaluierung neuer Technologien und deren Potential zur Stärkung unseres eCommerce Business  Arbeiten nach agilen Methoden (Scrum) mit Unterstützung eines Scrum Masters  Herunterbrechen der fachlichen Anforderungen in Epics, User Stories und technische Anforderungen  Pflege und Priorisierung des Team Backlog in Abstimmung mit anderen Product Ownern Verantwortung für die verlässliche Lieferung geplanter Features  Koordination eines internationalen Entwicklungsteams Dein Profil Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Wirtschaft, Informatik oder äquivalente Berufserfahrung Mindestens 3 Jahre Erfahrung als Product Owner im Online-Umfeld, vorzugsweise im eCommerce-Bereich  Starkes Verantwortungsbewusstsein und ausgeprägte Eigeninitiative zeichnen dich ebenso aus wie hohe soziale Kompetenz und gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten  Ausgeprägte analytische, strategische und koordinierende Fähigkeiten  Leadership-Einstellung und hohe Motivationsfähigkeit, um auch virtuelle Teams zu führen  Fundiertes Wissen und Verständnis von Business und Technologie zur Einschätzung der technischen Realisierbarkeit  Solides Verständnis und praktische Erfahrung mit agilen Entwicklungsmethoden  Die Tätigkeit erfordert gelegentliche internationale Reisen  Fließendes Englisch Wir bieten Duzkultur und offene Bürotüren Work-Life-Balance dank Mobile Working, flexiblen Arbeitszeiten innerhalb einer 37 Stunden Woche (Gleitzeit) und individuellen Arbeitszeitmodellen Innovative Besprechungsräume, City Office in der Hamburger Innenstadt Feste, wöchentliche Lernzeit via E-Learning, regelmäßige Learning Nuggets sowie vielfältige Kollaborationstools Individuelles Onboarding inkl. Einblick in andere Abteilungen Community Hoodie zum Start Bezahlung oder Ausgleich von Überstunden sowie 30 Tage Urlaub Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld sowie VL und BAV Gesundheitsvorsorge, JobRad, Rabatt für Mitarbeitende sowie zahlreiche Vorteile bei Partnerunternehmen (u.a. einen Louis-Haustarif bei der DEVK sowie Rabatt bei McFit und John Reed) Kantine, ausreichend Parkplätze für 2 und 4 Rad, die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel direkt vor der Tür sowie Bezuschussung des Deutschland Tickets Zum späteren Zeitpunkt im Bewerbungsprozess hast du die Möglichkeit, dein künftiges Team und deinen Arbeitsplatz persönlich kennenzulernen.   #motorradimherzen Kontakt

Detlev Louis

Detlev Louis

Product Owner

Product Owner SW-Entwicklungsprojekte (all gender) (Product Owner)



ALTEN ist überall dort, wo Technologie zum Leben erweckt wird. Du auch? Großartig, dann suchen wir genau Dich als Teil unseres neuen Software Entwicklungsteams, unserem neuen Software Delivery Center (SDC) in Coburg.

Innovative Start-up-Kultur im Großkonzern geht nicht? Geht doch! Mit ALTEN als weltweit führendem Entwicklungsdienstleister und IT Services Partner.

Für unsere Kunden vor allem aus der Automobilindustrie entsteht bei uns innovative Software, von der Architektur bis Test und Validierung.

Bei uns arbeitest du an vielfältigen Softwarelösungen für eine Welt mit Zukunft.  Genauer gesagt bedeutet diese ein hoch abwechslungsreiches Aufgabenfeld, Projektvielfalt und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten im Automotive-Software Umfeld. Schwerpunktmäßig entwickelst Du u.a. in den Bereichen AUTOSAR, E-Mobility, Autonomes Fahren, Infotainment, Connectivity und gestaltest so die Zukunft in einem starken Konzern mit. Wünschst du Dir in einem motivierten Team zu arbeiten, das nach agilen Prinzipien vorgeht? Möchtest Du das nächste Kapitel mitschreiben?



- übernimmst die Rolle des Product Owners für ein SW Produkt
- kommunizierst mit unseren internen und externen Stakeholdern auf Augenhöhe
- entwickelst mit dem Scrum Team SW Produkte, z. B. im Umfeld Embedded Software für Automotive Steuergeräte
- unterstützt unser Business Management und unsere Technical Direction in allen technischen Belangen unserer Kundenanfragen
- erklärst technische Details der Angebote in Kundenterminen
- unterstützt bei der Befähigung und Weiterentwicklung unseres ALTEN Softwareteams



- verfügst über ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik, Elektrotechnik oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation
- bist vertraut mit dem V-Modell und bereit Verantwortung in einem internationalen Team zu übernehmen
- bringst relevante Erfahrungen aus dem kompletten SW Entwicklungsprozess mit, gerne verfügst Du in einzelnen Themengebieten über vertiefte Erfahrungen
- hast signifikante Entwicklungserfahrung in agilen Frameworks
- verfügst über fließende Deutsch- und sehr gute Englischkenntnisse im internationalen Umfeld

Wir wertschätzen Vielfalt und begrüßen daher alle Bewerbungen – unabhängig von Geschlecht, Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion / Weltanschauung, Behinderung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identität.

Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Noch offene Fragen?

Dann melde dich bei mir: Dr. Liesa Weber (Tel.: +49 89 255552266)

Oder bewerbe dich jetzt über unser Online-Bewerbungsformular.

Zusätzliche Informationen

- Talent Management – wir entwickeln deine Karriere
- Work Life Balance – flexible Arbeitszeiten und mobiles Arbeiten möglich
- Fit and relaxed – mit EGYM Wellpass
- Enjoy biking - immer on tour mit Dienstradleasing
- Green Mobility – mit uns bist du vergünstigt unterwegs

…und natürlich bieten wir die üblichen Standards wie 28 Tage Urlaub, viele Events,  unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag und Corporate Benefits.

ALTEN GmbH Coburg

ALTEN GmbH Coburg Logo

Product Owner

Product Owner Retail (all gender) (Product Owner)

Nürnberg, Mittelfranken


Wir sind die Gestalter von heute für die Welt von morgen.

Als einer der weltweit führender Entwicklungsdienstleister setzen wir uns bei ALTEN dafür ein, die Zukunft unserer Partner, die Karrieren unserer Mitarbeiter und die Herausforderungen für unsere Gesellschaft und Umwelt positiv zu gestalten.

Mehr als 50.000 Mitarbeiter in 30 Ländern arbeiten schon heute an innovativen Lösungen in verschiedenen Ingenieur- und IT-Branchen wie Automobil, Luft- und Raumfahrt, erneuerbare Energien, Medizintechnik und Bahntechnik.



- bist verantwortlich für die Produktstrategie und inhaltliche Konzeption und Umsetzung unserer Produkte
- übernimmst die Anwendungen zur Organisation, Delegierung und Überprüfung von Aufgaben und Aufgabenpaketen  
- bist Retail-orientiert und besitzt das nötige Wissen Kassenanforderungen umzusetzen (technisch, rechtlich, fiskalisch)
- setzt das Big Room Planning oder ähnliche agile Portfolio-Planungen erfolgreich um
- verantwortest das Inventory Management und den Umgang mit KPI´s
- unterstützt uns beim App Development bzw. bringst Erfahrung mit mobilen Applikationen und idealerweise Sales Assistents mit



- hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation
- bringst relevante Berufserfahrung im Product Management  und Inventory Management mit
- verfügst über Wissen im Umgang mit Rollen -  und Rechte Management
- hast Erfahrung in der engen Zusammenarbeit mit Entwicklungsteams
- verfügst über konzeptionelle und analytische Fähigkeiten, sowie eine ausgeprägte Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
- hast sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift

Wir wertschätzen Vielfalt und begrüßen daher alle Bewerbungen – unabhängig von Geschlecht, Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion / Weltanschauung, Behinderung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identität.

Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Noch offene Fragen?

Dann melde dich bei mir: Sabina Omanovic-Cupina (Tel.:+49 89 255552-245).

Oder bewerbe dich jetzt über unser Online-Bewerbungsformular.

Zusätzliche Informationen

- Talent Management – wir entwickeln deine Karriere
- Work Life Balance – flexible Arbeitszeiten und mobiles Arbeiten möglich
- Fit and relaxed – mit EGYM Wellpass
- Enjoy biking – immer on tour mit Dienstradleasing
- Green Mobility – mit uns bist du vergünstigt unterwegs
- IT Communities –******  Wissensaustausch, Weiterentwicklung und Vernetzung mit Kollegen

…und natürlich bieten wir die üblichen Standards wie 28 Tage Urlaub, viele Events, unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag und Corporate Benefits.

ALTEN GmbH Coburg

ALTEN GmbH Coburg Logo

Product Owner

Product Owner – Products (m/w/d) (Product Owner)


Product Owner – Products (m/w/d) gesucht! Unser Auftraggeber, ein großes E-Commerce-Unternehmen aus Würzburg, sucht ab sofort Verstärkung in Form eines Product Owners (m/w/d) im Bereich Produkte für sein Headquarter in Würzburg.

Ein Remote-Anteil von bis zu 80 % ist hierbei möglich.


- Als Product Owner – Products (m/w/d) analysierst, priorisierst und setzt Du zusammen mit Deinem agilen Softwareentwicklungsteam Business-Anforderungen um, um Deine Produktvision voranzutreiben
- Du konzipierst innovative Features für den Online-Shop unseres Kunden und stehst in enger Abstimmung mit Stakeholdern
- Marktbeobachtung ist für Dich Alltagsgeschäft – proaktiv bringst Du Ideen zur Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung ein
- Gemeinsam mit dem Team Lead (m/w/d) übernimmst Du Verantwortung und unterstützt das Team, um es weiter auszubauen
- Probleme erkennen und identifizieren? Das beherrschst Du und löst sie pragmatisch und effizient
- Du brennst für IT-Themen und hast eine klare Vorstellung von der langfristigen Entwicklung? Perfekt, denn wir suchen jemanden mit hohem Anspruch an Leistung, Entscheidungsfreude, Visionen und Engagement


