Biologe, MTA, CTA - Vertrieb, Medizintechnik (m/w/d)

Biologe, MTA, CTA - Vertrieb, Medizintechnik (m/w/d) in Regensburg

Biologe, MTA, CTA - Vertrieb, Medizintechnik (m/w/d) à Regensburg, Deutschland

Emploi comme Biologe/Biologin à Regensburg , Bayern, Deutschland

Description du poste | Jobbörse Arbeitsagentur

Über uns

ZYTOMICS mit dem Schwerpunkt In-vitro-Diagnostik vereint unter einem Dach Zytomed Systems GmbH, ZytoVision GmbH, 42 life sciences GmbH & Co. KG, Diagomics SAS, ZytoMax GmbH und ZytoMax Schweiz GmbH.

Als führender Hersteller und Anbieter eines sich ständig weiterentwickelnden und umfassenden Portfolios an klinischen Krebsdiagnostikprodukten ist es unser Ziel und unsere Aufgabe, Pathologen in öffentlichen Einrichtungen und privaten Laboren mit Produkten, Lösungen und Fachwissen auszustatten, die sie für eine präzise und zuverlässige Krebsdiagnose benötigen.

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir für die Zytomed Systems je einen:

Biologe, Chemiker, BTA, MTA als Sales Manager - Medizintechnik (m⁠/⁠w⁠/⁠d)

In dieser Schlüsselposition bist Du maßgeblich an der Betreuung und Erweiterung unseres Kundenstamms beteiligt. Dein Ziel ist es, unsere Kunden optimal zu betreuen, Kundenbindungen zu festigen sowie unsere hochspezialisierten Produkte zu präsentieren und erfolgreich zu vermarkten. Du wirst mindestens drei Tage pro Woche direkt bei unseren Kunden vor Ort sein und somit eine entscheidende Rolle für den Erfolg unseres Unternehmens spielen.
Umsatzverantwortung für die Zielregion: Du übernimmst die Verantwortung für die Umsatzziele in Deinem Vertriebsgebiet (insbesondere für Süd in München, Nürnberg, Regensburg für West in Frankfurt, Bonn, Köln)
Aktive und eigenverantwortliche Kundenbetreuung: Du betreust unsere bestehenden Kunden eigenständig und baust langfristige Kundenbeziehungen auf
Überzeugende Produktpräsentation: Du präsentierst unsere anspruchsvolle Produktpalette für die Pathologie auf überzeugende Weise
Angebotserstellung und Vertragsverhandlungen: Du erstellst Angebote, nimmst an Ausschreibungen teil und führst Vertragsverhandlungen durch
Neukundenakquisition: Du gewinnst neue Kunden zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung Deines Verkaufsgebietes
Fachliche Unterstützung der Kunden: Du unterstützt unsere Kunden fachlich in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Produktmanagement
Markt- und Wettbewerbsbeobachtung: Du beobachtest den Markt und die Wettbewerber und leitest daraus Handlungsempfehlungen ab
Unternehmensrepräsentation: Du repräsentierst unser Unternehmen bei Veranstaltungen und Kongressen
Workshops und Trainings: Du führst Workshops für ÄrztInnen und Laborpersonal durch, z.B. Produkttrainings und Fortbildungen
Ausbildung: Du bist nach Deinem erfolgreich abgeschlossenen naturwissenschaftlichen Studium (Biologie, Chemie, o.ä.) oder Deiner Ausbildung z.B. als BTA, MTA, CTA auf dem Sprung in die Medizintechnik-Industrie
Vertrieb: Du hast große Lust "on tour" zu sein, innovative Produkte zu verkaufen, liebst den Austausch mit Menschen und bist erfolgsorientiert. Auch als Naturwissenschaftler, der sich als Quereinsteiger in dieses Gebiet einarbeiten will, bist Du willkommen
Professionalität: Du bist stark in der Kommunikation und stellst den Kunden in den Mittelpunkt
Eigenmotivation: Du verfügst über eine hohe Eigenmotivation, selbstständige und strukturierte Arbeitsweise
Sprachkenntnisse: Du hast sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
Individuelles Onboarding: Ein maßgeschneidertes Onboarding mit einer intensiven, individuellen Einarbeitung und einem Schulungsprogramm, das Dich auf Deine Aufgaben vorbereitet
Zukunftsorientierte Aufgabe: Eine interessante, zukunftsorientierte Aufgabe in einem international erfolgreichen und wachsenden Unternehmen
Langfristige Perspektive: Ein unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag und eine attraktive Vergütung
Wertschätzende Führungskultur: Eine wertschätzende Führungskultur und ein respektvolles Miteinander
Teamarbeit: Zusammenarbeit mit hochqualifizierten Fachkräften und Wissenschaftlern in einem professionellen, ambitionierten Team
Urlaubsregelung: 30 Tage Jahresurlaub, Heiligabend und Silvester sind arbeitsfrei
Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Bundesagentur für Arbeit