- Du hast ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Betriebswirtschaft, E-Commerce bzw. einen vergleichbaren Studienabschluss oder Ausbildung
- Du bringst bereits methodische und praktische Erfahrung als Product Owner (m/w/d) in agilen Projekten mit, bestenfalls im IT- oder E-Commerce-Umfeld
- Das Verständnis für technische Zusammenhänge bildet hier eine solide Basis für Deine Aufgaben
- Eine Zertifizierung als Scrum Product Owner (m/w/d) ist wünschenswert
- Erfahrung mit den Systemen Jira und Confluence wäre außerdem vorteilhaft
- Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift runden Dein Profil ab


- Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung und Vermögenswirksame Leistungen
- 30 Tage Urlaub pro Jahr
- Mobiles Arbeiten mit einem Remote-Anteil von bis zu 80 %
- Zahlreiche Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, u. a. in der firmeneigenen Akademie
- Ein umfangreiches betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
- Regelmäßige Firmen- und Teamevents
- Regionale und überregionale Mitarbeiterrabatte

noerr solutions GmbH Co. KG

noerr solutions GmbH Co. KG

Product Owner

Product Owner Embedded Software - Automotive (all gender) (Product Owner)



Wir sind die Gestalter von heute für die Welt von morgen.

Als einer der weltweit führender Entwicklungsdienstleister setzen wir uns bei ALTEN dafür ein, die Zukunft unserer Partner, die Karrieren unserer Mitarbeiter und die Herausforderungen für unsere Gesellschaft und Umwelt positiv zu gestalten.

Mehr als 50.000 Mitarbeiter in 30 Ländern arbeiten schon heute an innovativen Lösungen in verschiedenen Ingenieur- und IT-Branchen wie Automobil, Luft- und Raumfahrt, erneuerbare Energien, Medizintechnik und Bahntechnik.



- hast die Verantwortung für die inhaltliche Konzeption und Umsetzung von innovativen Embedded Software Produkten im Bereich Automotive
- steuerst internationale SCRUM Teams aus Softwareentwicklern und -testern
- analysierst und priorisierst Kundenanforderungen, des weiteren pflegst du Backlogs und erstellst User stories
- nimmst an diversen agilen Zeremonien teil und leitest diese gegebenenfalls
- unterstützt bei Rollouts zur Gewährleistung eines reibungslosen Ablaufes neuer Releases



- hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation
- besitzt fundierte Erfahrung im Product Management sowie im Umfeld der Automotive Steuergeräteentwicklung
- hast Erfahrung in der engen Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen  Entwicklungsteams
- bringst Erfahrungen in der Methodik Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) mit
- verfügst über sehr gute Englisch- und gute Deutschkenntnisse

Wir wertschätzen Vielfalt und begrüßen daher alle Bewerbungen – unabhängig von Geschlecht, Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion / Weltanschauung, Behinderung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identität.

Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Noch offene Fragen?

Dann melde dich bei mir: Majda Dzafic (Tel: +49 89 255552-321)

Oder bewerbe dich jetzt über unser Online-Bewerbungsformular.

Zusätzliche Informationen

- Talent Management – wir entwickeln deine Karriere
- Work Life Balance – flexible Arbeitszeiten und mobiles Arbeiten möglich
- Fit and relaxed – mit EGYM Wellpass
- Enjoy biking – immer on tour mit Dienstradleasing
- Green Mobility – mit uns bist du vergünstigt unterwegs

…und natürlich bieten wir die üblichen Standards wie 28 Tage Urlaub, viele Events, unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag und Corporate Benefits.

ALTEN GmbH Coburg

ALTEN GmbH Coburg Logo

Product Owner

Product Owner (m/w/d) Pharma (Product Owner)

Mainz am Rhein


- Ort: Mainz am Rhein
- Verfügbarkeit: ab 01.08.2024
- Option auf Übernahme: ja
- Vertragsart: unbefristet
- Beschäftigungsart: Arbeitnehmerüberlassung
- Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit (37,5 Std./Woche)
- Vergütung: liegt im außertariflichen Bereich

Für wen suchen wir

Wir suchen für unseren Kunden, einem international agierenden Industrieunternehmen im Raum Mainz-Bingen, einen Product Owner / Requirement Engineer (m/w/d) in Vollzeit.

Das bringen Sie mit

- Master's degree in Natural or Computer Sciences, or a related field
- demonstrable experience as a Product Owner or in a similar role in product management
- profound knowledge in requirement engineering
- strong affinity for data-driven projects and experience in integrating data from multiple source systems
- experience in the pharmaceutical industry is a must
- familiarity with agile is a plus
- excellent communication, presentation, and leadership skills
- excellent problem-solving, organizational, and analytical skills

Der Job

- Utilize your profound knowledge of requirement engineering to define and prioritize product requirements.
- Coordinate the creation of a globally harmonized process across various sites and units, thereby fully enhancing the value of the digital solution.
- Collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment with the company's objectives and customer needs.
- Lead the planning of product release plans, setting expectations for the delivery of new functionalities.
- Play an active role in mitigating any impediments that could impact the successful completion of Release/Sprint Goals.
- Communicate project milestones and the product roadmap to both the user community and management.