Date de début


Zytomed Systems GmbH

93047, Regensburg, Bayern, Deutschland

Zytomed Systems GmbH
UID | BB-66dbc52b8ac02-66dbc52b8ac03
Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Détails de la candidature

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Bundesagentur für Arbeit

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PhD Student Biology - Immunobiology, Systemic Cancer (m/f/d)


With more than 20,000 students, University of Regensburg is an innovative and interdisciplinary campus university with diverse research activities and a broad range of courses for young people from Germany and abroad. At the Chair of Experimental Medicine and Therapy Research ( ) in the research group Immunobiology of early systemic cancer, a position is available for a PhD Candidate (m/f/d) starting on January 1, 2025.

This temporary employment is for the purpose of academic qualification (doctorate) with a contract duration of 3 years (§2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG). Employment and salary for the offered position will be based upon the collective regulations defined for the German public service sector (TV-L). We are seeking a dedicated researcher with a strong interest in the immunobiology of early systemic cancer for a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In this role, you will study immune and organ defense mechanisms in early metastasis, focusing on melanoma and breast cancer.

Leveraging patient samples, advanced patient-derived models and single-cell omics technologies, you will investigate the early interactions between cancer cells and metastatic niches in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Your research will focus on how cancer cells evade immune suppression and niche-specific defenses. By analyzing these mechanisms, you will contribute to identifying therapeutic targets that extend clinical latency and restore the body's natural defense against metastasis.
a Master's degree (or equivalent) in biology, biochemistry, biomedicine, or a closely related field
a profound interest in the (immuno-) biology of cancer and metastasis
a creative mindset combined with a highly organized and precise way to conduct experiments
a passion for discovering the unknown, paired with a resilient and persistent personality
enthusiasm for learning and developing new technologies
the ability to work both independently and as well as collaboratively in a multidisciplinary and international team
hands-on expertise with basic cellular, immunological and molecular techniques
excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills

an opportunity to work at the interface of immunology and cancer, one of the most exciting and rapidly advancing areas biomedical research
to become part of an internationally acknowledged research group on cancer metastasis
a motivating and dynamic working environment with flat hierarchies
access to a well-structured, interdisciplinary PhD program within the framework of the local graduate schools (RIGeL, BioMediGS)
a fixed-term contract for a period of 3 years with direct supervision by experienced scientists
the University of Regensburg is particularly committed to support the reconciliation of work and family life. For more information please refer to

Universität Regensburg

Universität Regensburg


Naturwissenschaftlicher Doktorand / Naturwissenschaftliche Doktorandin (m/w/d)


## Stellenausschreibung

## der Universität Regensburg | Nummer 24.265

Die Universität Regensburg ist mit über 20.000 Studierenden eine innovative und interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Campus-Universität mit vielseitigen und hochrenommierten Forschungsaktivitäten und einem breiten und attraktiven Studienangebot für junge Menschen aus dem In- und Ausland. Am Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Zellbiologie steht die Erforschung der Pathophysiologie von Erkrankungen der Niere im Fokus. Im Teilprojekt A7 des Transregio374-Forschungsverbundes ( befassen wir uns mit den zellulären Ursachen von zwei genetischen Nierenerkrankungen. Unser Ziel ist es herauszufinden, auf welche Weise bestimmte Funktionen in sogenannten proximalen Tubuluszellen der Niere gestört werden, welche Signalwege für eine Vernarbung des Gewebes verantwortlich sind und wie sich möglicherweise der Krankheitsverlauf günstig beeinflussen lässt.  Dort ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine Stelle als

# Naturwissenschaftlicher Doktorand /

Naturwissenschaftliche Doktorandin (m/w/d)

in Teilzeit (26 Stunden pro Woche) für das Teilprojekt "A7 des TRR 374“ bis zum

31. Dezember 2026 zu besetzen. Eine Verlängerung wird angestrebt. Die Vergütung erfolgt nach TV-L EG 13 (65%).

**Ihre Aufgaben:**

- Beteiligung an der Planung und Durchführung von Experimenten (z.B. Zellkultur, Molekularbiologie, Mikroskopie, Elektrophysiologie, Tierexperimente)
- Datenanalyse und Mitarbeit bei der Manuskripterstellung
- Betreuung von Bachelorstudenten und Beteiligung an der Lehre

**Unsere Anforderungen:**

- Motivation und Begeisterungsfähigkeit für biomedizinische Forschung
- Master-Abschluss oder Staatsexamen (Biologie, Molekulare Medizin, Pharmazie, Veterinärmedizin, Biochemie oder verwandte Fächer)
- Teamfähigkeit
- Gute Englischkenntnisse

**Wir bieten Ihnen:**

- Mitarbeit in einem engagierten, kollegialen Team
- Ein stimulierendes und dynamisches Nierenforschungsumfeld im Transregio 374 mit der Möglichkeit der frühen nationalen und internationalen Vernetzung
- Teilnahme an dem Promotionsprogramm der Graduiertenschule RIGeL
([]( und an RENPro, dem Early-Career-Programm des Transregio 374
- Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an Forschungs- und Tagungsreisen und zielgerichtete Förderung und Entwicklung der eigenen Karriere
- Familienfreundliche Strukturen

Die Universität Regensburg strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Die Universität Regensburg setzt sich besonders für die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf ein (nähere Informationen unter [](

Bei im Wesentlichen gleicher Eignung werden schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber bevorzugt eingestellt. Bitte weisen Sie auf eine vorliegende Schwerbehinderung ggf. bereits in der Bewerbung hin.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir Kosten, die bei einem etwaigen Vorstellungsgespräch für Sie anfallen sollten, nicht übernehmen können.

Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Herrn Prof. Dr. Richard Warth (E-Mail: [[email protected]](https://mailto:[email protected])/Telefon: 0941 943-2894). Wir freuen uns auf Ihre ausführliche Bewerbung, die Sie bitte in einer PDF-Datei bis zum **31. Oktober 2024** per E-Mail an [[email protected]](https://mailto:[email protected]) senden.

Hinweise zum Datenschutz finden Sie unter


Universität Regensburg Land Bayern

Universität Regensburg Land Bayern


PhD Student Biology - Immunobiology, Systemic Cancer (m/f/d)


With more than 20,000 students, University of Regensburg is an innovative and interdisciplinary campus university with diverse research activities and a broad range of courses for young people from Germany and abroad. At the Chair of Experimental Medicine and Therapy Research ( ) in the research group Immunobiology of early systemic cancer, a position is available for a PhD Candidate (m/f/d) starting on January 1, 2025.

This temporary employment is for the purpose of academic qualification (doctorate) with a contract duration of 3 years (§2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG). Employment and salary for the offered position will be based upon the collective regulations defined for the German public service sector (TV-L). We are seeking a dedicated researcher with a strong interest in the immunobiology of early systemic cancer for a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In this role, you will study immune and organ defense mechanisms in early metastasis, focusing on melanoma and breast cancer.