- langfristiger Einsatz bei einem renommierten Kundenunternehmen mit guten Übernahmechancen
- gute Erreichbarkeit des Kundenbetriebs, auch mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
- persönliche und partnerschaftliche Betreuung durch unsere Niederlassung
- Beratung auch zu anderen Vakanzen und Karrieremöglichkeiten falls gewünscht
- bis zu 30 Tage Urlaub
- flexible Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten bezüglich des Zeitkontos
- unkomplizierte Übermittlung Ihrer monatlichen Arbeitszeit
- Empfehlungsprämie – Mitarbeiter werben Mitarbeiter (150 Euro pro erfolgreiche Empfehlung)
- exklusive Mitarbeiterrabatte bei vielen Händlern (z.B. bei Zalando, IKEA, HelloFresh! – wechselnde Anbieter)
- kostenfreie Parkplätze
- Weihnachts- und Urlaubsgeld, vermögenswirksame Leistungen und eine betriebliche Altersvorsorge


- Befristung: Einsatz vorerst bis 31.12.2025 befristet - Option auf Übernahme ist vorhanden


Frau Sarah Jung
Office Events P & B GmbH
Freseniusstraße 29
65193 Wiesbaden

Telefon: +49 611-97164580
Fax: +49 611 9716458-8
E-Mail: [email protected]

Office Events P & B GmbH

Office Events P & B GmbH Logo

Product Owner

Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (Product Owner)


In Munich, we are looking for you to join us in a full-time permanent position starting now as Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (all genders) at Consors Finanz.

Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay.


How do you imagine working at a bank? Probably not like this: at BNP Paribas, everyone is on first-name terms and we wear the clothes we feel good in. We live diversity, team spirit and sustainability. At BNP Paribas, you will find a secure job, plenty of space for your ideas and a suitable professional solution for your individual life situation. Your potential is limitless - and so are your development opportunities. We don't give empty promises, we convince with action: we - that's around 183,000 employees in 63 countries. We are the leading bank in the European Union. We are the "world’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance 2022" (Euromoney). We are Top Employer 2024. We are: The Bank for a Changing World.


- You support the entire application lifecycle for Consors Finanz applications (concept, design, test, release and support).
- You work closely with lead developer, application managers and enterprise architect to define the technical solution for new features.
- You supervise and control the external developers during sprints.
- You ensure governance of tiers providers.
- You are responsible for the troubleshooting and the debugging to optimize performance and stability.
- You define IT strategy refining from Business strategy.
- You take over the hierarchical management of the development team.


- Operational experience in IT develepment, with past projects available to demonstrate this proficiency
- Knowledge of Core banking system, DMS and external software integration
- Understand complex business and functional requirements and produce technical specification
- Experience with Cloud environment is a plus
- Experience in building and ensuring respect of a budget
- Familiarity with agile development concepts (SCRUM)
- Fluent in English, ability to communicate in German is a plus

You don't meet every criterion? No problem, you are more than welcome to apply anyway. It is important for us that you can develop and grow in this position.

Diversity is a strength for us. We are convinced of the numerous advantages of diverse perspectives, experiences and competencies. Our aim is therefore to select candidates in an unbiasedly and open-mindedly: Your CV should contain information on your education and work experience - that's all we need. You can find out more about our D&I commitment here.


- Mobile working possible - 2 days in the office, 3 days at home
- Modern workplace with a feel-good atmosphere (height-adjustable desks, colour-, light- and acoustic concept, etc.
- Communication at eye level
- A wide range of training and development opportunities, including external
- (Inter-)national career prospects at the BNP Paribas Group
- Subsidy for public transport, car and bike leasing
- Support for your family life - with the services of benefitatwork and voiio
- Company pension scheme
- Corporate benefits (for more than 1,500 well-known providers)
- 30+ vacation days


Apply now, in only 5 minutes.Please send us your application documents exclusively via our online portal. Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications by email or on paper for the protection of your data.


From investment banking, vehicle leasing and real estate consulting to insurances, private banking and financing - the range of products and services BNP Paribas offer is very diversified. To ensure the highest level of expertise and the best service for our private, corporate and institutional clients in each individual business area, BNP Paribas in Germany is organized in twelve business lines: this makes the Bank a strong partner, even in times of crisis and rapid change. This is what almost 6,000 employees in Germany stand for. This is what six million private clients and around 5,000 corporate and institutional clients in Germany rely on.

About Consors Finanz BNP Paribas

In Germany and Austria, our 1,500 employees work in five locations: Berlin, Braunschweig, Duisburg, Munich and Vienna. Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay. Whether dynamic credit lines, individual financing or customizable card products - with digital banking from Consors Finanz, our customers take their liquidity into their own hands. In doing so, we rely on innovative technologies, the highest security standards, and responsible lending. In this way, we are actively forming the future of digital payment and financing - for our more than two million customers and 12,000 retail partners.

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

Product Owner

Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (Product Owner)


In Munich, we are looking for you to join us in a full-time permanent position starting now as Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (all genders) at Consors Finanz.

Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay.


How do you imagine working at a bank? Probably not like this: at BNP Paribas, everyone is on first-name terms and we wear the clothes we feel good in. We live diversity, team spirit and sustainability. At BNP Paribas, you will find a secure job, plenty of space for your ideas and a suitable professional solution for your individual life situation. Your potential is limitless - and so are your development opportunities. We don't give empty promises, we convince with action: we - that's around 183,000 employees in 63 countries. We are the leading bank in the European Union. We are the "world’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance 2022" (Euromoney). We are Top Employer 2024. We are: The Bank for a Changing World.