Leveraging patient samples, advanced patient-derived models and single-cell omics technologies, you will investigate the early interactions between cancer cells and metastatic niches in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Your research will focus on how cancer cells evade immune suppression and niche-specific defenses. By analyzing these mechanisms, you will contribute to identifying therapeutic targets that extend clinical latency and restore the body's natural defense against metastasis.
a Master's degree (or equivalent) in biology, biochemistry, biomedicine, or a closely related field
a profound interest in the (immuno-) biology of cancer and metastasis
a creative mindset combined with a highly organized and precise way to conduct experiments
a passion for discovering the unknown, paired with a resilient and persistent personality
enthusiasm for learning and developing new technologies
the ability to work both independently and as well as collaboratively in a multidisciplinary and international team
hands-on expertise with basic cellular, immunological and molecular techniques
excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills

an opportunity to work at the interface of immunology and cancer, one of the most exciting and rapidly advancing areas biomedical research
to become part of an internationally acknowledged research group on cancer metastasis
a motivating and dynamic working environment with flat hierarchies
access to a well-structured, interdisciplinary PhD program within the framework of the local graduate schools (RIGeL, BioMediGS)
a fixed-term contract for a period of 3 years with direct supervision by experienced scientists
the University of Regensburg is particularly committed to support the reconciliation of work and family life. For more information please refer to

Universität Regensburg

Universität Regensburg


PhD Student Biology - Immunobiology, Systemic Cancer (m/f/d)


With more than 20,000 students, University of Regensburg is an innovative and interdisciplinary campus university with diverse research activities and a broad range of courses for young people from Germany and abroad. At the Chair of Experimental Medicine and Therapy Research ( ) in the research group Immunobiology of early systemic cancer, a position is available for a PhD Candidate (m/f/d) starting on January 1, 2025.

This temporary employment is for the purpose of academic qualification (doctorate) with a contract duration of 3 years (§2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG). Employment and salary for the offered position will be based upon the collective regulations defined for the German public service sector (TV-L). We are seeking a dedicated researcher with a strong interest in the immunobiology of early systemic cancer for a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In this role, you will study immune and organ defense mechanisms in early metastasis, focusing on melanoma and breast cancer.

Leveraging patient samples, advanced patient-derived models and single-cell omics technologies, you will investigate the early interactions between cancer cells and metastatic niches in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Your research will focus on how cancer cells evade immune suppression and niche-specific defenses. By analyzing these mechanisms, you will contribute to identifying therapeutic targets that extend clinical latency and restore the body's natural defense against metastasis.
a Master's degree (or equivalent) in biology, biochemistry, biomedicine, or a closely related field
a profound interest in the (immuno-) biology of cancer and metastasis
a creative mindset combined with a highly organized and precise way to conduct experiments
a passion for discovering the unknown, paired with a resilient and persistent personality
enthusiasm for learning and developing new technologies
the ability to work both independently and as well as collaboratively in a multidisciplinary and international team
hands-on expertise with basic cellular, immunological and molecular techniques
excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills

an opportunity to work at the interface of immunology and cancer, one of the most exciting and rapidly advancing areas biomedical research
to become part of an internationally acknowledged research group on cancer metastasis
a motivating and dynamic working environment with flat hierarchies
access to a well-structured, interdisciplinary PhD program within the framework of the local graduate schools (RIGeL, BioMediGS)
a fixed-term contract for a period of 3 years with direct supervision by experienced scientists
the University of Regensburg is particularly committed to support the reconciliation of work and family life. For more information please refer to

Universität Regensburg

Universität Regensburg


PhD Student Biology - Immunobiology, Systemic Cancer (m/f/d)


With more than 20,000 students, University of Regensburg is an innovative and interdisciplinary campus university with diverse research activities and a broad range of courses for young people from Germany and abroad. At the Chair of Experimental Medicine and Therapy Research ( ) in the research group Immunobiology of early systemic cancer, a position is available for a PhD Candidate (m/f/d) starting on January 1, 2025.

This temporary employment is for the purpose of academic qualification (doctorate) with a contract duration of 3 years (§2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG). Employment and salary for the offered position will be based upon the collective regulations defined for the German public service sector (TV-L). We are seeking a dedicated researcher with a strong interest in the immunobiology of early systemic cancer for a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In this role, you will study immune and organ defense mechanisms in early metastasis, focusing on melanoma and breast cancer.

Leveraging patient samples, advanced patient-derived models and single-cell omics technologies, you will investigate the early interactions between cancer cells and metastatic niches in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Your research will focus on how cancer cells evade immune suppression and niche-specific defenses. By analyzing these mechanisms, you will contribute to identifying therapeutic targets that extend clinical latency and restore the body's natural defense against metastasis.
a Master's degree (or equivalent) in biology, biochemistry, biomedicine, or a closely related field
a profound interest in the (immuno-) biology of cancer and metastasis
a creative mindset combined with a highly organized and precise way to conduct experiments
a passion for discovering the unknown, paired with a resilient and persistent personality
enthusiasm for learning and developing new technologies
the ability to work both independently and as well as collaboratively in a multidisciplinary and international team
hands-on expertise with basic cellular, immunological and molecular techniques
excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills

an opportunity to work at the interface of immunology and cancer, one of the most exciting and rapidly advancing areas biomedical research
to become part of an internationally acknowledged research group on cancer metastasis
a motivating and dynamic working environment with flat hierarchies
access to a well-structured, interdisciplinary PhD program within the framework of the local graduate schools (RIGeL, BioMediGS)
a fixed-term contract for a period of 3 years with direct supervision by experienced scientists
the University of Regensburg is particularly committed to support the reconciliation of work and family life. For more information please refer to

Universität Regensburg

Universität Regensburg


PhD Student Biology - Immunobiology, Systemic Cancer (m/f/d)


With more than 20,000 students, University of Regensburg is an innovative and interdisciplinary campus university with diverse research activities and a broad range of courses for young people from Germany and abroad. At the Chair of Experimental Medicine and Therapy Research ( ) in the research group Immunobiology of early systemic cancer, a position is available for a PhD Candidate (m/f/d) starting on January 1, 2025.

This temporary employment is for the purpose of academic qualification (doctorate) with a contract duration of 3 years (§2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG). Employment and salary for the offered position will be based upon the collective regulations defined for the German public service sector (TV-L). We are seeking a dedicated researcher with a strong interest in the immunobiology of early systemic cancer for a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In this role, you will study immune and organ defense mechanisms in early metastasis, focusing on melanoma and breast cancer.

Leveraging patient samples, advanced patient-derived models and single-cell omics technologies, you will investigate the early interactions between cancer cells and metastatic niches in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Your research will focus on how cancer cells evade immune suppression and niche-specific defenses. By analyzing these mechanisms, you will contribute to identifying therapeutic targets that extend clinical latency and restore the body's natural defense against metastasis.
a Master's degree (or equivalent) in biology, biochemistry, biomedicine, or a closely related field
a profound interest in the (immuno-) biology of cancer and metastasis
a creative mindset combined with a highly organized and precise way to conduct experiments
a passion for discovering the unknown, paired with a resilient and persistent personality
enthusiasm for learning and developing new technologies
the ability to work both independently and as well as collaboratively in a multidisciplinary and international team
hands-on expertise with basic cellular, immunological and molecular techniques
excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills

an opportunity to work at the interface of immunology and cancer, one of the most exciting and rapidly advancing areas biomedical research
to become part of an internationally acknowledged research group on cancer metastasis
a motivating and dynamic working environment with flat hierarchies
access to a well-structured, interdisciplinary PhD program within the framework of the local graduate schools (RIGeL, BioMediGS)
a fixed-term contract for a period of 3 years with direct supervision by experienced scientists
the University of Regensburg is particularly committed to support the reconciliation of work and family life. For more information please refer to

Universität Regensburg

Universität Regensburg


PhD Student Biology - Immunobiology, Systemic Cancer (m/f/d)


With more than 20,000 students, University of Regensburg is an innovative and interdisciplinary campus university with diverse research activities and a broad range of courses for young people from Germany and abroad. At the Chair of Experimental Medicine and Therapy Research ( ) in the research group Immunobiology of early systemic cancer, a position is available for a PhD Candidate (m/f/d) starting on January 1, 2025.