- You support the entire application lifecycle for Consors Finanz applications (concept, design, test, release and support).
- You work closely with lead developer, application managers and enterprise architect to define the technical solution for new features.
- You supervise and control the external developers during sprints.
- You ensure governance of tiers providers.
- You are responsible for the troubleshooting and the debugging to optimize performance and stability.
- You define IT strategy refining from Business strategy.
- You take over the hierarchical management of the development team.


- Operational experience in IT develepment, with past projects available to demonstrate this proficiency
- Knowledge of Core banking system, DMS and external software integration
- Understand complex business and functional requirements and produce technical specification
- Experience with Cloud environment is a plus
- Experience in building and ensuring respect of a budget
- Familiarity with agile development concepts (SCRUM)
- Fluent in English, ability to communicate in German is a plus

You don't meet every criterion? No problem, you are more than welcome to apply anyway. It is important for us that you can develop and grow in this position.

Diversity is a strength for us. We are convinced of the numerous advantages of diverse perspectives, experiences and competencies. Our aim is therefore to select candidates in an unbiasedly and open-mindedly: Your CV should contain information on your education and work experience - that's all we need. You can find out more about our D&I commitment here.


- Mobile working possible - 2 days in the office, 3 days at home
- Modern workplace with a feel-good atmosphere (height-adjustable desks, colour-, light- and acoustic concept, etc.
- Communication at eye level
- A wide range of training and development opportunities, including external
- (Inter-)national career prospects at the BNP Paribas Group
- Subsidy for public transport, car and bike leasing
- Support for your family life - with the services of benefitatwork and voiio
- Company pension scheme
- Corporate benefits (for more than 1,500 well-known providers)
- 30+ vacation days


Apply now, in only 5 minutes.Please send us your application documents exclusively via our online portal. Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications by email or on paper for the protection of your data.


From investment banking, vehicle leasing and real estate consulting to insurances, private banking and financing - the range of products and services BNP Paribas offer is very diversified. To ensure the highest level of expertise and the best service for our private, corporate and institutional clients in each individual business area, BNP Paribas in Germany is organized in twelve business lines: this makes the Bank a strong partner, even in times of crisis and rapid change. This is what almost 6,000 employees in Germany stand for. This is what six million private clients and around 5,000 corporate and institutional clients in Germany rely on.

About Consors Finanz BNP Paribas

In Germany and Austria, our 1,500 employees work in five locations: Berlin, Braunschweig, Duisburg, Munich and Vienna. Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay. Whether dynamic credit lines, individual financing or customizable card products - with digital banking from Consors Finanz, our customers take their liquidity into their own hands. In doing so, we rely on innovative technologies, the highest security standards, and responsible lending. In this way, we are actively forming the future of digital payment and financing - for our more than two million customers and 12,000 retail partners.

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

Product Owner

Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (Product Owner)


In Munich, we are looking for you to join us in a full-time permanent position starting now as Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (all genders) at Consors Finanz.

Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay.


How do you imagine working at a bank? Probably not like this: at BNP Paribas, everyone is on first-name terms and we wear the clothes we feel good in. We live diversity, team spirit and sustainability. At BNP Paribas, you will find a secure job, plenty of space for your ideas and a suitable professional solution for your individual life situation. Your potential is limitless - and so are your development opportunities. We don't give empty promises, we convince with action: we - that's around 183,000 employees in 63 countries. We are the leading bank in the European Union. We are the "world’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance 2022" (Euromoney). We are Top Employer 2024. We are: The Bank for a Changing World.


- You support the entire application lifecycle for Consors Finanz applications (concept, design, test, release and support).
- You work closely with lead developer, application managers and enterprise architect to define the technical solution for new features.
- You supervise and control the external developers during sprints.
- You ensure governance of tiers providers.
- You are responsible for the troubleshooting and the debugging to optimize performance and stability.
- You define IT strategy refining from Business strategy.
- You take over the hierarchical management of the development team.


- Operational experience in IT develepment, with past projects available to demonstrate this proficiency
- Knowledge of Core banking system, DMS and external software integration
- Understand complex business and functional requirements and produce technical specification
- Experience with Cloud environment is a plus
- Experience in building and ensuring respect of a budget
- Familiarity with agile development concepts (SCRUM)
- Fluent in English, ability to communicate in German is a plus

You don't meet every criterion? No problem, you are more than welcome to apply anyway. It is important for us that you can develop and grow in this position.

Diversity is a strength for us. We are convinced of the numerous advantages of diverse perspectives, experiences and competencies. Our aim is therefore to select candidates in an unbiasedly and open-mindedly: Your CV should contain information on your education and work experience - that's all we need. You can find out more about our D&I commitment here.


- Mobile working possible - 2 days in the office, 3 days at home
- Modern workplace with a feel-good atmosphere (height-adjustable desks, colour-, light- and acoustic concept, etc.
- Communication at eye level
- A wide range of training and development opportunities, including external
- (Inter-)national career prospects at the BNP Paribas Group
- Subsidy for public transport, car and bike leasing
- Support for your family life - with the services of benefitatwork and voiio
- Company pension scheme
- Corporate benefits (for more than 1,500 well-known providers)
- 30+ vacation days


Apply now, in only 5 minutes.Please send us your application documents exclusively via our online portal. Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications by email or on paper for the protection of your data.


From investment banking, vehicle leasing and real estate consulting to insurances, private banking and financing - the range of products and services BNP Paribas offer is very diversified. To ensure the highest level of expertise and the best service for our private, corporate and institutional clients in each individual business area, BNP Paribas in Germany is organized in twelve business lines: this makes the Bank a strong partner, even in times of crisis and rapid change. This is what almost 6,000 employees in Germany stand for. This is what six million private clients and around 5,000 corporate and institutional clients in Germany rely on.

About Consors Finanz BNP Paribas

In Germany and Austria, our 1,500 employees work in five locations: Berlin, Braunschweig, Duisburg, Munich and Vienna. Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay. Whether dynamic credit lines, individual financing or customizable card products - with digital banking from Consors Finanz, our customers take their liquidity into their own hands. In doing so, we rely on innovative technologies, the highest security standards, and responsible lending. In this way, we are actively forming the future of digital payment and financing - for our more than two million customers and 12,000 retail partners.

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

Product Owner

Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (Product Owner)


In Munich, we are looking for you to join us in a full-time permanent position starting now as Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (all genders) at Consors Finanz.

Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay.


How do you imagine working at a bank? Probably not like this: at BNP Paribas, everyone is on first-name terms and we wear the clothes we feel good in. We live diversity, team spirit and sustainability. At BNP Paribas, you will find a secure job, plenty of space for your ideas and a suitable professional solution for your individual life situation. Your potential is limitless - and so are your development opportunities. We don't give empty promises, we convince with action: we - that's around 183,000 employees in 63 countries. We are the leading bank in the European Union. We are the "world’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance 2022" (Euromoney). We are Top Employer 2024. We are: The Bank for a Changing World.


- You support the entire application lifecycle for Consors Finanz applications (concept, design, test, release and support).
- You work closely with lead developer, application managers and enterprise architect to define the technical solution for new features.
- You supervise and control the external developers during sprints.
- You ensure governance of tiers providers.
- You are responsible for the troubleshooting and the debugging to optimize performance and stability.
- You define IT strategy refining from Business strategy.
- You take over the hierarchical management of the development team.


- Operational experience in IT develepment, with past projects available to demonstrate this proficiency
- Knowledge of Core banking system, DMS and external software integration
- Understand complex business and functional requirements and produce technical specification
- Experience with Cloud environment is a plus
- Experience in building and ensuring respect of a budget
- Familiarity with agile development concepts (SCRUM)
- Fluent in English, ability to communicate in German is a plus

You don't meet every criterion? No problem, you are more than welcome to apply anyway. It is important for us that you can develop and grow in this position.

Diversity is a strength for us. We are convinced of the numerous advantages of diverse perspectives, experiences and competencies. Our aim is therefore to select candidates in an unbiasedly and open-mindedly: Your CV should contain information on your education and work experience - that's all we need. You can find out more about our D&I commitment here.


- Mobile working possible - 2 days in the office, 3 days at home
- Modern workplace with a feel-good atmosphere (height-adjustable desks, colour-, light- and acoustic concept, etc.
- Communication at eye level
- A wide range of training and development opportunities, including external
- (Inter-)national career prospects at the BNP Paribas Group
- Subsidy for public transport, car and bike leasing
- Support for your family life - with the services of benefitatwork and voiio
- Company pension scheme
- Corporate benefits (for more than 1,500 well-known providers)
- 30+ vacation days


Apply now, in only 5 minutes.Please send us your application documents exclusively via our online portal. Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications by email or on paper for the protection of your data.


From investment banking, vehicle leasing and real estate consulting to insurances, private banking and financing - the range of products and services BNP Paribas offer is very diversified. To ensure the highest level of expertise and the best service for our private, corporate and institutional clients in each individual business area, BNP Paribas in Germany is organized in twelve business lines: this makes the Bank a strong partner, even in times of crisis and rapid change. This is what almost 6,000 employees in Germany stand for. This is what six million private clients and around 5,000 corporate and institutional clients in Germany rely on.

About Consors Finanz BNP Paribas

In Germany and Austria, our 1,500 employees work in five locations: Berlin, Braunschweig, Duisburg, Munich and Vienna. Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay. Whether dynamic credit lines, individual financing or customizable card products - with digital banking from Consors Finanz, our customers take their liquidity into their own hands. In doing so, we rely on innovative technologies, the highest security standards, and responsible lending. In this way, we are actively forming the future of digital payment and financing - for our more than two million customers and 12,000 retail partners.

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

Product Owner

Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (Product Owner)


In Munich, we are looking for you to join us in a full-time permanent position starting now as Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (all genders) at Consors Finanz.

Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay.