This temporary employment is for the purpose of academic qualification (doctorate) with a contract duration of 3 years (§2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG). Employment and salary for the offered position will be based upon the collective regulations defined for the German public service sector (TV-L). We are seeking a dedicated researcher with a strong interest in the immunobiology of early systemic cancer for a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In this role, you will study immune and organ defense mechanisms in early metastasis, focusing on melanoma and breast cancer.

Leveraging patient samples, advanced patient-derived models and single-cell omics technologies, you will investigate the early interactions between cancer cells and metastatic niches in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Your research will focus on how cancer cells evade immune suppression and niche-specific defenses. By analyzing these mechanisms, you will contribute to identifying therapeutic targets that extend clinical latency and restore the body's natural defense against metastasis.
a Master's degree (or equivalent) in biology, biochemistry, biomedicine, or a closely related field
a profound interest in the (immuno-) biology of cancer and metastasis
a creative mindset combined with a highly organized and precise way to conduct experiments
a passion for discovering the unknown, paired with a resilient and persistent personality
enthusiasm for learning and developing new technologies
the ability to work both independently and as well as collaboratively in a multidisciplinary and international team
hands-on expertise with basic cellular, immunological and molecular techniques
excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills

an opportunity to work at the interface of immunology and cancer, one of the most exciting and rapidly advancing areas biomedical research
to become part of an internationally acknowledged research group on cancer metastasis
a motivating and dynamic working environment with flat hierarchies
access to a well-structured, interdisciplinary PhD program within the framework of the local graduate schools (RIGeL, BioMediGS)
a fixed-term contract for a period of 3 years with direct supervision by experienced scientists
the University of Regensburg is particularly committed to support the reconciliation of work and family life. For more information please refer to

Universität Regensburg

Universität Regensburg


PhD Student Biology - Immunobiology, Systemic Cancer (m/f/d)


With more than 20,000 students, University of Regensburg is an innovative and interdisciplinary campus university with diverse research activities and a broad range of courses for young people from Germany and abroad. At the Chair of Experimental Medicine and Therapy Research ( ) in the research group Immunobiology of early systemic cancer, a position is available for a PhD Candidate (m/f/d) starting on January 1, 2025.

This temporary employment is for the purpose of academic qualification (doctorate) with a contract duration of 3 years (§2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG). Employment and salary for the offered position will be based upon the collective regulations defined for the German public service sector (TV-L). We are seeking a dedicated researcher with a strong interest in the immunobiology of early systemic cancer for a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In this role, you will study immune and organ defense mechanisms in early metastasis, focusing on melanoma and breast cancer.

Leveraging patient samples, advanced patient-derived models and single-cell omics technologies, you will investigate the early interactions between cancer cells and metastatic niches in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Your research will focus on how cancer cells evade immune suppression and niche-specific defenses. By analyzing these mechanisms, you will contribute to identifying therapeutic targets that extend clinical latency and restore the body's natural defense against metastasis.
a Master's degree (or equivalent) in biology, biochemistry, biomedicine, or a closely related field
a profound interest in the (immuno-) biology of cancer and metastasis
a creative mindset combined with a highly organized and precise way to conduct experiments
a passion for discovering the unknown, paired with a resilient and persistent personality
enthusiasm for learning and developing new technologies
the ability to work both independently and as well as collaboratively in a multidisciplinary and international team
hands-on expertise with basic cellular, immunological and molecular techniques
excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills

an opportunity to work at the interface of immunology and cancer, one of the most exciting and rapidly advancing areas biomedical research
to become part of an internationally acknowledged research group on cancer metastasis
a motivating and dynamic working environment with flat hierarchies
access to a well-structured, interdisciplinary PhD program within the framework of the local graduate schools (RIGeL, BioMediGS)
a fixed-term contract for a period of 3 years with direct supervision by experienced scientists
the University of Regensburg is particularly committed to support the reconciliation of work and family life. For more information please refer to

Universität Regensburg

Universität Regensburg