How do you imagine working at a bank? Probably not like this: at BNP Paribas, everyone is on first-name terms and we wear the clothes we feel good in. We live diversity, team spirit and sustainability. At BNP Paribas, you will find a secure job, plenty of space for your ideas and a suitable professional solution for your individual life situation. Your potential is limitless - and so are your development opportunities. We don't give empty promises, we convince with action: we - that's around 183,000 employees in 63 countries. We are the leading bank in the European Union. We are the "world’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance 2022" (Euromoney). We are Top Employer 2024. We are: The Bank for a Changing World.


- You support the entire application lifecycle for Consors Finanz applications (concept, design, test, release and support).
- You work closely with lead developer, application managers and enterprise architect to define the technical solution for new features.
- You supervise and control the external developers during sprints.
- You ensure governance of tiers providers.
- You are responsible for the troubleshooting and the debugging to optimize performance and stability.
- You define IT strategy refining from Business strategy.
- You take over the hierarchical management of the development team.


- Operational experience in IT develepment, with past projects available to demonstrate this proficiency
- Knowledge of Core banking system, DMS and external software integration
- Understand complex business and functional requirements and produce technical specification
- Experience with Cloud environment is a plus
- Experience in building and ensuring respect of a budget
- Familiarity with agile development concepts (SCRUM)
- Fluent in English, ability to communicate in German is a plus

You don't meet every criterion? No problem, you are more than welcome to apply anyway. It is important for us that you can develop and grow in this position.

Diversity is a strength for us. We are convinced of the numerous advantages of diverse perspectives, experiences and competencies. Our aim is therefore to select candidates in an unbiasedly and open-mindedly: Your CV should contain information on your education and work experience - that's all we need. You can find out more about our D&I commitment here.


- Mobile working possible - 2 days in the office, 3 days at home
- Modern workplace with a feel-good atmosphere (height-adjustable desks, colour-, light- and acoustic concept, etc.
- Communication at eye level
- A wide range of training and development opportunities, including external
- (Inter-)national career prospects at the BNP Paribas Group
- Subsidy for public transport, car and bike leasing
- Support for your family life - with the services of benefitatwork and voiio
- Company pension scheme
- Corporate benefits (for more than 1,500 well-known providers)
- 30+ vacation days


Apply now, in only 5 minutes.Please send us your application documents exclusively via our online portal. Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications by email or on paper for the protection of your data.


From investment banking, vehicle leasing and real estate consulting to insurances, private banking and financing - the range of products and services BNP Paribas offer is very diversified. To ensure the highest level of expertise and the best service for our private, corporate and institutional clients in each individual business area, BNP Paribas in Germany is organized in twelve business lines: this makes the Bank a strong partner, even in times of crisis and rapid change. This is what almost 6,000 employees in Germany stand for. This is what six million private clients and around 5,000 corporate and institutional clients in Germany rely on.

About Consors Finanz BNP Paribas

In Germany and Austria, our 1,500 employees work in five locations: Berlin, Braunschweig, Duisburg, Munich and Vienna. Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay. Whether dynamic credit lines, individual financing or customizable card products - with digital banking from Consors Finanz, our customers take their liquidity into their own hands. In doing so, we rely on innovative technologies, the highest security standards, and responsible lending. In this way, we are actively forming the future of digital payment and financing - for our more than two million customers and 12,000 retail partners.

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

Product Owner

Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (Product Owner)


In Munich, we are looking for you to join us in a full-time permanent position starting now as Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (all genders) at Consors Finanz.

Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay.


How do you imagine working at a bank? Probably not like this: at BNP Paribas, everyone is on first-name terms and we wear the clothes we feel good in. We live diversity, team spirit and sustainability. At BNP Paribas, you will find a secure job, plenty of space for your ideas and a suitable professional solution for your individual life situation. Your potential is limitless - and so are your development opportunities. We don't give empty promises, we convince with action: we - that's around 183,000 employees in 63 countries. We are the leading bank in the European Union. We are the "world’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance 2022" (Euromoney). We are Top Employer 2024. We are: The Bank for a Changing World.


- You support the entire application lifecycle for Consors Finanz applications (concept, design, test, release and support).
- You work closely with lead developer, application managers and enterprise architect to define the technical solution for new features.
- You supervise and control the external developers during sprints.
- You ensure governance of tiers providers.
- You are responsible for the troubleshooting and the debugging to optimize performance and stability.
- You define IT strategy refining from Business strategy.
- You take over the hierarchical management of the development team.


- Operational experience in IT develepment, with past projects available to demonstrate this proficiency
- Knowledge of Core banking system, DMS and external software integration
- Understand complex business and functional requirements and produce technical specification
- Experience with Cloud environment is a plus
- Experience in building and ensuring respect of a budget
- Familiarity with agile development concepts (SCRUM)
- Fluent in English, ability to communicate in German is a plus

You don't meet every criterion? No problem, you are more than welcome to apply anyway. It is important for us that you can develop and grow in this position.

Diversity is a strength for us. We are convinced of the numerous advantages of diverse perspectives, experiences and competencies. Our aim is therefore to select candidates in an unbiasedly and open-mindedly: Your CV should contain information on your education and work experience - that's all we need. You can find out more about our D&I commitment here.


- Mobile working possible - 2 days in the office, 3 days at home
- Modern workplace with a feel-good atmosphere (height-adjustable desks, colour-, light- and acoustic concept, etc.
- Communication at eye level
- A wide range of training and development opportunities, including external
- (Inter-)national career prospects at the BNP Paribas Group
- Subsidy for public transport, car and bike leasing
- Support for your family life - with the services of benefitatwork and voiio
- Company pension scheme
- Corporate benefits (for more than 1,500 well-known providers)
- 30+ vacation days


Apply now, in only 5 minutes.Please send us your application documents exclusively via our online portal. Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications by email or on paper for the protection of your data.


From investment banking, vehicle leasing and real estate consulting to insurances, private banking and financing - the range of products and services BNP Paribas offer is very diversified. To ensure the highest level of expertise and the best service for our private, corporate and institutional clients in each individual business area, BNP Paribas in Germany is organized in twelve business lines: this makes the Bank a strong partner, even in times of crisis and rapid change. This is what almost 6,000 employees in Germany stand for. This is what six million private clients and around 5,000 corporate and institutional clients in Germany rely on.

About Consors Finanz BNP Paribas

In Germany and Austria, our 1,500 employees work in five locations: Berlin, Braunschweig, Duisburg, Munich and Vienna. Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay. Whether dynamic credit lines, individual financing or customizable card products - with digital banking from Consors Finanz, our customers take their liquidity into their own hands. In doing so, we rely on innovative technologies, the highest security standards, and responsible lending. In this way, we are actively forming the future of digital payment and financing - for our more than two million customers and 12,000 retail partners.

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

Product Owner

Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (Product Owner)


In Munich, we are looking for you to join us in a full-time permanent position starting now as Technical Product Owner/IT Tribe Lead (all genders) at Consors Finanz.

Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay.


How do you imagine working at a bank? Probably not like this: at BNP Paribas, everyone is on first-name terms and we wear the clothes we feel good in. We live diversity, team spirit and sustainability. At BNP Paribas, you will find a secure job, plenty of space for your ideas and a suitable professional solution for your individual life situation. Your potential is limitless - and so are your development opportunities. We don't give empty promises, we convince with action: we - that's around 183,000 employees in 63 countries. We are the leading bank in the European Union. We are the "world’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance 2022" (Euromoney). We are Top Employer 2024. We are: The Bank for a Changing World.


- You support the entire application lifecycle for Consors Finanz applications (concept, design, test, release and support).
- You work closely with lead developer, application managers and enterprise architect to define the technical solution for new features.
- You supervise and control the external developers during sprints.
- You ensure governance of tiers providers.
- You are responsible for the troubleshooting and the debugging to optimize performance and stability.
- You define IT strategy refining from Business strategy.
- You take over the hierarchical management of the development team.


- Operational experience in IT develepment, with past projects available to demonstrate this proficiency
- Knowledge of Core banking system, DMS and external software integration
- Understand complex business and functional requirements and produce technical specification
- Experience with Cloud environment is a plus
- Experience in building and ensuring respect of a budget
- Familiarity with agile development concepts (SCRUM)
- Fluent in English, ability to communicate in German is a plus

You don't meet every criterion? No problem, you are more than welcome to apply anyway. It is important for us that you can develop and grow in this position.

Diversity is a strength for us. We are convinced of the numerous advantages of diverse perspectives, experiences and competencies. Our aim is therefore to select candidates in an unbiasedly and open-mindedly: Your CV should contain information on your education and work experience - that's all we need. You can find out more about our D&I commitment here.


- Mobile working possible - 2 days in the office, 3 days at home
- Modern workplace with a feel-good atmosphere (height-adjustable desks, colour-, light- and acoustic concept, etc.
- Communication at eye level
- A wide range of training and development opportunities, including external
- (Inter-)national career prospects at the BNP Paribas Group
- Subsidy for public transport, car and bike leasing
- Support for your family life - with the services of benefitatwork and voiio
- Company pension scheme
- Corporate benefits (for more than 1,500 well-known providers)
- 30+ vacation days


Apply now, in only 5 minutes.Please send us your application documents exclusively via our online portal. Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications by email or on paper for the protection of your data.


From investment banking, vehicle leasing and real estate consulting to insurances, private banking and financing - the range of products and services BNP Paribas offer is very diversified. To ensure the highest level of expertise and the best service for our private, corporate and institutional clients in each individual business area, BNP Paribas in Germany is organized in twelve business lines: this makes the Bank a strong partner, even in times of crisis and rapid change. This is what almost 6,000 employees in Germany stand for. This is what six million private clients and around 5,000 corporate and institutional clients in Germany rely on.

About Consors Finanz BNP Paribas

In Germany and Austria, our 1,500 employees work in five locations: Berlin, Braunschweig, Duisburg, Munich and Vienna. Consors Finanz BNP Paribas stands for financial self-determination in every life situation. We focus on financing, payment and insurance solutions that can be flexibly adapted to our customers' ability to pay. Whether dynamic credit lines, individual financing or customizable card products - with digital banking from Consors Finanz, our customers take their liquidity into their own hands. In doing so, we rely on innovative technologies, the highest security standards, and responsible lending. In this way, we are actively forming the future of digital payment and financing - for our more than two million customers and 12,000 retail partners.

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

BNP Paribas S.A. NL Deutschland

Affichage de 15 sur 372 résultats au total